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Integrate. Automate. eXLerateTM

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Presentation on theme: "Integrate. Automate. eXLerateTM"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrate. Automate. eXLerateTM

2 About KS2 IBM Business Partner in metroplex for more than 10 years.
About KS2 IBM Business Partner in metroplex for more than 10 years. IBM iSeries value added reseller. Vertical market expertise in Homebuilding/ Construction and Manufacturing/Distribution. Experience with large packaged applications including: JD Edwards – OneWorld and World, Oracle. Custom e-commerce/web solutions and training. Custom Excel solutions and training.

3 10+ years financial and operational reporting experience
About the speaker Principal Consultant 10+ years financial and operational reporting experience JD Edwards World/OneWorld and other ERP package experience. Experienced with Access, Essbase, Crystal Reports and other reporting tools Excel 2000/XP, SQL, VB/VBA programmer

4 Goals for Today

5 Show the possibilities of integrating the best
Goals for Today Show the possibilities of integrating the best spreadsheet tool with the best e-business server. Checklist of software you will need to integrate Excel with the iSeries. Overview of sample reporting application. Step through the sample application in detail. Refine the sample application. Q&A

6 Software Checklist Client Software: Server Software:
Software Checklist Client Software: iSeries Access for Windows when installing for the first time, make sure the ODBC and OLE DB Provider is checked. - There are also VB wizards and tools you can install and play with. - No license required for the odbc/ole db components. Install latest PTF to client Excel (Excel 97 will also work, but we don’t support) Latest Excel SP (service pack) from Microsoft Latest MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) – this has the core odbc/ado drivers Currently 2.8 Server Software: Make sure latest ptf’s are applied on iSeries.

7 Overview of Application
Overview of Application When opening the workbook, it will prompt you to enable macros. If it does not, you may need to change your macro security. Tools | Macro | Security

8 Overview of Application
Overview of Application

9 Step Through the Application
Step Through the Application Named Ranges: Insert | Named | Define - best practice used for grouping like cells to- gether so they can be referred to easily – ie. instead of C4 – rngDatabase. IBMDA400 is a special string that the OLE DB provider recognizes as an IBM AS/400 datasource. Machine Name: iSeries ip address or machine name – this is where the data resides. SQL Statement: this is the SQL statement that will be passed onto the iSeries. Note: the & is the concatenator in Excel – this formula is stringing cells together from down below Output: this is a named range being used for the starting point (cell) of the data that is returned from the query.

10 Step Through the Application
Step Through the Application Standard SQL statement: SELECT: determines the fields to be included in the query FROM: choose the library/file to pick the fields from WHERE: filter based on one or more conditions. This example is selecting all months from a GL Trial Balance file where the fiscal year = 2002. This statement is referenced in cell C6 for processing in the macro. Note: we only picked 1 file in this example. Normally, you will pick the transaction and do some “look ups” in the master file.

11 Step Through the Application
Step Through the Application Command Button: View | Toolbars | Forms. This command button is used to launch the macros. You can assign the button to a macro by right-clicking it and then choosing assign macro. There are 2 types of controls – the “old” forms controls that have been around since the early days of Excel and the visual basic controls – View | Toolbars | Visual Basic. The forms controls are easier to work with when you are just getting started. As you advance, you will use the visual basic controls more often.

12 Step Through the Application
Step Through the Application To get here: ALT+F11 or Tools | Macros | Visual Basic Editor Left Pane: shows the sheets and modules/forms/classes Right Pane: where you enter and edit/debug code.

13 Step Through the Application
Step Through the Application Set a reference to the ADO 2.x library so that the ADO objects can be used in your code

14 Step Through the Application
Step Through the Application Sub GetData() = name of the subroutine Dim xxxx as xxxxxx = declaring variables objFields – field object used for storing the field names rsRecords – recordset object used for storing the recordset returned from the iSeries. strSQL – string used to store the SQL statement lngOffset – used for storing the spreadsheet column position for the field titles lngColumn – used for storing the spreadsheet column position for the field values in each row. lngRow – used for storing the spreadsheet row position for the field values in each row.

15 Step Through the Application
Step Through the Application Objects: items in the application that you can program. Methods: what you do to the objects (action) Properties: attributes of objects Analogy: Noun (Objects) , Verbs (Methods), Adjectives (Properties) Note: the named ranges are being pulled in from the spreadsheet and used like a variable. (ie. Range(“rngDatabase”).Value = IBMDA400).

16 Step Through the Application
Step Through the Application To use (create an instance) of the recordset object, need to first set it. Once set, open the recordset by passing in the SQL statement, connection info, type of cursor, and type of command Next, add field headers by starting at named range “Output”. Loop through each field and return it to the spreadsheet. Resize and bold the font for the field titles

17 Step Through the Application
Step Through the Application Set the starting row = 1 Loop through the recordset until the end of file is reached (EOF). If not at the end of the file then Loop through each field value in the record and print the current value to the proper cell in the spreadsheet. Next field value Advance the row counter Otherwise, the end of file (EOF) has been reached and notify the user Move to the next record

18 Step Through the Application
Step Through the Application Close the recordset Free up the memory that was used for the recordset. Finished!

19 Refine the Application
Refine the Application Add controls so that the SQL statement can be dynamic.

20 Refine the Application
Refine the Application Update the formula in B12 to pickup the selections.

21 Refine the Application
Refine the Application Create another dropdown for the account #’s.

22 Refine the Application
Refine the Application Update the formula in B12 to pickup the new selection.

23 Finalizing the Application
Finalizing the Application Move the controls to the main reporting sheet.

24 Terminology VBA: Visual Basic for Applications: programming language used primarily in the MS Office suite. (It has been licensed to other apps.) VB: Visual Basic: programming language that is easy to learn and runs on the Microsoft platform. ODBC: Open DataBase Connectivity: database access standard created by Microsoft that is widely used in many different applications. Easy to use with no programming required OLE DB Provider: Object Linking and Embedding Database Provider– system level programming interface for accessing all types of data. ADO: ActiveX Data Objects: an application programming interface created by Microsoft to universally access data. Requires user written code that can be stored in Office macros. SQL: Structured Query Language: a programming language that is used to read, write, and update database tables/files.

25 Resources Books: SQL at Work – MC Press
Resources Books: SQL at Work – MC Press Excel 2002/2003 – Wrox Publishing Links:

26 4425 W. Airport Freeway Suite 550 Irving, Texas 75062
Contact Information Eric Kuefler KS2 Technologies, Inc. 4425 W. Airport Freeway Suite 550 Irving, Texas 75062 x213

27 Thank You!!!

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