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Dr. Gankam Tambo Erick United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) e/merge 2012 Open to Change Framework for virtual.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Gankam Tambo Erick United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) e/merge 2012 Open to Change Framework for virtual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Gankam Tambo Erick United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) e/merge 2012 Open to Change Framework for virtual seminar involving remote experts from the diaspora and students in institutions of higher education in Africa

2 Plan Background Problem- und Requirements Analysis State of the Art Conceptual solution Prototypical Implementation Summary and Outlook 2

3 Background Lack of human Ressource in Institution of Higher Education (HE) Supervision of Student Increasing number of graduates Continious Migration of African professionals 3 Globalisation and Brain drain

4 Tele-communication Power supply Internet Acces to internet „Low Cost“ Hardware Background Lack of Infrastructure Living standard 4 Social context

5 B ACKGROUND 5 Diaspora-Experts High qualified migrants Willingness to contribute to the development of the continent Development of Informations- und Communication Technologie (ICT) Web 2.0 Online-Offline Arbeit „Brain Drain“ as a global problem In the home countries (Africa) In the migration countries International actors and institutions of the developement cooporation

6 Knowledge transfer from the north to the south Background Diaspora Expertise ICT Didactic Diaspora Computer Supported Collaborative Work/Learning 6

7 Aims Use of Diaspora to improve capacity in institutions of HE in Africa Goals Blended Learning Virtual Seminar (VS) Solution Consideration of the socio-technical context in Africa Challenge 7

8 Plan Background Problem- und Requirements Analysis Method Requirements State of the Art Conceptual solution Prototypical Implementation Summary and Outlook 8

9 Problem- and Requirements Analysis (Cameroon) Phase 3: Interpretation of results and deduction of requirements Phase 2: Empirical research for the analysis of the socio- technical context and the state of the Art Observation of VS Seminar Interview with involved stakeholders Adaptation of the initial model Phase1: Design of a Virtual Seminar (VS) model 9

10 Requirements of stakeholders Mobility; Offline Work Infrastructur; Personal Virtual Environment; Model of supervision Supervisor Students University Leadership Problem- and Requirements Analysis (Cameroon) 10

11 Plan Background Problem- und Requirements Analysis State of the Art Conceptual solution Prototypical Implementation Summary and Outlook 11

12 Requirements Beitrag State of the Art 12 Missing appropiated Technical solution General method for VS Cooperative scripts LMS eDidactic Required resources LMS - Module Save and Update State of the Art Integration of the Diaspora Expertise Support of the educational Staff (Didactic, Process) Appropriated Virtual Environment Didactic Infrastructur FamiliarTools (Experte) Mobility und Offline work

13 Plan Background Problem- und Requirements Analysis State of the Art Conceptual solution Didactical Model Process Model Architecture of the technical system Prototypical Implementation Summary and Outlook 13

14 Introduction to the scientific work Acquisition of soft skills Collaborative Writing of a scientific paper in form of a Proceedings-Bands Conceptual Solution – Didactical Model Independent and complete educational unit based on the model of VS in Germany Organisation of students in face 2 face group on campus Remote supervisor (Diaspora Expert): responsible for the knowlege transfer Lokale supervisor : responsible for organisational processes on Campus Blended Learning Virtual Seminar Goals 14

15 Communication, Interaction, Evaluation, Participation, Supervision, Motivation, etc. Conceptual Solution – Didactical Model Asynchronous Interaction betwween the remote experts and the stakeholders in campus Intra- und Intergroup regulation and control (Peer Review) based on templates with instructions Preparation of didactical template for the involved stakeholders (Guidelines, Example, instructions, etc) Evaluation based on students report Stadardization and formalization of the processes Approaches Compenents of the didactical model 15

16 Conceptual Solution – Process Model, Instructional design Instruction design: Systematic approach for the development, deployment, evaluation of computer supported learning /teaching interactions Script: Specification of teaching and learning sequence in a didacical scenario IMS LD Specification: Level A: Data-model using on theater-Metaphor for the modeling of educational process Level B und C extend the Model with concepts as conditions, Characteristics, Notification for the support of complex process XML Schema  Archive, Instantiation und running off Limited support of services 16

17 Conceptual Solution – Process model Phase of the Virtual Seminar ScriptIMS LD Learning Design VS 17 Pre- Play Contact and networking Preparation of the didactical unit (VS) Play Introduction Structuring the paper Writing of the paper Preparation Presentation Evaluation Post- Play Final Evaluation

18 Conceptual Solution – Process Model 18

19 Process oriented : Specification of insructions of the process User centered : Composition of services (online Widgets) of the learning environment by the user Script + PLE = Script Based PLE Flexibility resp. Mobility of the user Offline work (Desktop Widgets) Rich Mobile Learning Environment Distributed Environment : Selection and composition of Services Participatives Learning (Web 2.0) “Light” Applications resp. Widgets for Services Personal Learning Environement (PLE) Conceptual Solution – Architecture of the Technical System 19

20 Conceptual Solution – Architecture of the technical System Component of the system 20 Learning Design Runtime Environment Personal Learning Environment Rich Mobile Learning Client Learning Design Authoring Environment

21 Plan Background Problem- und Requirements Analysis State of the Art Conceptual solution Prototypical Implementation Summary and Outlook 21

22 Personal Learning Environment Prototypical Implementation of the Component of the Systems Components of the system 22 Learning Design Runtime Environment Rich Mobile Learning Client Learning Design Authoring Environment ….. …. ….

23 Plan Background Problem- und Requirements Analysis State of the Art Conceptual solution Prototypical Implementation Summary and Outlook 23

24 Blended Learning VS Appropriated didactical Modell Framework for the instructional design Extension of the IMS LD – Script based Personal Learning Environment (Instruction design, Widgets) – Rich Mobile Learning Clients RequirementsSolution Summary and Outlook 24 Adaptation of the solution Community of Practice Integration of the Diaspora Expertise Support of the educational Staff (Didactic, Process) Appropriated Virtual Environment Didactic Infrastructur FamiliarTools (Experte) Mobility und Offline work

25 UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY Hermann-Ehlers-Str. 10 53113 Bonn, Germany Tel.: + 49-228-815-0259 Fax: + 49-228-815-0299 e-mail: For further information “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

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