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Customer contractor Sociologic Research on Awareness of Industrial Property Protection Possibilities December, 2013.

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1 customer contractor Sociologic Research on Awareness of Industrial Property Protection Possibilities December, 2013

2 2 methodology

3 3 Research methodology Market and public opinion research company “Spinter tyrimai” during the period December 12th – 28th, 2013, carried out resident and business entity survey in Lithuania.  Research objective Evaluate the size of society aware of the industrial property protection possibilities.  Research Method For resident survey: standardized CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview). For business entities: standardized CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview). Standardized interview is carried out by professional interviewer. He/She leads the conversation with the respondent following prepared questions and marking the answers in the questionnaire.  Research location All country.  Target group Residents and business entities in Lithuania aged 18–75.  Sample size 1762 respondents in total: 1009 residents and 753 business entities.  Sampling method Quota sampling applying type of respondent quota.  Data analysis Data analysis was performed using SPSS/PC statistical program. Report presents general distribution (percentages) of the answers, and distribution by social-demographical characteristics (see Appendixes).

4 4 Statistical error It is impossible to entirely avoid the sampling error in any quantitative research that uses sampling; therefore, it is necessary to take it into consideration while interpreting the data. E.g., after surveying 1009 respondents if we find out that 12,9% of respondents are aware of invention, brand and industrial design protection possibilities, than there is 95 percent probability that the real value is between 10,6% and 15,2%. The precision of the estimation is directly associated with the number of analyzed cases. The table below is helpful in estimating the statistical error. %%%%% 3510152025304050 979590858075706050 N 1003. 2002. 3002. 4001. 500 6501. 7501. 1000 20000.

5 Social-demographic Characteristics of Respondents (%) Residents Gender Age Education Pajamos namų ūkio nariui per mėnesį Occupation Marital status Place of residence 5

6 Social-demographic Characteristics of Respondents (%) Business entities Gender Age Size of the company Field of business Place of business 6

7 7 research results

8 Awareness of inventions, brands and industrial design protection possibilities (%) Do you know / have you heard of inventions, brands and industrial design protection possibilities? 8 N=1007 N=753 N=251 N=253 N=1009 N=750 N=752 N=751 Business entities Residents Invention, brand and industrial design protection options are more often known to respondents with the highest education, the highest income interviewees, residents of the biggest cities and also respresentatives of the largest companies (more than 1000 employees).

9 Intentions to register inventions, brands and industrial design (%) Would you register inventions, brands and industrial design to protect them? 9 N=1007 N=753 N=251 N=253 N=1009 N=750 N=752 N=751 Business entities Residents Respondents with the highest education, the highest income representatives, residents of the biggest cities, and the largest companies (over 100 employees) tend to register invention, brand, and industrial design more often.

10 Place to register inventions, brands and industrial design (%) If you had to register inventions, brands and industrial design, where would you turn to? 10 20132012201320112010201220112010 Business entitiesResidents N=752N=751N=1009N=1007N=251N=253N=753N=750 Generally, opinion on this matter was more often expressed by the most educated respondents. State Patent Bureau was more often mentioned by the most educated respondents, the highest income representatives, residents of the biggest cities, the largest companies (over 100 employees), and also by business entities working in the field of trade and manufacturing. “Registrų centras” - by the least educated interviewees.

11 Awareness of information provided by State Patent Bureau and its public educational tools (%) Have you noticed information provided by State Patent Bureau and its public educational tools regarding the protection of inventions, brands and design? 11 N=1007 N=753 N=251 N=253 N=1009 N=750 N=752 N=751 Business entities Residents The State Patent Bureau information and its public educational tools were more often noticed by the highest education representatives, the highest income respondents.

12 Awareness of inventions, brands and industrial design legal protection possibilities in Europe (%) Do you know / have you heard that there is a possibility to obtain protection of inventions, brands and industrial design in whole Europe? 12 N=1007 N=753 N=251 N=253 N=1009 N=750 N=752 N=751 Business entities Residents The possibility to obtain the protection of inventions, brands, and industrial design in whole Europe is more often known to the most educated respondents, the highest income representatives, residents of the biggest cities, and also companies working in the fields of trade and manufacturing.

13 The need to improve the work of State Patent Bureau was expressed more often by the companies doing business in the field of trade and manufacturing. The need for improvements in State Patent Bureau actions (%) Do the actions of State Patent Bureau need improvements? (If yes) what actions of State Patent Bureau need improvement? 13 N=1007 N=753 N=251 N=253 N=1009 N=750 N=752 N=751 Business entities Residents Possible improvements ResidentsFreq. Spread more information 18 resp. Educate the public, promote their rights 6 resp. More advertising, articles 5 resp. More integrity 4 resp. Reduce bureaucracy 3 resp. More information about patenting procedures 2 resp. Improve customer service2 resp. Reduce “the piracy”; inform about expected patent auctions; promote the mass production of good inventions; expand the boundaries of patent protection; improve the quality of services 1 resp. Business entitiesFreq. Provide more information 38 resp. More timeliness, shorten the procedures24 resp. More information on the internet16 resp. Make the processes simpler13 resp. More publicity7 resp. Make the registration simpler5 resp. Educate business representatives5 resp. Reduce bureaucracy4 resp. More responsibility; more procedures in virtual environment; closer monitoring; lower the charges; lower the prices of services 3 resp. Improve documentation procedures; strengthen the protection and guaranties; more complaisance 2 resp.

14 Channels of information about the protection of intellectual property (%) What ways would be the most suitable to present the information about the protection of intellectual property to public? 14 N=1009 20132012201320112010201220112010 N=1007N=251 Business entitiesResidents N=253N=753N=750N=752N=751 * Multiple answer option; sum exceeds 100% TV, radio broadcasts were more often mentioned by the lowest income research participants. Articles in newspapers, magazines – by smaller cities residents. Seminars, conferences, exhibitions, lectures – by the most educated respondents, interviewees with the highest income, and residents of the biggest cities.

15 Usage of State Patent Bureau webpage databases and electronic services (%) Do you use databases of inventions, brands and design and electronic services provided in State Patent Bureau webpage? 15 N=1007 N=753 N=251 N=1009 N=750 N=752 Business entities Residents Databases available in the State Patent Bureau website and electronic services are more often used by the most educated respondents, research participants with higher income, residents of the biggest cities, companies conducting business in the field of trade and manufacturing.

16 16 summary & conclusions

17 17  The protection possibilities of inventions, brands, and industrial design are known to 13% of residents. 34% stated that they had heard about it, but do not know specific protection possibilities.  The awareness is higher among business entities: 24% of respondents know about such possibilities, another 40% have heard about it, but they could not identify them specifically.  Most of the residents (64%) tend to register inventions, brands, and industrial designs in order to protect them.  Although the general share of businesses intending to register inventions, brands, and industrial design remains significantly unchanged (69%), the number of respondents who declared a strong positive opinion (said “yes”) has grown from 28% to 36%.  Half (50%) of the surveyed residents and 56% of business entities in order to register intellectual property would refer to State Patent Bureau. 16% of residents and 14% of businesses would refer to Lithuanian Authors' Copyright and Related Rights Council. Third position belongs to Centre of Registers (respectively 9% and 10%). Fourth – to Patent attorneys of the Republic of Lithuania (respectively 6% and 5%).  State Patent Bureau information and its public educational tools about inventions, brands or industrial designs have been noticed by 13% of residents and 22% of business entities. Summary

18 18  In comparison with 2012 research results, the number of residents who have heard about the possibility to acquire invention, brand, industrial design legal protection in whole Europe has decreased from 40% to 36%. Among business entities the awareness of this possibility remains unchanged (51%).  According to 5% of residents and 19% of businesses, actions of State Patent Bureau should be improved. There was an increase from 4% to 10% of business entities which expressed an opposite opinion on this matter.  The number of residents who believe that all means of providing the information about intellectual property protection are eligible is growing (from 37% to 40%). 34% of respondents believe that the most appropriate channel to publish such information is TV, radio broadcasts. According to 18% of residents – articles in the press.  The official electronic bulletin of the State Patent Bureau (24%) is a priority to business entities. There was an increase from 15% to 20% of businesses which believe that publishing such information in seminars, conferences, exhibitions, lectures is the most appropriate. TV, radio broadcasts would be a priority to 19% of business entities, articles in the press – to 15%.  8% of residents and 12% of businesses use databases of inventions, brands, and designs available on the State Patent Bureau website. Summary

19 19  The awareness of inventions, trademarks and industrial design protection options (including legal protection options throughout the Europe) remains stable among business entities. On the other hand, the tendency to register intellectual property in order to protect it has become stronger (the provision is changing from the more moderate “rather yes” to the stronger “yes”). There was also an increase in the number of business representatives who believe that in order to protect their intellectual property they have to refer to the State Patent Bureau. The growing satisfaction with the State Patent Bureau is signified by the increasing number of respondents indicating that there is no need to improve the work of this institution.  The research data shows less changes among residents: the awareness of invention, brand or industrial design protection possibilities remains at the similar level. However, there was a decrease in the number of respondents who are aware of the possibilities to acquire legal protection throughout the Europe. The attitude towards registering intellectual property in order to protect it remains positive.  The number of residents who believe that all means of publishing the information about intellectual property protection are eligible is growing for the second year in a row. The official electronic bulletin of the State Patent Bureau remains a priority to business entities. It is also noticed that there is a bigger demand of direct contact in this target group: a number of respondents who wish to receive such information during the seminars, conferences, exhibitions, lectures is growing. Conclusions

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