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WP3 Semivirtual Campus Progress Report Petr Grygarek VSB-CZ.

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Presentation on theme: "WP3 Semivirtual Campus Progress Report Petr Grygarek VSB-CZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP3 Semivirtual Campus Progress Report Petr Grygarek VSB-CZ

2 What was done by WP3 (from last EVO meeting in December)‏ Integration instructions sent to partners multiple times Creation and distribution of Edinet CA certificates multiple times in most cases ;-) Coordination work and guidance of partner's lab integration (with WP6)‏ Root access to partners’ GWs ensured for the duration of SVC setup Any potential changes made by WP3 staff will be immediately reported to respective admins Will be maintained during piloting phase ? Will UBE-CH want the same for IdP access ? Most of partners maintain GW and IdP on the same machine

3 Current Status of SVC Integration VSB-CZ’s and FHJ-AT’s lab SVC integration finished –FHJ-AT: Task description has to be placed to CP Integration of other partners’ labs in progress –most of work done in last 2 days – UBE-CH, IT-FI, HSB-DE –Parameters of partner’s labs configured on CP Server parameters, lab devices List of UBE-CH and TUKE-SK lab devices ? –Partners need to configure their tasks on CP –Situation in TUKE-SK ? The technical documentation of partners' labs integrated into SVC can be found at o_SVC Final completion of the SVC integration is expected by the mid of February (realistic estimate)

4 What to expect from testing ? Only local testing was perform –no guarantee that no bugs appear How to protect network devices from misconfiguration/damage ?

5 TODO (1) FHJ-AT: Finalize customization of the bugtracking system and define procedures of the daily usage by all partners and SVC developers –Bug processing workflow, person responsible for account creation, … –use VSB-CZ suggestions if possible –DEADLINE: before piloting starts ALL (WP1/WP6?): Decision of practical organization of modules’ piloting –Which partner will test which task(s) –Possibilities of integration of developed tasks into currently taught subjects TUKE-SK could distribute collected tasks to partners

6 TODO (2) ALL: Design and implement configuration cleaning system ALL: –Configure Tasks and their Preconfiguration Descriptions + Preconfiguration Implementations on the Common Portal –Place PreconfigImpl to the noticeboard for the duration of whole piloting phase –Reminder of the philosophy needed ? WP3: Improve netcat-based terminal server implementation ALL: Test, test, and test …

7 SVC Integration Instructions Reminder excerpt from presentation the last EVO meeting

8 SVC Integration TODO All necessary steps are summarized at nto_the_SVC Partners need to make a decision which approach to take to automatically clear configurations of lab devices before every reserved timeslots –General customizable cleaning system was designed and implemented nce_Systems/Configuration_Cleaning –Every partner is responsible for customization of example Configuration Cleaning Controller (see our SVN)‏ Recommended solutions: power switch or scripts

9 Where to find installation instructions for individual components ? (1)‏ Lab Management Network VPN Gateway – ement_Network_VPN_Gateway_System_Installation Shibboleth Identity Provider – oleth_for_our_AAA#Installation_Howto_for_EdiNet_IdP_and_SP Terminal server –Use HW device or our Linux-based implementation –HW device must be compatible with the Common Terminal Server Model (see del)‏ –See based_Terminal_Server for information concerning our Linux- based implementation

10 Where to find installation instructions for individual components ? (2)‏ Configuration cleaning system (powerswitch or scripts)‏ – aintenance_Systems/Configuration_Cleaning Physical setup of lab task using network devices – nd_Lab_Interconnection#General_Remote_Access_S olution

11 Configuration of Partner’s Lab Parameters and Task Definition on the Common Portal Lab parameters (SVC-admin user)‏ –IP addresses of lab servers –Definition of management interfaces of individual devices –To stimulate the integration work, most of configuration was already completed by WP3 staff for individual partners Lab Task (Lab admin user)‏ –At least the task produced in scope of WP2 –Task Preconfiguration Description –Task Preconfiguration Implementation –Place the task to the Noticeboard

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