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JANUARY 2 ND, 2013. RULES  All rules will follow current KSHSAA rules with the following exceptions….

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Presentation on theme: "JANUARY 2 ND, 2013. RULES  All rules will follow current KSHSAA rules with the following exceptions…."— Presentation transcript:

1 JANUARY 2 ND, 2013

2 RULES  All rules will follow current KSHSAA rules with the following exceptions….

3 GAME TIME  1 ST & 2 ND Boys & Girls (4) 8 minute quarters with a 3 minute half time.  3 rd & 4 th Boys & Girls (4) 8 minute quarters with a 3 minute half time.  5 th & 6 th Boys & Girls (4) 8 minute quarters with a 3 minute half time.  ALL LEAGUES: Running clock except during the last two minutes of the game. The clock will be stopped according to regulation IF THE SCORE IS WITHIN 10 POINTS

4 PLAYING TIME  Every Youth basketball player in uniform shall play at least 2 quarters during the game.  Note: Coaches will be responsible for collecting their teams jerseys after each game and keeping them till the next game.

5 DEFENSE  1 ST & 2 ND and 3 rd & 4 th grades will play man to man defense. DOUBLE TEAMING ALOWED ONLY IN THE LANE AREA.  Colored wristbands will be provided for games and practice. (Players don’t have guard the same color wrist band as they are wearing)  5 th & 6 th grade will be allowed to play zone as well as man to man defense.

6 PRESSING  1 ST & 2 ND grade NO FULL COURT PRESS. They will be able to pick up players at half court, after first retreating back to the 3 point line.  3 rd & 4 th grade NO FULL COURT PRESS. They will be able to pick up players at half court, after first retreating back to the 3 point line.  5 th & 6 th grade will be allowed to press full court until the lead is 10 point or more

7 FOULS  5 personal fouls will disqualify a player.  Any unsportsmanlike act by a player or coach will may disqualify that individual at the discretion of the game official.


9 FREE THROWS FFREE THROW LINE DISTANCE 11 ST & 2 ND grade – 13 feet 33 rd & 4 th grade – 13 feet 55 th & 6 th grade – 15 feet

10 LANE VIOLATIONS  1 ST & 2 ND grade - 5 seconds in the lane.  3 rd & 4 th grade - 3 seconds in the lane.  5 th & 6 th grade - 3 seconds in the lane.

11 SUBSTITUTION  If a team is short players they may pick up a rostered player from a younger league.  1 st & 2 nd grade teams may pick up kindergartners registered in the youth basketball clinic.  If 5 or more rostered players are present a substitute may only play sparingly to give the rostered players a rest.

12 GOAL HEIGHT  1 st & 2 nd grade girls (8 ft goals)  1 st & 2 nd grade boys (8 ft goals)  3 rd & 4 th grade girls (8 ft goals)  3 rd & 4 th grade boys (10 ft goals)  5 th & 6 th grade girls (10 ft goals)  5 th & 6 th grade boys (10 ft goals)

13 PLAYER PARTICIPATION  The Pratt Recreation Youth Basketball program is designed and intended to be an enjoyable playing experience for all of those that sign up.  Participation and playing time are important to everyone.  All players should have equal playing time and starting opportunities.  Good Sportsmanship should be demonstrated by players, coaches, and spectators at all times.


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