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A Game Theoretic Framework for Incentives in P2P Systems --- CS. Uni. California Jun Cai Advisor: Jens Graupmann.

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Presentation on theme: "A Game Theoretic Framework for Incentives in P2P Systems --- CS. Uni. California Jun Cai Advisor: Jens Graupmann."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Game Theoretic Framework for Incentives in P2P Systems --- CS. Uni. California Jun Cai Advisor: Jens Graupmann

2 Outline Introduction (problem, motivation) Incentive model Nash Equilibrium in Homogeneous Systems of Peers Nash Equilibrium in Heterogeneous Systems of Peers Simulation result Summary

3 Introduction Democratic nature, no central authority mandate resource Distributed resources are highly variable and unpredictable  Most of users are “free riders” (In Gnutella, 25% users share nothing)  User session are relative short, 50% of sessions are shorter than 1 hour

4 How to build a reliable P2P system Require: Contribution should be predictable Peers can be motivated using economic principle  Monetary payment (one pays to consume resources and paid to contribute resource)  Differential service (peers that contributes more get better quality of service) eg: reputation index (participation level in KaZaA) KaZaA: Participation level = upload in MB / download in MB x 100

5 Modeling interaction of peers by Game Theory Peers are strategic and rational player Non-cooperative game Each player wants to maximize his utility  Utility depends on benefit and cost  Utility depends not only on his own strategy but everybody else’s strategy Find equilibrium (a locally optimum set of strategies) where no peer can improve his utility --- Nash equilibrium Level of contribution Uptime or shared disk space, bandwidth

6 Incentive model (measure contribution) P 1,P 2,P 3 …P N as peers Utility function for P i is U i Contribution of P i is D i (D 0 is absolute measure of contribution) Dimensionless contribution: Unit cost c i Total cost:c i D i

7 Incentive model (Benefit matrix) NxN benefit matrix B B ij denote how much the contribution made by P j is worth to P i b i is the total benefit that P i can get from the system There exists a critical value b c.

8 Incentive model (A peer reward other peers in proportion to their contribution) P j accepts a request for a file from peer P i with probability p(d i ) and rejects it with probability 1-p(d i ) Each request is tagged with d i as metadata

9 Incentive model (Utility function) Utility function Dimensionless utility function cost benefit worth Be able to download?

10 Utility vs. contribution (different benefit)

11 So far… Incentive model Now find equilibrium…  Homogeneous (simple)  Heterogeneous (by analogy of Homogeneous system)

12 Homogeneous System of Peers (1) All peers derive equal benefit form everybody else (b ij =b for ) By symmetry, reduce the problem to Two player game Best response function Differentiate w.r.t. d 1 Differentiate w.r.t. d 2 P1: P2:

13 Nash Equilibrium in Homogeneous System of Peers (2) Best response function Nash equilibrium exists if forms a fix point for above equation Solution exists only if Utility contribution

14 Critical benefit value b c b=b c

15 Nash Equilibrium in Homogeneous System of Peers (3) N player game Replace b(N-1) to b, this formula is two player game.

16 Courtnot learning & convergence process High Low

17 Nash Equilibrium in Heterogeneous System In Homogeneous system, fix point equation: In Heterogeneous system, fix point equation: By analogy of Homogeneous system

18 Iterative learning model Algorithms: iterative learning model di = random contribution While (converge == false){ new_di = computeContribution (d, b); if (new_di == di) { converge = true; } di = new_di; }

19 Convergence of learning algorithms How fast it converge? High benefit Low benefit

20 Simulation: d av vs. (b av /b c -1) Equilibrium average contribution 1. Monotonically 2. Peer size independent 3. If b av 0

21 Simulation: leave system b av /b c -1=2.0

22 Summary Differential service based incentive model for p2p system that eliminating free riding and increasing availability of the system Critical benefit b c


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