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Visit The World’s First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm Topic: Mobile Madness.

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Presentation on theme: "Visit The World’s First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm Topic: Mobile Madness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visit http://www.enfusen.com The World’s First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm Topic: Mobile Madness

2 Mobile Madness Visit - The World's First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm

3 Mobile: What Mobile now accounts for 10% of time spent with media Users spend 82% of their mobile time with apps Users only spend 18% of their mobile time using browsers Users download on average 40 apps but only use 15 of them Visit - The World's First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm

4 Mobile: Why To win in the mobile world you need to be thinking apps not advertising Banner advertising on mobile devices has proven not to work Most clicks on banner advertising are because of ‘fat fingers’ meaning they are accidentally clicked creating no ROI for the advertisers Visit - The World's First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm

5 Mobile: How Smartphone apps fall into five categories – Games & Entertainment 42% – Social Networks 31% – Utilities – Discovery – Brands Visit - The World's First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm

6 Mobile: 5 Traits Add Convenience Offer Unique Value Provide Social Value Offer Incentives Entertain Visit - The World's First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm

7 Mobile: Add Convenience Banking Apps for example allow people to pay their bills online Constraints: – Not effective for acquiring new customers – Larger brands have an inherent advantage – As more companies build convenience into their apps they will find it harder to differentiate themselves Visit - The World's First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm

8 Mobile: Offer Unique Values Do things traditional computers can not Home Plus (South Korea) – while riding on the subway commuters can scan grocery items off of advertising on walls and then have items delivered to their home Nike – App tracks running times and workout schedules and reports back to users Visit - The World's First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm

9 Mobile: Provide Social Value Social Gifting Facebook + Wrapp = 300,000 users Over 2.2 Million Gift cards have been given Activities that enhance connections amongst friends Visit - The World's First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm

10 Mobile: Offer Incentives Apps that give away incentives to get users Short term incentives to get people to download the app and use the app Need to be very creative Coca-Cola “Refill Happiness” – download app and scan QR code to get 20MB of free data credits (while a coke bottle appears to be filled on your screen) Visit - The World's First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm

11 Mobile: Entertain Capitalize on mobile gaming while tying people back to your brand Helps to reach customers and build long term engagement with them Remember 40% of mobile users app time is spent playing games Red Bull – Kart Fighter, X-Fighters, Red Bull Airforce Visit - The World's First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm

12 Mobile: Beginner Know that mobile banner advertising is not working so that you do not spend money on it Know that you can still do mobile advertising via search engines Visit - The World's First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm

13 Mobile: Intermediate Before considering an app for your business review the five aspects covered today to make sure you’re not spending time and/or money working on a project that will not monetize for you Apps for small businesses usually don’t create a business but instead enhance relationships with your current customer base Visit - The World's First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm

14 Mobile: Advanced Think Gamification – Can you turn your customers interaction with you into a game? Find a way to use games and entertainment to entice people to download and then use your app Visit - The World's First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm

15 Mobile Madness: Questions? Visit - The World's First Guaranteed Results Marketing Firm

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