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Scenario for the Integration of MDR&MFI 2009.08 Ad-hoc Meeting, Wuhan H. Horiuchi Study Period on the Integration of MDR/MFI.

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Presentation on theme: "Scenario for the Integration of MDR&MFI 2009.08 Ad-hoc Meeting, Wuhan H. Horiuchi Study Period on the Integration of MDR/MFI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scenario for the Integration of MDR&MFI 2009.08 Ad-hoc Meeting, Wuhan H. Horiuchi Study Period on the Integration of MDR/MFI

2 Balloting Comments(SC32N1857) Approval : 6 Approval W/ Comment: 1 (Canada) Abstain W/ Comment: 1 (Germany) The project was Approved

3 Current Status of SC32WG2 199720002005 2010 SC32 Formulated MDR 1,2,3,4,5,6 MDR ed.2 1,2,3,4,5,6 MFI 2,4 5 6 7 MDR 3-ed.3 20944 MFI 1,3, 3-ed2 8 TR

4 Trends on Information Technology 4 1960197019801990 Business Computerization Office Automation System Re-construction SIS BPR 2000 Process Oriented Data Oriented Object Oriented Model Oriented 2010 Service Oriented Web2.0 Internet + Web Tech. Initiation Information Productivity SOA


6 Semantic Registry DD/DS Metadata Registry Market Requirements 6 Sharing of knowledge Sharing of development Methodology Sharing of Data Sharing of Software Discover & Casting Web Service ROR Cross Domain Interoperation

7 SSOA Requirements Ontology Discovering Cloud Discovery ROR (Registry Service Integration Architecture) On demand Selection of Cloud Semantic Interoperation Etc.


9 Expected Evolution of MDR & MFI (1) – Align the Two Families of Standards so That Common Facilities Can Be Built Common Administration Information 11179 & 19763 Metadata RegistrationModel Registration “Common Facility” for both MDR & MFI ISO/IEC11179 Edition 2 MOF (ISO/IEC19502) ISO/IEC11179 Edition 1 Data Elements SC14 IRDS (ISO/IEC 10728) MOF (OMG) ISO/IEC19763 ISO/IEC11179 Edition 3 9

10 Expected Evolution in MFI MFI-1: Reference Model MFI-2: Core Model MFI-3: MM for Ontology Reg. MFI-4: MM for Model Mapping MFI-5: MM4 Process Reg. MFI-8: MM4Role & Goal MFI-6: Registration Proc MFI-7: MM4 Service Reg. MFI-XX: MM4 XXXX MFI-XX: ROR

11 Overview of MDR Metamodel data elementowner Identification & Classification Naming StewardshipRegistration Authority MDR Metamodel describe 11

12 Overview of MFI Metamodel Models owner Identification & Classification Naming Stewardship Registration Authority MFI Metamodel describe 12 Administerd Items of MDR MFI Part 6 can align with MDR Part 6 and normatively reference the Relevant clauses of MDR Part 6

13 INTEGRATION POLICY We should define

14 Policy Jeju-1 Align 11179 Part 6 (new edition) with 19763-6 (new standard). These are different standards, but should be aligned, not combined. During development of the two standards, the editors should be careful to align the specifications of the two standards. We should not combine 11179-6 and 19763-6 into a single standard.  To be reconsidered (2009.08.22)

15 CONSTRAINTS TO BE DEFINED Also, to be defined

16 How to Proceed Oxford Univ., London2 days (out of WG2 meeting) “Study period Meeting on Integration of MDR/MFI” Email discussion – SC32WG2-interest (News) – Technical Issues stocktaking (List of Issues); By 2009. 09.30 – Masao Okabe, Ray Gates, Kevin Keck – Baba, Frank, Horiuchi Expected Deliverable : – Issues list – Strategy – Rationale – Proposal Editors work together to align: Horiuchi

17 How to Promote? What are sharable between 11179-3 & 19763? ( Identification, Naming, Administrative clauses) Is it possible to define a new part as independent standard ? (When: the end of 11179-3 ed.3 )  New 11179-5+ Align specifications between MDR & MFI for example, as we are trying to do with 11179-3 & 19763-3.  keep consistency on the terminology & definitions Actions to look for area between two standards where we need work on alignment. For example, as we are trying to do with 11179-6 & 19763-6. 20943-6 (Procedure for the specification of Web ontology )  should cover both MDR-3 & MFI-3 A new edition of 11179-5(Naming & Identification) should be possible after completing 11179-3 Ed3. We should consider the possibility of aligning a new MDR-5 between MFI & MDR. Registration Procedure(Part 6) of 11179 & 19763


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