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Ethics Applied to Computerized World “Privacy” (Morality and Machines S. L. Edgar) **** CS575 *** Jules R. NYA BAWEU.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics Applied to Computerized World “Privacy” (Morality and Machines S. L. Edgar) **** CS575 *** Jules R. NYA BAWEU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethics Applied to Computerized World “Privacy” (Morality and Machines S. L. Edgar) **** CS575 *** Jules R. NYA BAWEU

2 What is Computer ethic? The analysis of the nature and social impact of computer technology and the corresponding formulation and justification of policies for the ethical use of such technology (James H. Moor )

3 What is ethic? A system of accepted beliefs which control behavior, especially such a system based on morals [Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary] The study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by a person [The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language]

4 The most pressing question in computer ethic relate to: Invasions of privacy Question of ownership of intellectual property Professional responsibility Computer reliability (especially in potentially dangerous situations) Computer crime (embezzlement, software theft, computer viruses and other invasions of systems, and actual crime against computers) Changing work environment Cyberterrorism

5 Privacy 1a. The quality or condition of being secluded from the presence or view of others. b. The state of being free from unsanctioned intrusion: a person's right to privacy. 2. The state of being concealed; secrecy. [The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language]

6 Some violations of privacy with computers Find Person Pankau, Edmund J - Intertect, Inc. proctor gamble Swasy's phone investigation - Law-enforcement searching the records of telephone user Rebecca Schaeffer's murder LAPD selling information the Privacy Implications of Data Mining - ASA National DNA Database: Protecting against crimes vs. protecting our privacy Privacy, Surveillance and Discrimination NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls - "data mining"

7 Protection for Privacy US constitution - 1 st Amendment – “freedom of religion, speech, the press, and assembly” - 4 th Amendment – “the right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall no be violated.” Some existing privacy legislation - Fair Credit Reporting Act - 1971(amended in 1997) - Family Education Right and Privacy Act -1974 - Crime Control Act - 1973

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