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Learn about Andorra!!! It is where Dora grew up!!! BY: Kyle Turner.

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Presentation on theme: "Learn about Andorra!!! It is where Dora grew up!!! BY: Kyle Turner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learn about Andorra!!! It is where Dora grew up!!! BY: Kyle Turner

2 Get to know Andorra! All photos are in Andorra

3 (Dora really didn’t grow up here) -Gdp growth rate= -1.6 ( 22 nd in the world) -Gdp per captita= 37.2% ( 32nd in the world) -Gdp composition by sector= N/A -Labor force by occupation= agriculture= 0.4 industry= 4.7 services=97.9 -Unemployment rate=1.9% (tenth in the world) -Poverty rate=8% -Inflation rate=1.6% -Exports= 64 M -Imports= 1.47 M Stats of Dora

4 Economy: The statistics of Andorra show that they are a decent handled country for there size of their country, they are a growing country, but growing slowly. They are not developed yet ; a median amount of people live here, 84082 is the population. They are wisely using money being the 16 richest in the world. It is a tourist country over 10.8 million visit this country. Later you will learn why so many people like to come here! Answers of Andorra economic essential question

5 Who likes snowboarding? -Andorra is very snowy. -It is top 10 recommendation to snow board at. -The land is hilly, and full of Mountains -Hydropower, mineral water, timber, iron ore, and lead are top recourses. -It is landlocked

6 Answer: The geography of Andorra effects the jobs, they are effected in a positive way. With the over 10.8 million tourist coming to snow board, ski, and do what ever they would like to there, they will earn a great amount of money that is being handled wisely by the government. EXAMPLE: imagine you were selling lemonade at a lemonade stand, you sell it for 50 cents. 10.8 million people come to buy your lemonade. You do the math to find out what you would get, but you would get A LOT of money for just your small self! That is like Andorra they get over millions of dollars from tourist, and they are one of the smallest country in the world but yet 16 th richest in the world! Answer of geographic essential question

7 -The culture is highly influenced by romans -A prominent feature found in the culture of Andorra is the Roman art. -Roman art is scattered in the valleys of the country. -There are more than 50 Roman churches in Andorra. -You will also find a number of museums in this country. -The culture of Andorra is also affected by the Spanish influence. -The most valued and recognized asset of the culture of Andorra is the legacy of Roman art. Roman art is the national art of Andorra. -In this country, there are more than fifty churches classed as Roman. However, all the museums of Andorra are not Roman. A collection of museums, some of them National Museums and some private, safeguard the history of Andorra. Culture of DORA

8 -Literature is important in Andorra. Some of the famous writers of this country are Albert Salvado, Antoni Morell and Joan Peruga. - Andorran culture is Catalan ( a type of Spanish culture) -Two writers famous in Catalonia and the region, Michele Gazier and Ramon Villero are from Andorra. -EVENTS!: Andorra holds religious festivals and music festivals. - Some of the famous festivals and events in Andorra are St. George's Day, St. Lucia Fair and Christmas. -On St. George's Day, roses and books are given as presents to family members and friends. Festa del Poble, celebrated on St. John's Day marks the beginning of summer - St. Lucia Fair is another festival where materials for making a traditional Christmas and typical Christmas products are sold. More culture!!

9 Andorra has strong French and Italian flavors. Meat, lamb, game, pork, fish and poultry, is an important part of the Andorra diet, and is usually served with pastas, sauces, potatoes and some vegetables. Among Andorra’s specialties are trinxat -bacon cooked with potatoes and cabbage; escudella - a chicken stew with sausages and meatballs; tender dandelion salad; formatge de tupi- cheese fermented with garlic and brandy; and cunillo - rabbit cooked in a tomato sauce Food of Andorra!! Answer of essential question above

10 Because the Andorra and the united states try to promote having human rights and having democracy's. The 2 country have been doing exchange programs, earning better resoect for each other. In 2000 each country made a deal to advertise each other to bring tourist to their country. They each share tools against crimes/ weapons and protection over each other Andorra supports united states foreign policy, and their objectives. Human rights + andorra + U.S=good relationship

11 MR. Rafferty choice: whole video or most important part until 5:42. The wrap up

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