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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Germany License eSciDoc A scientific collaboration,

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Presentation on theme: "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Germany License eSciDoc A scientific collaboration,"— Presentation transcript:

1 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Germany License eSciDoc A scientific collaboration, communication and publication platform for research M. Dreyer

2 14.01.2014 The Max Planck Society (MPG – Max-Planck Gesellschaft) 80 institutes 265 directors, 4700 Scientists, ~ 12.000 Young Academics from allover the world 30 locations 18 Nobel prizes in the last 50 years Intense cooperation with universities

3 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Locations distributed organization cooperation between different locations is very common locations outside Germany are not shown (Nijmegen, Florence, Rome, …)

4 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Fields diverse set of fields Chemistry, Physics, Technology Biology, Medicine, Brain Science Law, Art, History, Cognition not a broad as many universities but more interdisciplinary

5 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Max Planck Digital Library MPDL Founded in 2007 Departments Information Provision Research and Development Open Access Complemented by activities in many institutes Close cooperation with Institutes Excellent Services for Excellent Research

6 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Our research infrastructure must match the research ambitions

7 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 eScience / eResearch = Use of information technology for enhancing research Kurt Mehlhorn, Vice President, MPG

8 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 On Repositories in Europe For Publications (Examples) National Repositories HAL Discipline Specific Repositories RePEC (.org) PubMed Central UK Open Access Distributed Repositories vs. Small Number of Interconnected Trusted Repositories Repositories for Combining Publication Data and Supplementary Material

9 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 eSciDoc is as a joint project of the Max Planck Society and FIZ Karlsruhe, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), aimed at building an e-Research platform for multi-disciplinary research organizations. eSciDoc integrates research results and materials in an emerging e-research network, provides effective and comprehensive access to data and information supports collaboration and interdisciplinary research in future e-Science scenarios increases the accountability of research improve the visibility of research institutions and organizations Project Setup and Mission

10 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Infrastructure /1

11 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Infrastructure /2 eSciDoc

12 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Infrastructure ?

13 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Sample Workflow /1 Idea Exploration Data Acquisition Experiment Aggregation Analysis Publication Archiving

14 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Sample Workflow /2 Transcription Annotation Metadata Translation Metadata © Institut Catholique, Paris, France

15 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 eSciDoc Background Publishing of Research Data Discipline Specifics for Publication and Research Data Data Deluge New Kinds of Publications Scalability and Integration of distributed Systems Interfacing to existing Systems within Max Planck Society Requirements arising from DLTP aspects Requirements from Open and Restricted Access Open Formats and Open Standards Evaluation: DSPACE, Fedora, ARNO, ePrints, eDoc@Max Planck, CDSWare, OPUS Service Oriented Architecture for Extensibility

16 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 eSciDoc Technical Architecture

17 M. Dreyer14.01.2014

18 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Core Services

19 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Intermediary Services

20 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Application Services

21 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Current State Release of Infrastructure at Open Source -> CDDL and CC-by eSciDoc Days 9./10. June 2008 in Berlin More than 100 participants eSciDoc Days 2009: 15./16. June 2009, Karlsruhe

22 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 eSciDoc Interest and Partners (examples) Academy of Athens, Greece Bavarian State Library, Germany CNRS, France DANS, Netherlands FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) GBV, Göttingen, Germany GFZ, Potsdam, Germany Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany IRCHSS, Ireland Kings College, UK NIMS, Japan University Stuttgart, Germany University of Copenhagen, Denmark

23 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 eSciDoc Solutions PubMan Management und Dissemination of Publication Data FACES Photos of different facial stimuli (Diamond Interfaces/cuttings upcoming) Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht (VIRR) Publication and Enrichment of Digitized Materials

24 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Max Planck Society Early Adopters PubMan Solution Early Adopters MPI für Biogeochemistry MPI für Chemical Ecology MPI für Psycholinguistics Albert Einstein Institut (Gravitational Physics) MPI für Colloids and Interfaces MPI für Molecular Plant Physiology FACES MPI for Human Development Interest: MPI f. BioChemistry, MPI f. Extraterrestrial Physik VIRR MPI for European History of Law Interessenten: Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz, Bib. Hertziana LEXUS/LAMUS MPI für Psycholinguistics

25 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Demos Reinhold von Sengbusch Collection PubMan FACES Planned Extensions: Diamond Cuttings, Photos from Anthropology VIRR Digilib Integration

26 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Usage Types Infrastructure as Development Platform Development of additional Services Extension of the Infrastructure Exchange with other Developers Out-of-the-box Installation and Operation of Solutions Customizations Configurations Using parts of the Infrastructure Interfacing to Local Repositories Interfacing to Local Content Management Systems As a Repository for Digital Long Term Preservation

27 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Alleinstellungsmerkmale von eSciDoc Service Orientierte Architektur Vollständig XML basiert Keine proprietären Technologien Unabhängig von Programmiersprachen Basierend auf Fedora Versionierung, formale Objekt Modelle, semantische Verlinkungen Homogene Sicht auf Ressourcen Unterschiedliche Metadatenmodelle Vorbereitet für Langzeitarchivierung Durchgängig Internationalisiert Verteilte Authentifizierung (Shibboleth) Trennung von Anwendungen und Repository Offen für Erweiterungen und Open Source, Vollständig dokumentiert

28 M. Dreyer14.01.2014 Thank You………………………… Questions?

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