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Welcome to Curriculum Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night
Mrs. Ordonez 4th Grade Please make sure you have signed in. It is located on the side table inside our classroom.

2 Philosophy and Mission Statement
I believe helping all students be successful in school is imperative in helping create lifelong learners. The students will achieve success in a classroom that is safe, caring and friendly to all regardless of ability level. It is in this classroom atmosphere that students will thrive, not only as learners, but also as individuals. It is this learning atmosphere that the students and I will create.

3 Daily Schedule Community Meeting Science/Social Studies/Health
Writer’s Workshop Specials Homework Snack/Spiral Review Character Counts Math IFG Volunteers Math Communication Lunch/Recess Reading/Language Arts Reading IFG

4 Math IFG (Instructional Focus Group)
First 30 minutes of math block Review skills Students get focus on specific skills they need, including enrichment activities.

5 Community Meeting 15-20 minutes of the day Builds Classroom Community
Cooperation/Collaboration Problem-Solvers Set our learning goals for the day

6 Specials Music -Monday Art - Tuesday
Library – Thursday (Please have borrowed books back to school by Thursday) P.E. - Friday(Remind your children about wearing tennis shoes!)

7 Curriculum-Writing Writer’s Workshop
Six Traits Ideas and Content Organization Conventions Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Writing Purposes Personal Narrative Business Letter Poetry Expository Essay Research Writing Process Stages of writing

8 Curriculum-Social Sciences
Arizona History-Ancient Arizonan Native American Tribes, Mountain Men/Explorers, How Arizona became Arizona Geography-Salt Dough Maps Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources Electricity and Magnets Water & Weather Animal Classification and Adaptation- CRITTERS! Health: Healthy and Safe Choices Nutrition Study Skills: Organization, Responsibility 4th Graders are tested in AIMS Science

9 Curriculum-Reading/Language
Reading-Reader’s Workshop Basal Readers (Harcourt) and Tradebooks Literary Elements Compare/Contrast settings, characters, plot Inferring Cause and Effect Summarizing Fluency Comprehension Vocabulary-focus on prefix/suffixes Language Spelling-20 words

10 Reader’s Workshop Shared Reading Guided Reading Response Activities
Independent Reading Literature Responses/Letter

11 Curriculum-Math Investigations Scott Foresman Spiral Review Book
Your child will be learning to solve math using number sense…which may look a bit different than when we were 9-10 years old. Support for parents exists! Children are learning to talk about their math reasoning. Why did you solve it that way? Is there another way to solve that problem?

12 Reading IFG (Instructional Focus Group)
Last 30 minutes of reading block Review skills Students get focus on specific skills they need, including enrichment activities. Phonics Comprehension Fluency Enrichment

13 Six Pillars of Character

14 Homework-Reading Students are required to read 20 minutes a day five days a week (or MORE!) and record it in their reading logs. The hope and expectation is that they will read everyday. I encourage you to read some of the books your children are reading. I have multiple copies of many books if you want my assistance in this area. Starting in late September, the students will be writing me a letter, once a week, about what they are reading at home.

15 Homework-Math, Spelling, Projects
Math homework is strongly connected to the lesson that was taught during class that day. Therefore, if math is assigned, it is due the following day. Spelling words go home on Thursday. The test is on Wednesday. Spelling Menu items. Projects

16 Homework HELP!! It is my expectation that the children are completing their homework and turning it in on a timely basis. If there is an issue, please inform me with a note or . I understand how things come up in life! It is my expectation that you are checking your child’s agenda every night. In the agenda you will find school reminders and any homework your child has for the night. Please sign the reading log weekly. I appreciate the support. I am here to support you too! If you have questions in the afternoon or evening, you can reach me at You can also me as I do check regularly at home! I arrive at school everyday by 7:15 am. If your child needs support with something, please call me/ me the night before and I will have a pass ready for them in the office the next morning.

17 Volunteering Some jobs available: Start in September
Wall Artist: 1 hr, once a month Writing Coach: 30 min/weekly Math Mentor: 30 min/weekly Reading Mentor: 30 min/weekly Photographer: special events or whenever Editor: as needed Start in September Sign up in back of room or me

18 Communication (weekly updates, questions or concerns) Have you signed up for GOING GREEN? Voice mail: Cell Phone: Web site-

19 Have a great rest of the evening!
Thank YOU! Thank you for coming tonight! If you have questions, please feel free to fill out the index card located at your seat and I will get back to you by tomorrow afternoon! Have a great rest of the evening!

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