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Jane Hsu 『資訊檢索技術的新驅勢』研討會 智慧型代理人 Intelligent Agents 許永真 臺灣大學資訊工程研究所 October 22, 1998.

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Presentation on theme: "Jane Hsu 『資訊檢索技術的新驅勢』研討會 智慧型代理人 Intelligent Agents 許永真 臺灣大學資訊工程研究所 October 22, 1998."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jane Hsu 『資訊檢索技術的新驅勢』研討會 智慧型代理人 Intelligent Agents 許永真 臺灣大學資訊工程研究所 October 22, 1998

2 Jane Hsu Outline  Agents: An Introduction  Agent-Oriented Software Design  Prototype Agents  Email Agent  Personal Information Search Agent  AutoPrint Agents  Bibliography Agent  Concluding Remarks

3 Jane Hsu The Problem If agents are the solution..........What is the problem? People are constantly suffering from  Too much work  Too much information  Too little time  Almost everything you need is there, but you simply can’t get it (done)!

4 Jane Hsu Using Computers Today  Sample task: Print out the paper attached in a mail received today.  Metaphor: computers as tools  Direct manipulation  Passive  Bloatware: big, fat software  Graphical, but non-intelligent interface  Lack of inter-application communications

5 Jane Hsu An Alternative View “The situation that a computer user faces today is completely different. Suddenly the computer is a window into a world of information, people, and software… And this world is vast, unstructured, and completely dynamic. It’s no longer the case that a person can be in control of this world and master it….”P. Maes (1997)

6 Jane Hsu Software Agents  Software that is  proactive  personalized, and  adapted  Software that can actually  act on behalf of people  take initiative, and  make suggestions  Metaphor: personal assistant  delegation  indirect management

7 Jane Hsu Essential Features of Agents  Autonomous  Personalized (user-centered)  Task/goal-oriented  Communicative  Collaborative  Reactive to environmental changes  Evolutionary/adaptive

8 Jane Hsu Software Design as Problem Solving Domain Problem End User Software Designer

9 Jane Hsu Software Design Models  Ad hoc software development  Waterfall approach  Structured programming  Object-oriented programming  Distributed/networked programming  Agent-oriented programming

10 Jane Hsu The Soloist Model programmer Computer

11 latex uncompress lpr dvips Host D Host B Host C Host A paper.tar.gz pdf2ps gunzip uncompress gunzip pdf2ps

12 Jane Hsu The Conductor Model Computer programmer

13 Jane Hsu The Manager Model Agent Interface Agent End User

14 Jane Hsu Agent-Oriented Design  Design a collection of agents  Interface agents  Task agents  Service agents  An agent communication mechanism  Communication language  Communication protocol  Multi-agent framework  Plug-and-play architecture

15 Jane Hsu Multi-Agent Architecture Client Server Interface Agent Task Agent Task Agent Task Agent Task Agent Service Agent Service Agent Service Agent

16 Jane Hsu Client-Agent-Server Model  Clients request for  Information  Goal achievements  Servers provide  Data  Services/Resources  Agents  Data --> Information --> Knowledge  Services --> Sequence of actions, i.e. Plans

17 Jane Hsu Agent-based Service Framework  Share resources across the network  Avoid unnecessary duplications  Automate task execution  Avoid tedious/erroneous manual process  Personalize services  Personal/group profile management

18 Jane Hsu Email Agent Key functionality:  Classification  Prioritization  Require minimal user feedback  Update user preferences

19 Jane Hsu Personal Information Search Agent Functionality:  Personalized query refinement  Online feedback Architecture:  Meta search  Proxy-based  Authentication

20 Jane Hsu The Myth about Keywords  Relevant information can be found using keyword-based methods. e.g.  Search for relevant documents  Filter undesirable information  Extract useful information  Are keywords sufficient to satisfy most of our informational needs?

21 Jane Hsu The Information Food Chain [Etzioni,1997]  Agent-based intelligent services  Softbots: personal assistants for  email  white page  shopping  entertainment recommendation etc.  Search Engines, Indices & Directories  Spiders & Software Robots  World Wide Web

22 Jane Hsu Router R120R217 hp5sparc agent:SunOs 4 super:SunOs 5 ntucsn:SunOS 4 ntucsv:SunOs 5 PrintAgent uncompress UcpopPlanner print2hp5 dvi2ps gunzip pdf2ps print2hp5 uncompress dvi2ps uncompress gunzip AutoPrint Agents Functionality:  script generation  service allocation  resource sharing Features:  Autonomous  Fault tolerant  Flexible

23 Jane Hsu Web User Interface Agent Agent Request Broker InfraStructure Bibliography Agents BibTeX Agent Libraries Library Agent Yahoo Alta Vista Lycos Search Agent DBLP Agent BibDB URL Agent

24 Jane Hsu Concluding Remarks  Agents will change the way we  Design and use software  Utilize shared computational resources  Essential features of software agents  Autonomous  User/task-oriented  Distributed/collaborative  IR techniques help build better agents  Agent technology can support intelligent & personalized information retrieval

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