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Effects of Drug Abuse MDMA/Ecstasy

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1 Effects of Drug Abuse MDMA/Ecstasy

2 Table of Content Identify your drug and define its main use in our culture. Identify rates of usage and populations impacted by using this drug. explain the regions of the brain impacted by this drug. How does this drug alter brain chemistry? How do high versus low doses of the drug compare in altering behavior, mood, and cognition? explain the implications of one-time, casual, or long-term use on the physiology of the brain, and on behavior, mood, and cognition. If a person developed an addiction to the drug you chose, what therapeutic interventions would be applied to treat the addiction? This presentation is a analysis on MDMA, or better known by Ecstasy, a notorious drug guaranteeing euphoria. The basic utilization of this medicine, rates of utilization, and populaces utilizing MDMA are analyzed. How this drug influences the brain and change brain chemistry, with how low/high measurements of this medicine think about in changing behavior mood and cognition, the influences of one-time, casual or enduring utilization of MDMA on the physiology of the brain and the influences on cognition, behavior mood are evaluated. At last, what helpful intercessions might be utilized to treat dependence on MDMA.

3 Identify your drug and define its main use in our culture.
3-4 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine also renowned as Ecstasy or X MDMA exists to the amphetamine/methamphetamine family MDMA was applied in the 1900’s as a therapeutic aid by psychotherapist MDMA is a hallucinogenic and is categorized as a stimulant This drug has become famous with teenagers and young adults MDMA and essential use in our society Ecstasy was created in the 1900's and utilized as a medicine support to lower patients psychological protections, in particular PTSD and trauma patients. The medicine was then given in lower dosages and not as high as what recreational medication clients take today. MDMA is normally accepted in tablet form and its influence will usually happen inside minutes of ingestion. The impacts from the medication are a feeling of euphoria, a sense of closeness, diminishing a persons voracity, and expanding vigor. Utilizing this medication can cause wretchedness, tension, perplexity and restlessness. It is a prevalent drug utilized at rave parties to expand the dancing experience. The enduring impact of the medications is the reason this is so considerably utilized around club kids. ( Harris, G. 2004).

4 Identify rates of usage and populations impacted by using this drug.
15% of people aged 18-35 Female application is more prevalent than male application of MDMA Median age is 20 29% percent of MDMA users report use of other drugs Methamphetamine Ketamine GHB Rohypnol Rates of utilization and populaces influenced by utilizing this medication In the vicinity of 15% of individuals, matured report current utilization of MDMA. There is more utilization of MDMA reported in previous twenty years than earlier recorded yet has declined to some degree in the last five years. While the age level of is broadly influenced by utilization of MDMA, the rate of utilization is higher in young people aged The pre-adult population has a higher rate of utilization because of the participation of "raves" and parties. Participant attributes demonstrated that 81% of female members with the average age of 20 in the investigation of impacts of MDMA reported that the utilization of MDMA was adequate and felt it was less damaging than that of alcohol. Twenty-nine percent of the ladies likewise reported a lifetime utilization of other club medicines, for example methamphetamine, ketamine, GHB, and Rohypnol. The high rate of female utilization of MDMA likewise harmonizes with the utilization of alcohol consistently (Businelle, Kendzor, Rash, Patterson, & Copeland, 2009).

5 Basal Ganglia (purple)
explain the regions of the brain impacted by this drug. How does this drug alter brain chemistry? Neocortex Limbic System Amygdala (red) Hippocampus (blue) Basal Ganglia (purple) Hypothalamus (green) The areas of the brain influenced by MDMA, and how mind science is adjusted. MDMA influences the regions of the brain accountable for cognition, mood, and memory. Changed perceptions and fidgetiness are regular impacts. The neocortex which is critical in cognition, memory, and changed observations is sensitive to MDMA. Many structures in the body that comprise of the limbic system, alluded to as the amygdala, hippocampus, basal ganglia, and hypothalamus are in regulation of progressions in mind-set, emotions and production of anxiety. It is not realized what range of the brain is engaged in the capability of MDMA in generating the emotional state of empathy, which may be the limbic ranges (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2011). Affections of warmth and empathy are the desired impacts of MDMA clients are looking for.

6 Affects emotions and perceptions
How do high versus low doses of the drug compare in altering behavior, mood, and cognition? Long Term Effects Changes in brain construction and behavior Affects emotions and perceptions Raised levels of happiness, self-confidence, amplified energy Decrease of inhibitions How MDMA influences the brain, and changes brain Chemistry (con't) MDMA has fleeting and enduring impacts on the brain. Fleeting impacts of MDMA comprise of progressions in brain chemistry and behavior. Enduring impacts incorporate changes in brain structure and behavior. Neurotransmitters overflow the brain's synapses, which are associations between two nerve cells where signs pass, and are not taken in again by the brain's nerve terminals. Redundancy of serotonin in the brain influences feelings and observations. Brain chemistry is changed in the client of MDMA as in about 20 minutes after ingestion of the medicine, a state of passionate high rushes into the brain. At this instance, the client experiences raised levels of euphoria, fearlessness, intensified vigor, and satisfaction diminishing inhabitations, which result clients to follow up on motivations they might generally have never considered (Encyclopedia of Drugs and Addictive Substances, 2006).

7 How do high versus low doses of the drug compare in altering behavior, mood, and cognition?
Distinctions in MDMA and Ecstasy Impacts of low and high doses on behavior, mood, and cognition Neurotoxicity Contrasts in MDMA and Ecstasy MDMA (3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is a synthetic chemical which processes psychoactive impacts comparable to mescaline, a hallucinogen, and methamphetamine, a stimulant. Euphoria is more often than not a medication mix with MDMA utilized within combo with different medications such a caffeine, methamphetamine, cocaine, dextromethorphan, ketamine (a creature soporific), and ephedrine. Moreover, MDMA may be supplanted with MDA or PMA in these cocktails with a high level of fatalities (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2010). Changed conduct, temperament and cognizance by level and high dosages of this medication Perpetual utilization of MDMA can result inadequately performed cognitive and memory tasks; on the other hand, it is not sure if the disabilities are because of MDMA itself, or to different medicines in the cocktail. In high dosages, MDMA can change the body's capacity to control temperature. This can prompt hyperthermia, the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular malfunctioning, and even death, might be a consequence of the expanded body temperatures. Other physical symptoms of high dosages of this medication could be seen as side effects of nausea, hazy vision, muscle pressure, faintness, automatic teeth clenching, chills, and sweating. Since MDMA has a capability to meddle with " its own particular metabolism (breakdown inside the form); so, possibly dangerous levels might be arrived at by repeated MDMA regulation in shorter times " (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2010, Neurotoxicity Hyperthermia generated by high or delayed measurements of MDMA can process enduring or permanent harm to diverse parts of the brain. Exhaustion of 5ht terminals in the cortex can take months to adjust out to the genuine state. Degeneration of both the dopaminergic terminals placed in the striatum, and terminals holding 5ht likewise shows degeneration in the cortex. Degeneration of neurons in particular areas of the brain, for example parietal cortex, ventral thalamus, separate cortex, tenia tecta, and the nucleus bed of stria terminalis. Comparable to degeneration seen with methamphetamine abuse "there are a greater number of similitudes than distinctions, inferring the compound act on both monoamines and 5ht and DA receptors" (Sarkar & Schmued, 2010, p. 466). This harm can generate enduring or permanent harm with the present manifestations said above with mood cognition and behavior.

8 explain the implications of one-time, casual, or long-term use on the physiology of the brain, and on behavior, mood, and cognition. One-time application of ecstasy: Study of volunteers Casual application of ecstasy: Post 18 months findings Long-term application of ecstasy: Cognitive Changes Implications of one-time, casual, or long-term use on the physiology of the brain, and on behavior, mood, and cognition In the initially distributed investigation of one-an and casual application ecstasy utilization specialists verified that even a minor measure of MDMA, otherwise called ecstasy, might be damaging to the brain (Radiological Society of North America, Nov 28, 2006). Dr. Maartje de Win, M.d. radiology resident at the University of Amsterdam and his co-workers analyzed 188 volunteers with no record of ecstasy utilization; then again, the volunteers were in the high-risk classification for first-time ecstasy utilization near future. Neuroimaging was used to realize the integrity of cells and blood stream in distinctive territories of the brain in association with different psychological tests. 18 months later, 59 first-time ecstasy clients who had taken a normal of six tablets of ecstasy, and 56 non-clients were re-inspected with the same tests and techniques. The findings of the study revealed that low measurements of ecstasy completed not intensely harm the serotonergic neurons or impact mood; nonetheless, evidences of unobtrusive alters in cell structure and diminished blood stream in some brain areas inferred delayed impacts, incorporating some cell damage. Further discoveries demonstrated a lessening in verbal memory presentation around low-dose-ecstasy clients contrasted with non-clients. Dr. de Win expressed, "We don't know whether these impacts are transient or enduring; subsequently, we can't conclude that ecstasy, even in minor doses, is sheltered for the brain, and individuals ought to be educated of this danger" (Radiological Society of North America, Nov 28, 20 Cognitive alters in enduring ecstasy clients extend from neuroendocrine impedances to shortfalls in verbal memory and reasoning, transient memory and semantic realization, and visual memory (Kelly, 2000). Reports of severe enduring psychiatric upsets have been extraordinary. The probability exists that introduction to ecstasy just stresses previous antagonistic emotional disposition characteristics (Kelly, 2000). Diminished cognitive capacity in ecstasy clients has been interfaced to circuitous impacts on diminished cerebral flow (Kelly, 2000).

9 Treatment preferences for Ecstasy users
If a person developed an addiction to the drug you chose, what therapeutic interventions would be applied to treat the addiction? Treatment preferences for Ecstasy users Pharmacotherapeutic Intervention of Ecstasy Toxicity What treatment and therapeutic interventions would be used to treat addiction of Ecstasy Enduring clients of ecstasy may improve intense withdrawal side-effects that can accelerate medical complexity. Choices for enduring ecstasy clients are an in-patient process that offers counseling, conduct change, and detoxification with the utilization of sedatives. The points of these projects are to lessen the danger of detoxification as time goes on. Pharmacotherapeutic intervention of ecstasy toxicity includes: 1. Decontamination with activated charcoal/sorbitol. 2. Sedation with benzodiazepines in agitated and anxious patients. 3. Treatment of hyperthermia with rapid convection cooking, spraying water onto the body and using an electric fan to circulate the air, attempting to cool core temperature to 101 F within minutes. 4. Relief of muscle spasms and or/cramping with benzodiazepines. 5. Prevention of rhabdomyolysis with IV fluids. 6. Seizure control with benzodiazepines. 7. Stabilization of hemodynamic and/or cardiovascular disturbances with nitroprusside or nitroglycerin (Hahn, 2011).

10 Conclusion Initially utilized within the 1900's MDMA has been utilized clinically, and recreationally. The sentiments of euphoria, and feeling of well being is the wanted impact; on the other hand, contingent upon measurement and length of introduction, MDMA can turn into a fatal drug influencing parts of the brain that may still show harm years after the fact. Hyperthermia is a severe symptom, and might cause intense organ failure, or death. Considered a medication for the "youth," ecstasy utilization is additionally not phenomenal around people into his or her thirties. Medication of danger is palliative at generally, and helpful until poisonous quality is lessened. Brain imagery prescribes that cell death at least, has been discovered in investigations of brains with low exposure years after the fact. It is accepted that MDMA primitively influences the serotonin system of the CNS, and different medications added to MDMA might cause harm to different parts of the brain. More studies are demanded to learn progressively in-profundity learning of this drugs, and the impacts of usage.

11 References Businelle, M. S., Kendzor, D. E., Rash, C. J., Patterson, S. M., & Copeland, A. L. (2009). The development and validation of the methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) belief questionnaire (MDMA-BQ) in college students. Addiction Research & Theory, 17(4), doi: / Greer, G. & Tolbert, R. Subjective reports of the effects of MDMA in a clinical setting. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 18: , Retrieved from Harris, G. (2004). What All Social Workers Should Know About MDMA (Ecstasy). Journal Of Social Work Practice In The Addictions, 4(1), doi: /J160v04n01_03 Hahn, I. MDMA Toxicity Medication. Medscape Reference. Retrieved from /article/ medication /

12 References Kelly, P. (2000). Does recreational ecstasy use cause long-term cognitive problems? Western Journal of Medicine, 173(2), Retrieved Morgan, M.J. (2000). Ecstasy (MDMA): A review of its possible persistent psychological effects. Psychopharmacology 152: National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2010). MDMA (Ecstasy). Retrieved from Radiological Society of North America (2006, November 28). Ecstasy Can Harm The Brains of First-time Users. ScienceDaily. Retrieved, from http// Sakar, S., & Schmeud, L. (2010). Neurotoxity of ecstasy (MDMA): an overview. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 11(5), Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

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