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WELCOME TO Mrs. Hill’s & Mr. Hayden’s Fifth Grade Class.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO Mrs. Hill’s & Mr. Hayden’s Fifth Grade Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO Mrs. Hill’s & Mr. Hayden’s Fifth Grade Class

2 A LITTLE BIT ABOUT MRS. HILL I am 29 years old I have been teaching for seven years. I enjoy sports, especially football…Go Bucs! I love trying new restaurants, spending time with family, and exercising! Science is my favorite subject! I absolutely love my job!!


4 A LITTLE BIT ABOUT MR. HAYDEN Super excited about my second year at Schwarzkopf! I was born and raised in the Midwest - family from Chicago, grew up in Detroit, MI Graduated from the University of Wisconsin - GO Badgers! I love playing sports, traveling, and FOOD I love to read and really enjoy helping kids find the motivation to read Mrs. Hill and I make an AMAZING team

5 My Family

6 SCHWARZKOPF’S VISION & MISSION Vision: Each Schwarzkopf student will become an educated, capable citizen with a lifelong love of learning. Mission: Schwarzkopf will provide all students with a variety of opportunities to expand their knowledge to reach their maximum potential.

7 Fifth Grade Standards Available on-line at: Overview of what content will be taught in fifth grade Used in conjunction while lesson planning as a guideline

8 Classroom Rules 1. Raise hand before speaking and getting out of seat. 2. Pay attention when the teacher is talking. 3. Keep hands and feet to yourself at all times. 4. Come to school prepared and on time. 5. RESPECT yourself and each other.

9 Our Job vs. Your Job Teacher’s Job Teach all subject matter Use creative lessons Get to know each student and their potential Give 100% all the time Treat every student as if they were my own child Properly prepare each student for testing benchmarks Be a positive role model Praise high efforts and achievement Parent’s Job Make sure your child is fed & bathed thoroughly daily Ensure early bedtime!!!!!!!! 9pm Sign weekly behavior sheets Sign and return all necessary paperwork in a timely manner Get your child here everyday & on time unless sick Ask your child about their day; Show an interest in them If your child needs extra academic review, work with them at home

10 Planners Students will use their planner to keep track of homework assignments and important due dates. We will also communicate information back and forth to you as needed in the planner. It is not necessary to sign the planner each night, however we encourage parents to look over it daily to assure your child is completing assigned homework, and to read any important notes from us.

11 Take Home Folder The take home folder will serve three purposes. It carries the weekly behavior sheet, homework, and any important papers needing to be looked at and/or signed and returned. These will be explained in more detail in the upcoming slides.

12 Weekly Behavior Sheets Students receive a new behavior sheet each quarter. They must never lose this report. Behavior Sheets will be sent daily inside their take home folder for consistent review. 4 or more check marks in the same behavior area will result in an “N” (needs improvement) on the citizenship portion of your child’s report card. This will go down to 3 or more checks beginning in the 2 nd nine weeks. Please support the teacher in this area. Remind your child of how important this area is during school time.

13 Wednesday Envelope Each Wednesday, students will bring home their envelopes that may contain newsletters, school flyers and/or important papers, tests, and assignments. Any papers requiring a signature should be signed and returned in the envelope on Thursday. The outside of the envelope is also to be signed by a parent/guardian.

14 Parent/Guardian Signatures We are very big on communication. You will be seeing sign and return stamps on assignments, quizzes, tests, etc. coming home in the Wednesday Envelope, and we also require Take Home Folders to be signed weekly. This is to ensure that you are aware of your child’s progress and behavior throughout the year.

15 Report Card Conferences We do expect at least one parent to attend report card conferences throughout the year. You may request a phone conference in lieu of face-to-face conferences. We will do our best to accommodate your schedule, but we absolutely want to see you support your child by showing up to the scheduled visit. Conference times will be set up via a sign-up sheet we will send out a week before report cards are distributed. Conferences only last 10-15 minutes so if you need more time, let us know in advance and we will arrange extra time. Your child is encouraged to attend, ask questions, and be involved with their own progress. We will also be participating in student-led conferences this year. More information will be sent home as conference time approaches.

16 Structure Within The Classroom Lunch time – Hill: 10:18-10:48 Hayden: 10:20-10:50 Homework is turned in the next day unless instructed otherwise If your child misses school, a parent/guardian must call/email immediately and arrange to have missed work picked up if necessary. If a test is missed, we will discuss a proper day for a make- up.

17 5 th Grade Supplies 2 dozen #2 pencils 2 packs of notebook paper 4 three prong folders w/pockets (blue, yellow, red, green) 1 box of crayons 1 box of Crayola Markers 3 packs of index cards 3 packs of post-it notes 1 box of colored pencils 4 glue sticks 5 spirals (1 subject) 2 highlighters 1 pair scissors 1 composition book

18 Other Exciting 5 th Grade Events Biz Town Science Olympics 5 th Grade Field Trips 5 th Grade Banquet Student Council Morning Show Safety Patrols

19 Best Way To Contact Mrs. Hill or Mr. Hayden Preferred way to reach us is via email and School Phone Number: 813-975-6945 School Address: 18333 Calusa Trace Blvd. Lutz, Florida 33549 * We have found that the most efficient form of communication is through email. Phone messages may not be returned for 48 hours. We check our emails frequently and can respond to you quickly. We also send out mass emails to all of our parents to send reminders throughout the year. Please make sure we get your email address so that you can stay informed.

20 We are looking forward to an exciting and successful school year with you and your child. Let the journey begin!

21 Questions? Please use this time to ask any pertinent questions. Feel free to email us with any questions or concerns throughout the year.

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