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Ran, Feifei, Jake, Danqing ESL220/SS10/ Stahl.  This is mainly talking about biracial people to become part of one racial society to be accepted and.

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Presentation on theme: "Ran, Feifei, Jake, Danqing ESL220/SS10/ Stahl.  This is mainly talking about biracial people to become part of one racial society to be accepted and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ran, Feifei, Jake, Danqing ESL220/SS10/ Stahl

2  This is mainly talking about biracial people to become part of one racial society to be accepted and not being discriminated.  Thesis: ◦ American society makes being biracial feels like a blessing than a curse. -Are labeled to several categories. -Biracial people feel pressure. -Others force biracial people to choose one racial.

3  News Papers  Journals  Personal Essays  Who reads this/these publications? ◦ People who likes reading News Paper. ◦ Journalists ◦ Writers ◦ College Students ◦ Parents ◦ Biracial people

4  Published: ◦ From the Newsweek magazine issue on February 13, 1995  Written by a college student from University of Tennessee. ◦ Brian A. Courtney.  Tone  Tone Serious  Language:  Tries to persuade the audience and tell his opinion what he felt about being biracial.

5  The writer has not given a good logical conclusion about how he will do in the future.  Needs a solution about biracial problems.

6  The writer has given logical examples.  Has given strong personal experience.  The writer makes the audience to think emotionally and think deeply about this situation.  He uses logos, pathos and ethos very detailed.

7  “We feel the need to label everyone and everything and group them onto neatly defined into categories. Are you a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent? Are u African – American, Caucasian or Native American?” Specific Clear Very convincing

8  “Bourgie”, This means I dress very white – a pastel colored polo, a pair of navy chinos and hiking boots.” “ a comment like this would have angered me, and I must admit that I was a little offended”. Anger Embarrassment Humiliation pride

9  “ I blame society for not acknowledging us as a separate race. I am speaking not only for people who, like my self, are half black and half white, but also for those who are half white and half Asian, half white and half Hispanic, or half whatever”. Very honest Seriousness Respect toward other race Idealism

10  This article was talking about

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