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Mr. Costello, 6th grade Voyage Academy

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Costello, 6th grade Voyage Academy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Costello, 6th grade Voyage Academy
Welcome!! Mr. Costello, 6th grade Voyage Academy

2 Who is Mr. Costello? Background
Contact info Goal

3 Classroom Management Individual – Clip Chart Table – Points
Class – Points School Wide System Class – IIII IIII Table 1 IIII Table 2 II Table 3 I Table 4 III Table 5 Table 6

4 Money System Buy things in our store.
Pay rent for their chair and table. Pay fines (i.e. going to locker excessively.) Clip Chart infractions Participate in raffles, auctions.

5 Money System Each crew member will: Be paid biweekly.
Manage their money individually. Be given opportunities to earn additional.

6 Curriculum

7 Math – Pearsons – Common Core (CC)
Expressions and Equations, Ratios and Proportional Relationships, Statistics and Probability, The Number System, Geometry (GRADE APPROPRIATE) Spelling – Words their Way Grammar/Writing – Engage NY – (CC) Frightful’s Mountain, Dragonwings, and Lightning Thief Ratios and Proportional Relationships • Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems. The Number System • Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions. • Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples. numbers to the system of rational numbers. Expressions and Equations arithmetic to algebraic expressions. • Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities. • Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables. Geometry • Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume. Statistics and Probability • Develop understanding of statistical variability. • Summarize and describe distributions.

8 Science – (CC) Social Studies – (CC)
Moon/Planets/Universe/Seasons, Heat/Light/Sound/ and Microorganisms. EXPEDITION – SPACE (SPRING) Social Studies – (CC) World History from early man – modern times. EXPEDITION – WORLD CIVILIZATIONS (FALL) Excursions – Life Skills and Computers – Coordinate with Library, Art, and Music Teachers


10 Volunteers Classroom Coordinator Volunteer Needed Parties Projects

11 Volunteers Field work Supplies and classroom needs
Chaperone Transportation Supplies and classroom needs SNACKS – Sign up is in back!

12 Report cards Potentially Rare 1 = Not Met 2 = Progressing Towards
3 = Meets Standards 4 = Exceeds Potentially Rare

13 Homework 1. Reading Log - (30 minutes 4 days) OPTIONAL 2. Math - Usually work that is not finished in class 3. Expedition work – Items that they choose to do at home 4. Book Reports (1 per month) 5. SAGE or PEARSON’s online website assignments 6. Others As Appropriate

14 Homework folder Should come home every day
Will contain any letters from the school, notices, notes from me Please ask for them and look through them

15 PACKET Left Right Remind 101 Sign up info Small Scavenger Hunt
Disclosure Student Success contract Remind 101 Sign up info Scholastic info Uniform policy $20.00

16 DISclosure Please read carefully
Fill out and sign and turn it in as soon as possible but NLT 8/28

17 questions ? PLEASE ask!! ALWAYS ask!!! I am here for you!!!!

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