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The Roaring Twenties Economy and Government Social and Cultural Tension The Harlem Renaissance.

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1 The Roaring Twenties Economy and Government Social and Cultural Tension The Harlem Renaissance


3 Economy and Government A Booming Economy  Economy rebounds after WWI  Automobile has biggest impact  Henry Ford mass produces autos  assembly line keeps prices low for Model T  Consumer Revolution- flood of new, affordable goods available to public  electricity  Advertisement takes off- magazines and newspaper ads



6 Economy and Government  Those without enough money used installment buying (credit)  make small down payment and pay off rest with monthly payments plus interest  US stock market sees increase in stocks bought and sold  Stocks prices keep rising  Bull Market  Americans put money in stock market believing they can get rich quick  Those that could not afford stock began buying on the margin- purchasing stock with borrowed money  Cities &suburbs flourish, while southern towns & Midwest farms suffer


8 Economy and Government The Business of Government  1920- Warren G. Harding elected on “Return to Normalcy” ticket  Harding cuts taxes, raises tariffs, protect business interests  Harding trusted close friends to run presidency for him  Ohio Gang  Ohio Gang causes problems- The Teapot Dome Scandal Sec. of Interior transfers oil reserves in Teapot Dome, WY from navy use to interior use Sec. of Interior transfers oil reserves in Teapot Dome, WY from navy use to interior use He then rented the use of the oil to private businessmen and pocketed the money He then rented the use of the oil to private businessmen and pocketed the money


10 Economy and Government  Calvin Coolidge becomes president when Harding dies- 1924  Favored big business and lowering national debt  US still trying to wrap up foreign policy after WWI  Kellogg-Briand Pact- outlaws the use of war as a foreign policy tool  Most of Europe, especially Germany are bankrupt  1924- US agrees to Dawes Plan US loans money to Germany US loans money to Germany Germany then pays reparations to Br. And Fr. Germany then pays reparations to Br. And Fr. Br. and Fr. Pay back US  bitter towards US Br. and Fr. Pay back US  bitter towards US



13 Social and Cultural Tensions Old vs. New Clash  More ppl. live in urban than rural areas for first time in history  Urban Sprawl  Modernism: emphasize science over traditional ideas about religion  Christians feel that their religion is being attacked  sparks fundamentalism- every word in the bible is the literal truth

14 Social and Cultural Tensions Fundamentalists vs. Modernists: Scopes Trial 1925- TN makes it illegal to teach Darwin’s Theory of Evolution in school 1925- TN makes it illegal to teach Darwin’s Theory of Evolution in school John Scopes, a teacher, taught Darwinism anyway  arrested John Scopes, a teacher, taught Darwinism anyway  arrested Clarence Darrow- Defense lawyer William Jennings Bryan- Prosecution Clarence Darrow- Defense lawyer William Jennings Bryan- Prosecution Scopes found guilty  case shows division in public Scopes found guilty  case shows division in public


16 Social and Cultural Tensions Restricting Immigration  Red Scare forces restrictions on immigration  Nativism  Quota System: Congress sets limit on max amount of immigrants admitted to US  KKK rises again, targeting Jews, Catholics, and immigrants


18 Social and Cultural Tensions Prohibition and Crime  Banning the use of alcohol  18th Amendment- Volstead Act enforces amendment  Act does not stop American’s from drinking- use illegal methods to obtain alcohol  Bootleggers sold illegal alcohol to consumers  Organized crime skyrockets as citizens attempt to get boos  Al Capone  Speakeasies open- underground drinking restaurant  21st Amendment repeals Prohibition


20 The Harlem Renaissance Great Migration  1910-1920: Great Migration  AA’s migrate north- better pay, equality  Harlem, New York becomes center of AA culture- center of AA cultural “rebirth”  Marcus Garvey initiates “Back to Africa” campaign  separate the races  Garvey’s organization is known as the Universal Negro Improvement Association  Garvey fades away- Black Power and Nation of Islam groups rise


22 The Harlem Renaissance The Jazz Age  F. Scott Fitzgerald called the 1920s the “Jazz Age”  Jazz originated in South (NO)  Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith  Jazz became symbol of AA culture- bridges racial gap

23 The Harlem Renaissance  AA novelists, poets, artists, and musicians celebrate their culture  “New Negro” emerges  no longer would AA endure old ways of discrimination and exploitation  Langston Hughes (author, poet) becomes unofficial symbol of Harlem Ren  Zora Neale Hurston- Their Eyes Were Watching God  Harlem Ren ended when stock market crashed in 1929


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