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Welcome to Room 603 | History Please grab a notecard from the back desk and give me your student’s name, your contact info, and tell me one thing I should.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Room 603 | History Please grab a notecard from the back desk and give me your student’s name, your contact info, and tell me one thing I should."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Room 603 | History Please grab a notecard from the back desk and give me your student’s name, your contact info, and tell me one thing I should know about your child. To download a syllabus scan one of the QR codes around the room to access a digital copy. It is also on my website for future reference.

2 About Me

3 To be used with their planner not instead of the planner

4 Daily Agenda & Homework Daily Activities Assignments Homework

5 Notes, Handouts & Power Points Power Points Notes Images of my notebook

6 For Daily Events Specific to Our Class

7 Click calendar events for more details. ------------------------------ Due dates and assignment directions are always listed on the in-class daily agenda AND on the website. I provide lots of reminders; very little is ever a surprise! Be aware that assignments appear on the calendar on the due date.

8 Red Team Calendar * Under the “Parent & Student Resources” Tab See major assignments in relation to other class periods.

9 History Materials/Procedures 1.Planner 2.Pencil Bag 3.Composition Notebook (will mostly be kept in class) 4.Textbook (on needed basis) 5.Device* Daily Routine Students enter the classroom quietly, grab their notebooks, and go to their assigned seats. Students then fill out their planners—copying the homework from the board—and then begin the warm-up for the day in their notebooks.

10 Grading Major Grades = 60%Daily Grades = 40% Tests and exams Projects Presentations Daily work Homework Classwork Quizzes Notebook Checks Group work assignments Practice exercises

11 Late Work Policy Teachers will not ask for late work If you do not complete a daily grade assignment, you will receive a grade of zero. You can replace this zero for a maximum of a 70% by turning in your work at the start of class the next day, but daily work will not be accepted after one day. Major assignments must be submitted on time or will be deducted 15% for being one day late or 30% for being two days late. Any projects turned in after two days will not be accepted. Late work will be accepted no more than three times per grading period. After three late work submissions, a discipline referral will be started.

12 Absences Check the Absent Work File Box for any missed handouts as well as my website for notes, power points, etc. Students may request assignments early for expected absences. It is the student’s responsibility to complete assignments and catch up on concepts missed during an absence. Students will have one class day for every day they are absent to makeup work. Long-term project due dates and presentation dates still hold as these assignments were given with plenty of notice.

13 Classroom Behavior (The following outlines my procedures for inappropriate classroom behavior) 1.I will give a verbal warning 2.I will call and/or email the parent and a detention will be assigned 3.Automatic Referral

14 What’s Remind? Remind is a simple way for you to stay informed and up-to-date with what’s happening in your class. By joining our class on Remind, you’re choosing to receive class messages via push notifications, SMS, or email. Don’t worry, your phone number will not be shared with the teacher or anyone else in the class. 1.Download the REMIND app (for free!) and enter class code 2.Join via SMS: text (512) 920-5684 with the class code CLASS CODES History Period 1 @030301 History Period 4 @030304 History Period 5 @030305 History Period 6 @030306 History Period 7 @030307

15 Internet & Printing Students are given several days notice for any assignment that needs to be typed. Students are expected to be aware of issues with equipment at home and plan accordingly; please help them. The library/media center computer lab is available before school M-F except for an occasional Tuesday. I am happy to print an assignment if needed. Bring it on a flash drive in the morning before school. Email it to me prior to class time. Assignments emailed to me after I have collected the assignment in class or after class has ended are considered late even if emailed on the due date.

16 Student Email Please sit down with your student when he/she emails a teacher to model and monitor proper form and content. Please include the following: A subject in the subject line Clearly communicated purpose or need Salutation with first and last name (especially if his/her email address does not clearly communicate the sender)

17 Thank you for coming to Curriculum Night! Jessica Galarza (512) 533-7617 Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions, concerns, or comments. A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. -Marcus Garvey

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