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To recognise the eatwell plate. Explain the importance of diet To recognise the nutrients found in each food group. Describe how it can affect health.

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Presentation on theme: "To recognise the eatwell plate. Explain the importance of diet To recognise the nutrients found in each food group. Describe how it can affect health."— Presentation transcript:


2 To recognise the eatwell plate. Explain the importance of diet To recognise the nutrients found in each food group. Describe how it can affect health


4 This group provides:  Dietary fibre (NSP);  Vitamins A, C;  Minerals;  Water or fluid.  How does this affect your health? One third of the diet should be made up of these foods.

5 This group provides:  Carbohydrate;  Dietary fibre (NSP);  B vitamins;  Minerals, e.g. iron and calcium.  What are carbohydrates used for? One third of the diet should be made up of these foods.

6 This group provides:  Protein;  Calcium;  Vitamin A.  What would happen to your health if we didn't have dairy products? A moderate amount of these foods are needed in the diet.

7 This group provides:  Protein;  Vitamins, e.g. A, B, D;  Minerals, e.g. iron.  What is the role of protein? A moderate amount of these foods are needed in the diet.

8 This group provides:  Fat;  Carbohydrate (sugars).  How can fat affect your health? Foods from this group are not necessary for a healthy diet, but can be enjoyed occasionally. These foods should be eaten in small amounts.


10 Salt does not appear on the eatwell plate. It is estimated that 75% of the salt we eat comes from the food we buy, such as bread and cereal products, meat products and some ready meals. It is important to check the labels when buying foods. Salt intake can be further reduced by not adding salt to food during cooking or at the table.

11 The eatwell plate shows some fluids such as milk and fruit juice in food groups. On average the body needs 2 litres of fluid a day to help the body function properly. This is the same as roughly 6-8 glasses of fluid.

12 Alcohol does not feature on the eatwell plate, but those who drink there are recommendations ● Males - no more than 3-4 units per day ● Women - no more than 2-3 units per day. Over consumption of alcohol, or binge drinking should be avoided.

13 One unit of alcohol is:  half a pint of standard strength (3 to 5% ABV) beer, lager or cider;  a pub measure of spirit;  half a glass of wine is about 2 units;  two thirds of an Alcopops. How many units of alcohol would this be?

14 Much of the food people eat is in the form of dishes or meals rather than individual foods, e.g. pizzas, casseroles, lasagne, and sandwiches. These are called composite foods. Composite foods are made up from more than one food group from the eatwell plate.

15 Think about how these foods combine the groups of the eatwell plate.

16  Create your own eat well plate


18  To recognise the eatwell plate.  To recognise the nutrients found in each food group.  To understand that salt and some fluids are not shown on the eatwell plate.  To know how the eatwell plate can be used with composite foods.

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