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The Great Depression. The Crash > Economy Compared to Television, 1929.

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1 The Great Depression

2 The Crash > Economy Compared to Television, 1929

3 The Crash > “It’s so nice to have Daddy home all the time now,” Life, 1930

4 Unemployment > Deportation of Mexicans, 1931

5 Unemployment > Jobs Listed by Race, 1939

6 Poverty > Hooverville, 1933

7 Hoover > “We can do it!” 1931

8 Hoover > “Fundamentally, the ship was sound,” New Yorker, 1932

9 The New Deal > Historiographic Debates 1952, Herbert Hoover New Deal failed because it “attempted to collectivize the American system of life.” 1940s-1960s, “liberal consensus” historians New Deal was a “pragmatic” revolution that expanded the role of the federal government in American life. mid-1960s, “New Left” historians New Deal was fundamentally conservative, it could but failed to redistribute power in American society; it protected American capitalism. 1970s-2000s, contemporary historians New Deal could not have done more than it did, because of conservative Congress, the lack of adequate government bureaucracy, and localist and antistatist political culture.

10 The New Deal > Stages 1932 - FDR elected First New Deal (“the hundred days”) 1934 - Strike wave 1934 - Leftist Democrats win the majority in congressional elections Second New Deal (“the second hundred days”) 1935 - Supreme Court unanimously declares NRA unconstitutional 1936 - FDR reelected in a landslide 1937 - Court-packing FDR proposes but fails to implement unpopular Supreme Court reform 1938 - Republicans and conservative Democrats regain seats in the House As a reform movement, New Deal is over

11 New Deal > Private FDR Photograph, 1930s

12 New Deal > Public FDR Photographs, 1930s

13 New Deal > FDR Giving a Fireside Chat, 1937

14 New Deal > Banking Crisis Advertisement, 1931

15 New Deal > One Hundred Days Cartoon, Lynn Item, 1933

16 New Deal > One Hundred Days Cartoon, Houston Post, 1933

17 New Deal > TVA: Big Ridge Dam, TN

18 New Deal > Song from Thanks a Million, 1935 They started up the NRA to keep the big bad wolf away Then FDR began to be a headache to the GOP Now that codes are everywhere we’ve got initials in our hair The farmer’s IOU is O.K. since Congress formed the AAA The CCC chops down a tree and sells it pronto FOB … The RFC and NHA led millions to the AAA The AAA has crops it cuts and all of us are going nuts! --- NRA - National Recovery Administration AAA - Agricultural Adjustment Administration CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps RFC - Reconstruction Finance Corporation NHA - National Housing Authority FDR - Franklin Delano Roosevelt GOP - Grand Old Party FOB - Freight on Board

19 New Deal > NRA’s Blue Eagle Photograph, 1934

20 New Deal > CCC Worker Photograph, 1930

21 New Deal > Farm Holiday, 1930 and Archibald Willard, The Spirit of ‘76, 1876

22 The Dust Bowl > Dust Storm Approaching Startford, Texas, 1930s

23 The Dust Bowl > Map of Erosion and Dust on the Plains

24 The Dust Bowl > Traveling from South Texas to the Arkansas Delta, 1936

25 FSA > Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother, March 1936

26 FSA > Arthur Rothstein, Steer Skull, Pennington County, South Dakota 1936

27 FSA > Arthur Rothstein, the same skull on dry sun-baked earth

28 FSA > Arthur Rothstein, the same skull, cows grazing in the background

29 FSA > Walker Evans, Burroughs Photographs, Hale County, Alabama, 1936

30 Second New Deal > Social Security Poster, 1936

31 Second New Deal > Works Progress Administration poster

32 1936 Elections > Literary Digest and Gallup polls January 1936 Gallup Poll By Income Roosevelt Landon Upper third41% 59% Lower third7030 Reliefers82 18 October 1936 Gallup Poll Farmers Roosevelt 52.6% Landon 42.1% Women Roosevelt 51.4% Landon 44.8% Young People (21–24 Years) Roosevelt 57.4% Landon 38.4% Reliefers Roosevelt 78.8% Landon 14.0% Literary Digest Final Poll Landon57% Roosevelt43 States for Landon32 States for FDR16 A.I.P.O. (Gallup) Final Poll Roosevelt 55.7% Landon 44.3 States for FDR40 States for Landon 6 On the line 2 Election Results Roosevelt61% Landon49% States for FDR46 States for Landon2

33 1936 Elections > Percentage vote for Roosevelt in black districts, 1932 and 1936

34 Labor > Wagner Act, 1935: United Automobile Workers poster addressing Ford workers

35 Labor > Charlie Chaplin, Modern Times, 1936

36 Labor > A CIO poster quoting FDR

37 Labor > The rise in union membership

38 Labor > Strike patterns

39 Labor > Sit-down strike in Flint, MI

40 Labor > UAW organizers Walter Reuther and Richard Frankensteen pose for press photographers, River Rouge Plant, May 26, 1937

41 Labor > They were approached by Ford Service Department men

42 Labor > Ford men attacked

43 Labor > Reuther and Frankensteen immediately after the incident

44 Labor > Women’s sit-down strike in a Goody Nut Shop, 1937

45 Labor > Sit-down strike cartoon, New York World-Telegram, March 1937

46 Labor > CIO photomagazine, Photo-History, July 1937

47 Backlash > Memorial Day Massacre, May 29, 1937

48 Backlash > The Hilo Massacre, August 1, 1938

49 Court Packing > Schecter Poultry Corp. v. United States, 1935 A small company - small firms objected the most to limits on hours and wages Charles Evans Hughes for the majority: “Extraordinary conditions do not create or enlarge constitutional power.” Congress cannot relegate power to the executive branch, even in an emergency NRA infringes on “freedom of contract,” through industrial price and wage codes

50 Court Packing > “Fall In!,” Richmond Times Dispatch, 1937

51 Court Packing > “He Just Ain’t Fast Enough,” Brooklyn Citizen, 1937

52 Court Packing > “Qualifying Test,” New York Herald Tribune, 1937

53 Court Packing > “Step by Step,” Buffalo News, 1937

54 New Deal > Anti-Roosevelt cartoon, 1938

55 FDR’s Critics > Huey Long and Father Charles Coughlin Populist critics of President Roosevelt Long - Louisiana Governor and U.S. Senator; the rich should “share wealth” Coughlin - Catholic priest, Both used radio effectively Long - the rich should “share wealth” (as Kingfish from Amos’n’Andy show) Coughlin - sermons, attacked “money changers,” but also socialists Both had large following in the early 1930s Long - 8 million members of Share Our Wealth Clubs Coughlin - 40 million listeners in 1930 At first support FDR, then disillusioned Long - till 1933 as U.S. Senator (Democrat) Coughlin - till 1935 through sermons on the radio Long shot in 1935, used for the main character in Robert Penn Warren’s novel All the King’s Men Coughlin turned anti-semitic and conservative after FDR’s reelection in 1936, ordered by his bishop to cease all political activity in 1940

56 FDR’s Critics > Huey Long, My First Days in the White House (1935)

57 Migration > John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath Novel published in 1939 Film in 1940 (closely follows the novel) Reinforced the belief that migrants fled the dust storms In fact, they fled for varied reasons, including drought, falling agricultural prices, and mechanization of agriculture 16,000 farmers fled dust storms 400,000 migrated, from a larger area in the Southwest Famous scene: farmer confronts a man who is about to level his house, used the plight of farmers to convey a sense of unfocused outrage shared by many others during the Depression - people couldn’t figure out who was to blame for the disaster

58 Politics and Movies > Screwball comedies Frank Capra, Meet John Doe, 1941 My Man Godfrey, 1936

59 Politics and Movies > The Marx Brothers, Duck Soup, 1933

60 Politics and Radio > Orson Welles, “War of the Worlds,” 1938

61 Popular Front > Artists who were affiliated with the movement Orson Welles Charlie Chaplin Duke Ellington Frank Capra Dorothea LangeJohn Steinbeck

62 Popular Front > Scottsboro March announcement, Daily Worker, 1934

63 Disney Strike > “Walt Disney as the men who work for him see him. They portray him as unhappy because the strike is successful.” PM (1941)

64 Disney Strike > “Under the mask of the American Society of Screen Cartoonists, strikers claim is a company union,” PM (1941)

65 Disney Strike > “How a guy feels the first time he pickets. Most strikers were never union members before.” PM (1941)

66 Disney Strike > “The striking screen cartoon guild follows the difficult road of union organization, leaving alleged company union behind.” PM (1941)

67 Disney Strike > “Here is the artist’s version of an ideal picket. The Disney workers make the ideal striker; there are mighty few labor disputes in which just about every striker can make his own picket sign.” PM (1941)

68 Disney Strike > Life of an animator, as the public imagines it and in reality, without union protection. PM (1941)

69 Disney Strike > “It’s OK for the seven dwarfs to whistle while they work, but not the girls who work for Disney. Discipline is strict. PM (1941)

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