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Housing Options Individual and Family Housing Needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Housing Options Individual and Family Housing Needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing Options Individual and Family Housing Needs

2 Culture  A combination of all the customs, beliefs, and ideas of a group of people.  Includes people’s values, traditions, and social habits, as well as arts and religion.  Affects the style of the home, the arrangement of the rooms and furnishings within the home.  In the U.S. how do homes vary from one another?

3 Influencing other Cultures  Whitewashed walls and red-tiled roof are characteristics of Spanish architecture.  Charleston style homes are tall thin homes. Most are colorful.

4 Societal  Household size  Household composition  Older population  People with disabilities  Finding affordable housing  Planning for Leisure time  Working at home  Mobile society

5 Environment Environment  The Natural Environment  Constructed Environment  Behavioral  Interaction of the environments of the environments

6 Economic  How housing affects the economy –Determine the number of families that can afford to buy a median-priced home in their area. High mortgage rates and high unemployment affect this.  How the economy affects housing –Is affected by, the production of houses. –Many nationally produced goods and services are related to the housing industry.

7 Technology  Early technology  Industrialization  High tech

8 Government’s Role  Ensure safety of the house i.e. home inspections.  Public Housing.  Providing for the elderly and the disabled.  Emergency shelter for the homeless.

9 Governmental Issues  HUD *Housing Urban Development- Mission to promote a decent, safe, and sanitary home, and suitable living environment for every American.  FHA *Federal Housing Administration- Providing decent, sanitary housing for low-income families.  Building Codes- establish minimum standards for materials and construction methods. Set for plumbing, heating, ventilation, and electrical systems.

10 Government Agencies  Zoning Regulations- controls land use. Specifies the type of buildings and activities that are permitted in a certain area. Such as: residential, commercial, or industrial.  EPA *Environmental Protection Agency- focuses on the natural environment as well as the quality of air and water within housing.  CPSC *Consumer Product Safety Commission- Focus is to save lives and keep families safe by reducing the rick of injuries and deaths associated with consumer products.  ADA *American Disabilities Act- Assures that every person with a disability is able to enter a commercial building. i.e. Restaurant- must be able to eat at any table. Restroom- must have a restroom for handicap use.

11 Are there any questions?

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