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Dia through, across Prefix:. Diagram Picture drawn to explain an idea On the test we had to draw a diagram to label the different muscles of the arm.

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Presentation on theme: "Dia through, across Prefix:. Diagram Picture drawn to explain an idea On the test we had to draw a diagram to label the different muscles of the arm."— Presentation transcript:

1 dia through, across Prefix:

2 Diagram Picture drawn to explain an idea On the test we had to draw a diagram to label the different muscles of the arm.

3 Diagnose To identify a disease through symptoms.

4 Diagonal A straight line through a figure from one corner to another corner. Diagonal Line

5 Diaphanous Transparent, capable of being seen through. Diaphanous boat Diaphanous piggy bank Diaphanous backpack

6 Diaphragm A membrane that separates one thing from another, such as the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity.

7 Per through, across Prefix:

8 Perambulate To walk through, over or around The herd perambulated the area, crossing it several times in search of food.

9 Percolate To drip through a small opening or to filter a liquid The tap water percolated through the water filter.

10 Perforate To make holes in something The perforated tickets were easy to tear apart.

11 Persistence Continuing stubbornly without giving up; determination His persistence in the soccer game paid off, he finally scored a goal!

12 Pervasive Having the power to be spread or to pass through The feeling of joy was pervasive, spreading throughout the whole group on the first day of summer break!

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