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© 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Chapter 7 Stress and Well-Being at Work Learning Outcomes 1.Define stress, distress, and strain. 2.Compare.

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1 © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Chapter 7 Stress and Well-Being at Work Learning Outcomes 1.Define stress, distress, and strain. 2.Compare four different approaches to stress. 3.Explain the psychophysiology of the stress response. 4.Identify work and nonwork causes of stress. 5.Describe the consequences of stress. 6.Discuss individual factors that influence a person’s response to stress and strain. 7.Identify the stages and elements of preventive stress management for individuals and organizations.

2 © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. What Is Stress? [Stress] – the unconscious preparation to fight or flee that a person experiences when faced with any demand [Stressor ] – the person or event that triggers the stress response [Distress (or strain)] – the adverse psychological, physical, behavioral, and organizational consequences that may arise as a result of stressful events

3 Homeostatic/Medical Stress occurs when an external demand upsets an individual’s natural, steady-state balance. 4 APPROACHES TO STRESS © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

4 Individuals differ in their appraisal of events and people What is stressful for one person is not for another Perception and cognitive appraisal determines what is stressful COGNITIVE APPRAISAL

5 © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Problem-focused coping emphasizes managing the stressor COGNITIVE APPRAISAL Emotion-focused coping emphasizes managing your response

6 Confusing and conflicting expectations in a social role create stress. Good person-environment fit occurs when one’s skills and abilities match a clearly defined set of role expectations. Stress occurs when expectations are confusing or when they conflict with one’s skills. PERSON-ENVIRONMENT FIT © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

7 PSYCHOANALYTIC STRESS Discrepancy between the idealized self and the real self-image © 2011Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

8 The Stress Response Release of chemical messengers © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Activation of sympathetic nervous and endocrine systems

9 Sources of Stress: Work Demands © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

10 Stress Source: Nonwork Demands © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

11 Positive Stress Stress response itself is neutral Some stressful activities (aerobic exercise, etc.) can enhance a person’s ability to manage stressful demands or situations Stress can provide a needed energy boost

12 Yerkes-Dodson Law © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

13 Individual Distress Work-related psychological disorders (depression, burnout, psychosomatic disorders) Medical illness (heart disease, strokes, headaches, backaches) Behavioral problems (substance abuse, violence, accidents) © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

14 Organizational Distress Participative Problems –absenteeism, tardiness, strikes, and turnover Performance Decrement –poor quality or low quantity of production, grievances, and unscheduled machine downtime and repair Compensation Award –court awards for job distress

15 © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Individual Differences – Achilles’ heel phenomenon – a person breaks down at his or her weakest point

16 Gender Effects Sexual Harassment Vulnerabilities © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

17 Type A Behavior Patterns Competitiveness Time urgency Social Status Insecurity Aggression Hostility Quest for achievements

18 © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Personality Hardiness [ Personality Hardiness ] –challenge (versus threat) –commitment (versus alienation) –control (versus powerlessness) [ Transformational Coping ] active process of modifying one’s perception of an event in order to reduce stress.

19 © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Self-Reliance Self-Reliance – a healthy, secure, interdependent pattern of behavior related to how people form and maintain supportive attachments with others Counterdependence – an unhealthy, insecure pattern of behavior that leads to separation in relationships with other people Overdependence – an unhealthy, insecure pattern of behavior that leads to preoccupied attempts to achieve security through relationships.

20 © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. an organizational philosophy that holds that people & organizations should take joint responsibility for promoting health and preventing distress and strain Preventative Stress Management

21 © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Organizational philosophy according to which people and organizations should take joint responsibility for promoting health and preventing distress. Primary Prevention – designed to reduce, modify, or eliminate the demand or stressor Secondary Prevention – designed to alter or modify the response to a demand or stressor Tertiary Prevention – designed to heal symptoms of distress and strain Preventative Stress Management

22 Preventative Stress Maintenance © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

23 Organizational Stress Prevention Job redesign Goal setting Role negotiation Social support systems

24 Job Strain Model © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

25 Social Support at Work and Home © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

26 Individual Preventive Stress Management © 2011 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

27 What Can Managers Do? Learn how to create healthy stress without distress Help employees adjust to new technologies Be sensitive to early signs of distress Be aware of gender, personality, and behavioral differences Use principles and methods of preventive stress management

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