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A Safe and Healthy Environment
Chapter 20 A Safe and Healthy Environment
Lecture Overview Employee Safety Principles of Safety Program
Implementation of Safety Program Health Work Stress Burnout
Health The wellbeing of employee is depend on physical and mental health i) Physical Health Poor health means reduce productivity, more absenteeism and more cost on health services ii) Mental Health Work pressure and tension iii) Noise Control Noise can be minimized but very difficult to eliminate Industrial age causing noise problems Continuous exposure to noise result into impaired hearing Noise exposure may also cause heartburn, fatigue, change in blood circulation, and hormonal problems Control Methods a) At the source ii) absorption iii) through enclosure
Work Stress iv) Work Stress: Stress can be defined as “the response of individual to disturbing factors and consequences of this reaction” Stressors are physical and psychological demands that cause stress Positive Stress: Also called eustress is positive motivator Negative Stress: Condition or situation that cause physical, emotional and psychological damage Stress is combination of constraints, demands, and uncertainties How much stress individual takes depend on i) Perception of the situation ii) Past experience iii) social support iv) Personality/Individual differences Burnout: It is closely associated with stress. It is defined as “total depletion of physical and mental resources caused by excessive striving to reach an unrealistic work-related goals” (Dessler, p. 667) Perception of transfer Not meeting deadline for information to be provided to high ups
Work Stress Individual Level Stress Group Level Cognitive
Personality Role overload Role conflict Role ambiguity Task characteristics Behavioral Satisfaction Performance Absenteeism Turnover Accidents Substance abuse Stress Group Level Managerial behavior Lack of cohesiveness Intragroup conflict Status incongruence Sexual harassment Workplace violence Cognitive Poor decision making Lack of concentration Forgetfulness Moderating Variable Perception Past experience Social support Individual differences Organizational Level Climate Management styles Organizational design Organizational life cycle Physiological Diseases Burnout Perception of transfer Not meeting deadline for information to be provided to high ups Extra organizational level Family Economy Lack of mobility Quality of life Adopted from: Aswathappa. Human Resource Management, Text and Cases, 2008, p
Work Stress Stress Burnout The person feel fatigue
The individual encounters chronic exhaustion The person is anxious The individual is hypertensive The person is dissatisfied with the job The person is bored The person's job commitment has declined Job commitment is nil The person feels moody The person feel impatient, unwilling to talk to other The person feels guilty The person encounters mental depression The person is having difficulty in concentrating. Forget things Forgetfulness is frequent The individual face physical health problems The person is psychologically upset Perception of transfer Not meeting deadline for information to be provided to high ups Adopted from: Aswathappa. Human Resource Management, Text and Cases, 2008, Pp
Burnout Model Emotional exhaustion
Personal, job and organizational stressors Attitudinal and behavioral symptoms of burnout Depersonalization Perception of transfer Not meeting deadline for information to be provided to high ups Feeling a lack of personal accomplishment Adopted from: Aswathappa. Human Resource Management, Text and Cases, 2008, p
Stress Management Signs of Stress Physical Emotional Mental Relational
Spiritual Behavioral Appetite change Bad temper Lacking humour Isolation Feeling of emptiness pacing Headache Anxiety Dull senses Defensive Apathy Swearing Fatigue Nightmares Lethargy Intolerance Inability to forgive Substance abuse Insomnia Irritability Boredom Resentment Cynicism Nail biting Indigestion Depression Indecisiveness Loneliness Loss of direction Slumped posture Cold Frustration Forgetfulness Nagging Doubt Restlessness Wight change Over sensitivity Poor concentration Low desire Need to prove self Risk aversion Teeth grinding Mood swing Personality changes Aggression Negative outlook Eating disorders Tension Fearfulness Stuck in past Abuse Gloom Headaches Perception of transfer Not meeting deadline for information to be provided to high ups Adopted from: Aswathappa. Human Resource Management, Text and Cases, 2008, p
Stress Management 1 Individual Strategies a) Biofeedback
b) Muscle relaxation c) Mediation d) Cognitive restructuring e) Time management Perception of transfer Not meeting deadline for information to be provided to high ups
Stress Management 2 Organizational Strategies Work stressors
Programs for Employee perception and outcomes of stress Team building Behavior modification Career counseling Time management workshops Workshops on burnout Training in relaxing techniques Physical fitness programs Programs for Work Stressors Improvements in physical work conditions Job redesign Reducing workload and changing deadlines Structural reorganization Change in work schedule, recreational leave Management by objectives Employee participation Workshops on role clarity and conflict Organizational strategies Outcomes of stress Physiological Emotional Behavioral Work stressors Workload Job conditions Role conflict and ambiguity Career development Aggressive behavior Conflict between work and other roles Employee perceptions/stress experience Perception of transfer Not meeting deadline for information to be provided to high ups Adopted from: Aswathappa. Human Resource Management, Text and Cases, 2008, Pp
Summary Employee Safety Principles of Safety Program
Implementation of Safety Program Health Work Stress Burnout
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