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2 nd March 2011. Objectives of Workshop To explain the format of the SATs (presentation) To give parents an opportunity to look at past examples of SATs.

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Presentation on theme: "2 nd March 2011. Objectives of Workshop To explain the format of the SATs (presentation) To give parents an opportunity to look at past examples of SATs."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 nd March 2011

2 Objectives of Workshop To explain the format of the SATs (presentation) To give parents an opportunity to look at past examples of SATs (around the room) To give examples of different levels so that parents understand what is meant by Level 3/4/5 etc(around the room) To give parents an opportunity to ask questions (at the end of the presentation)

3 What are KS2 SATs SATs or Statutory Assessment Tests are now statutory only for Key Stage 2 children. KS3 SATs were abolished in 2009 and in KS1 these are tasks not tests. All children in England sit these tests in the same week of the year in May. This year it is the week of 9 th May. Children sit tests in English Reading, Writing (which includes spelling), and Maths. This year we have also been selected to sit the Science Sample Tests. We believe these are in a similar format to the old SAT papers.

4 Expectations Teachers must also make and submit teacher assessments for every child. If a child is assessed below Level 3 they are below the level of the test and are not entered. The expected level for Key Stage 2 SATs is Level 4

5 Monday 9 th May English Reading Test- possible total of 50 marks. Children get 15 minutes to read the booklet and then 45 minutes to answer the questions. Variety of types of questions varying from multiple choice, short answers which involve a word or phrase or longer type answers. Marks awarded are 1,2 or 3 and these are clearly stated on the papers

6 Monday continued Reading questions test a variety of skills including comprehension, inference and deduction and also question children on technique and authorial intent To support your children, encourage them to read articles from newspapers/ Internet and explain what it is about and how they know. Also consider any revision material they have been given from school.

7 Tuesday 10 th May English Writing Tests Short Writing Test where children have 20 minutes to plan and write a short piece on a given topic. Possible Total of 12 marks Spelling Test 20 spellings with a total of 7 marks possible. Longer Writing Test where children have 45 minutes which includes 10 minutes planning time. Possible Total of 28 marks. Handwriting mark is awarded on this piece of writing up to a total of 3 marks.

8 Wednesday 11 th May Maths Paper A This is the non calculator paper. It tests all areas of maths, from calculations to shape and space and data handling. A possible 40 marks available for this test. Mental Maths Test This is a taped test with 5 seconds, 10 seconds and 15 seconds available for different questions. A possible 20 marks available for this test.

9 Thursday 12 th May Maths Paper B This is the calculator paper and also has a possible 40 marks available. To support your children to prepare for these maths papers it is essential that they know their tables; know their number bonds to 100; are confident in their use of mathematical vocabulary and recall of significant maths facts. Please ensure that children complete all the homework set and return to school on the allocated day.

10 Friday 13 th May Your child is currently having Science revision in school and should be bringing their purple book home and reading it copiously!!! As well as answering the question sheets etc that accompany them.

11 Any Questions ?

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