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Presented by Marito Garcia Technical Workshop of the Africa ECCD Initiative July 27, 2010 (Based on work by Emiliana Vegas, Veronica Silva and Amanda Epstein)

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Marito Garcia Technical Workshop of the Africa ECCD Initiative July 27, 2010 (Based on work by Emiliana Vegas, Veronica Silva and Amanda Epstein)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Marito Garcia Technical Workshop of the Africa ECCD Initiative July 27, 2010 (Based on work by Emiliana Vegas, Veronica Silva and Amanda Epstein) Strengthening ECD Policies and Programs: Frameworks, Benchmarks and Roadmaps

2 Presentation Overview Definitions: Early Childhood Development, ECD programs and ECD policies. Introduction of Framework to classify ECD Policies Typology of ECD programs Framework for classifying ECD policies at the national level, to help countries identify (i) their current level of development in this area, and (ii) some policy options to further develop ECD policies. Application of framework to four country case studies Preliminary application of framework to 12 SSA countries International comparisons

3 Definitions Early Childhood Development as the period from when a child is conceived to six years of age (0-6). Three types of ECD outcomes are critical for life outcomes: physical growth and well-being, cognitive development, and socio-emotional development. ECD programs include specific interventions that may vary according to primary objective, coverage (small scale, universal), and other program characteristics. ECD policies refer to the regulatory framework and institutional arrangements for service delivery at the national and/or state level to ensure that a nation’s children have access to quality ECD services.

4 National ECD Policy Classification Process Step 1: Take stock of existing ECD programs and interventions, using 9 Key Characteristics Step 2: Classify ECD interventions and programs into one of four types (sectoral, cross-sectoral, multi- sectoral or comprehensive) Step 3: Evaluate the level of development of ECD policies at the national and/or subnational level, using four critical dimensions of ECD policies Step 4: Identify country-specific policy options to strengthen ECD policies and programs

5 Typology of ECD Programs 9 Key Characteristics: i. Primary policy objective; ii. Brief description; iii. Focus area/intervention mechanism; iv. Coverage/access; v. Institutional arrangements; vi. Financing; vii. Service providers; viii. Quality assurance mechanisms; ix. Challenges for going to scale and improving service delivery. 4 General Types of Programs: 1. Sectoral 2. Cross-sectoral 3. Multi-sectoral 4. Comprehensive

6 Child Prenatal 0-2 3-4 5-6 Mother (prenatal) Mother/Father/ Caregiver Healthcare and hygiene Maternal/prenatal health Water and sanitation Healthcare prevention Mental Health Poverty alleviation Income transfers Maternity/paternity leave Female labor participation Home infrastructure Nutrition Food and supplements Education Preschool (3-6) Care (0-3) What interventions affect ECD (and how)?

7 Single SectorSpecific Sector w/ inputs from other sector Multiple sectors, specific programs for targeted or universal populations Comprehensive regular monitoring, some universal services, with tailored interventions Intervention Areas/Mechanisms Sectoral Cross- Sectoral Multi- Sectoral Comprehensive Coordinated interventions across multiple sectors Complexity of Institutional Arrangements

8 A Framework for Classifying ECD Policies 4 dimensions: 1. Enabling environment. 2. Degree of implementation. 3. Monitoring and quality assurance. 4. Policy focus. 4 levels of development: a. Latent b. Emerging c. Established d. Mature

9 ECD Policy Dimensions Variables Level of Development LATENTEMERGINGESTABLISHEDMATURE ENABLING ENVIRONMENT Legal frameworknon existentminimal regulations in some sectors developed Coordination low within sector high within sector low inter- institutional high inter- institutional Financingad hoc some programs with sustained many programs with sustained sustained for attaining goals DEGREE OF IMPLEMENTATION Coveragelowexpanding universal in some sectors universal in ECD Programspilot established in few sectors established in several sectors established in ECD MONITORING AND QUALITY ASSURANCE ECD Information minimal measures outcomes at national level outcomes at national, regional, local level outcomes at national, regional, local & individual level Quality Standards & Compliance Limited or no standards Standards in some sectors Standards in most sectors, compliance is monitored regularly Standards in all sectors, compliance is regularly monitored and enforced POLICY FOCUS ECD Interventions (health, nutrition, education & child protection) some and minimal some established well established services integrated services universally provided

10 Single sector Specific sector w/inputs from other sector Multiple sectors, specific programs for targeted or universal populations Comprehensive regular monitoring. Some universal services, with tailored interventions Focus Areas- Mechanisms Coordinated interventions across multiple sectors Complexity of institutional arrangements Nutritional Supplement Programs in Zambia Improving the National ECD Response Through Capacity Building in Malawi Zambia PreSchool Association Tube Poka Program in Malawi The Maureen Mwanamasa Community Initiative Market Centre Concept Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) in Zambia Case des Tous Petits in Senegal Programme de la Renforcement de la Nutrition in Senegal Rapid Response Child-Focused Social Cash Transfer and Nutrition Security Project Child Health Week in Zambia Community-Based Care Centers in Malawi Inventory of ECD Programs in 4 SSA Countries PROCAPE in Senegal Social Cash Transfer Scheme in Malawi Chile Crece Con Tigo Chile Crece Con Tigo



13 ENABLING ENVIRONMENT POLICY FOCUS DEGREE OF IMPLEMENTATION MATURE POLICY ESTABLISHED POLICY EMERGING POLICY LATENT POLICY MONITORING AND QUALITY ASSURANCE latentemergingestablishedmature latent emerging established mature latentemergingestablishedmature Guinea - Niger Malawi Mali Mauritius – South Africa Mozambique Nigeria Senegal Tanzania / Zanzibar-Liberia Latent National ECD Policy Emerging National ECD Policy Established National ECD Policy Mature National ECD Policy Zambia


15 From Benchmarks to Roadmaps There is no one identical path for all countries to reach ECD goals, but there can be a set of directions, or “Roadmap” to help countries identify their own unique path. Such a “Roadmap” can be identified by: Taking stock of existing programs and policies Along the four critical dimensions – Enabling Environment, Degree of Implementation, Monitoring and Quality Assurance, and Policy Focus.

16 Thank you for your attention and we look forward to working with you! Contact: Strengthening ECD Policies and Programs: Frameworks, Benchmarks and Roadmaps

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