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Published byAnastasia Pope Modified over 9 years ago
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 NETREL - Network for Education and TRaining for public Environmental Laboratories 530554-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-SK-JPHES Ivan Špánik
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 Univerzity EU Slovak University of Technology, The Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology (Ivan Špánik) Masaryk University, Czech Republic – RECETOX (Branislav Vrana) University of Portsmouth, UK (Graham Mills)
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 Univerzity – partnerské krajiny University of Novi Sad (M.Miloradov) University of Belgrade (B.Jovancicevic) University of Banja Luka(B.Kukavica) University of Sarajevo (T.Muhic-Sarac)
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 Inštitúcie – partnerské krajiny Federal Agromediterranean Institute of Mostar Institute for Public Health of Canton Sarajevo Public Health Institute of Republic of Srpska Public Utility WaterworksCompany Prnjavor Serbian Environmental Protection Agency Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina Public Waterworks and Sewerage Company Novi Sad
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 Ciele projektu Vyškoliť zamestnancov univerzít v oblasti monitorovania prioritných zlúčenín zahrnutých v Rámcovej smernici EU o vode, persistentých organických zlúčenín a ostatných organických zlúčenín znečisťujúcich životné prostredie. Presunúť nadobudnuté poznatky z univerzít do verejných laboratórií a inštitúcií zaoberajúcimi sa analýzou a monitoringom životného prostredia na regionálnej a národnej úrovni.
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 Ciele projektu Vytvorenie siete pracovísk pozostávajúcich z univerzít partnerských krajín schopných poskytovať školenia a kurzy zamerané na monitorovanie organických zlúčenín znečisťujúcich životné prostredie pre laboratóriá a inštitúcie zaoberajúcimi sa analýzou a monitoringom životného prostredia za účelom zlepšenia ich postupov v oblasti analytickej praxe.
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 NETREL aktivity WP 1. Training of partner country academic staff by EU partners (1- 24 months) - EU Universities Aktivity: V rámci projektu sa zorganizuje: 6 vzdelávacích kurzov nezávisle pre pacovníkov Srbských univerzít a univerzít v BIH 4 praktické kurzy na EU univerzitách zamerané na zlepšenie laboratórnych postupov a činností Exkurzie pracovníkov laboratórií zo Srbska a BIH v inštitúciách zaoberajúcimi sa monitoringom životného prostredia v partnerských EU krajinách Tréning na zakúpené prístroje v Srbsku a BIH
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 NETREL aktivity WP 2. Training of partner country laboratory staff by partner country academic staff under EU participants supervision (24-36 months) – PC Universities Aktivity: 6 vzdelávacích kurzov nezávisle pre pacovníkov Srbských univerzít a univerzít v BIH
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 NETREL aktivity WP 3. Purchase of the equipment (8-18 months) Zakúpenie potrebných prístrojov GC-MS, HPLC-DAD Aktivity: Príprava podkladov pre verejné obstarávanie Zakúpenie prístrojov Inštalácia prístrojov a úvodné zaškolenie
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 NETREL aktivity WP 4. Dissemination of project results Aktivity: Otvorená diskusia s pracovníkmi inštitúcií zaoberajúcimi sa tvorbou legislatívy v Srbsku a BIH WP 5. Quality assessment WP 6. Exploitation of project deliverables WP 7. Project management
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 Ako pripraviť návrh projektu Project implementation The project rationale o Opis cieľa projektu o Zdôvodnenie v akom vzťahu je projekt k EU aktivitám o Aktuálny stav v danej oblasti v partnerských krajinách o Doterajšie aktivity univerzít a inštitúcií v partnerských krajinách v danej oblasti
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 Ako pripraviť návrh projektu Project implementation Quality of the partnership Opis jednotlivých inštitúcií a ich aktivít v oblasti projektu Opis doterajšej spolupráce EU partnerov s univerzitami v partnerských krajinách
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 Ako pripraviť návrh projektu Project implementation Dissemination and sustainability Informácie o projekte – web stránka – TV, denná tlač – konferencie – diskusia – pripravené materiály – copyright Udržateľnosť Slabé stránky a riziká
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 Wider Objective: What is the overall broader objective, to which the project will contribute? Indicators of progress: What are the key indicators related to the wider objective? HOW INDICATORS WILL BE MEASURED: What are the sources of information on these indicators? Specific Project Objective/s: What are the specific objectives, which the project shall achieve? Indicators of progress: What are the quantitative and qualitative indicators showing whether and to what extent the project’s specific objectives are achieved? How indicators will be measured: What are the sources of information that exist and can be collected? What are the methods required to get this information? Assumptions & risks: What are the factors and conditions not under the direct control of the project, which are necessary to achieve these objectives? What risks have to be considered? Outputs (tangible) and Outcomes (intangible): Please provide the list of concrete DELIVERABLES - outputs/outcomes (grouped in Workpackages), leading to the specific objective/s.: Indicators of progress: What are the indicators to measure whether and to what extent the project achieves the envisaged results and effects? How indicators will be measured: What are the sources of information on these indicators? Assumptions & risks: What external factors and conditions must be realised to obtain the expected outcomes and results on schedule? Activities: What are the key activities to be carried out (grouped in Workpackages) and in what sequence in order to produce the expected results? Inputs: What inputs are required to implement these activities, e.g. staff time, equipment, mobilities, publications etc.? Assumptions, risks and pre- conditions: What pre-conditions are required before the project starts? What conditions outside the project’s direct control have to be present for the implementation of the planned activities? Logical framework matrix Hlavný cieľ Koľko ľudí bude vyškolených certifikát Za celý projekt
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 Wider Objective: What is the overall broader objective, to which the project will contribute? Indicators of progress: What are the key indicators related to the wider objective? HOW INDICATORS WILL BE MEASURED: What are the sources of information on these indicators? Specific Project Objective/s: What are the specific objectives, which the project shall achieve? Indicators of progress: What are the quantitative and qualitative indicators showing whether and to what extent the project’s specific objectives are achieved? How indicators will be measured: What are the sources of information that exist and can be collected? What are the methods required to get this information? Assumptions & risks: What are the factors and conditions not under the direct control of the project, which are necessary to achieve these objectives? What risks have to be considered? Outputs (tangible) and Outcomes (intangible): Please provide the list of concrete DELIVERABLES - outputs/outcomes (grouped in Workpackages), leading to the specific objective/s.: Indicators of progress: What are the indicators to measure whether and to what extent the project achieves the envisaged results and effects? How indicators will be measured: What are the sources of information on these indicators? Assumptions & risks: What external factors and conditions must be realised to obtain the expected outcomes and results on schedule? Activities: What are the key activities to be carried out (grouped in Workpackages) and in what sequence in order to produce the expected results? Inputs: What inputs are required to implement these activities, e.g. staff time, equipment, mobilities, publications etc.? Assumptions, risks and pre- conditions: What pre-conditions are required before the project starts? What conditions outside the project’s direct control have to be present for the implementation of the planned activities? Logical framework matrix Názvy dôležitých WP Príprava materiálov, počet ľudí Publikované materiály, vydané certifikáty Za jednotlivé aktivity Možné riziká Oneskorenia
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 Logical framework matrix Specific Project Objective/s: Training of partner country Academic Staff by EU project partners Training of Partner country public laboratory staff by Partner Country Academic Staff – under supervision of project partners from EU Indicators of progress: Prepared 10 learning materials for learning courses and seminars Trained 8 people from partner country academic staff with at least 1 young perspective PhD student from each country How indicators will be measured: Published learning materials available on the web site Successfully completed tests and issued certificates to academic staff Assumptions & risks: Delay in preparation of lecture and training materials Difficulties and prolongation in open call procurement
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 Wider Objective: What is the overall broader objective, to which the project will contribute? Indicators of progress: What are the key indicators related to the wider objective? HOW INDICATORS WILL BE MEASURED: What are the sources of information on these indicators? Specific Project Objective/s: What are the specific objectives, which the project shall achieve? Indicators of progress: What are the quantitative and qualitative indicators showing whether and to what extent the project’s specific objectives are achieved? How indicators will be measured: What are the sources of information that exist and can be collected? What are the methods required to get this information? Assumptions & risks: What are the factors and conditions not under the direct control of the project, which are necessary to achieve these objectives? What risks have to be considered? Outputs (tangible) and Outcomes (intangible): Please provide the list of concrete DELIVERABLES - outputs/outcomes (grouped in Workpackages), leading to the specific objective/s.: Indicators of progress: What are the indicators to measure whether and to what extent the project achieves the envisaged results and effects? How indicators will be measured: What are the sources of information on these indicators? Assumptions & risks: What external factors and conditions must be realised to obtain the expected outcomes and results on schedule? Activities: What are the key activities to be carried out (grouped in Workpackages) and in what sequence in order to produce the expected results? Inputs: What inputs are required to implement these activities, e.g. staff time, equipment, mobilities, publications etc.? Assumptions, risks and pre- conditions: What pre-conditions are required before the project starts? What conditions outside the project’s direct control have to be present for the implementation of the planned activities? Logical framework matrix Materiály, kurzy, tendre Príprava materiálov, počet školení Publikované materiály, vydané certifikáty, program kurzov Za jednotlivé aktivity Možné riziká Oneskorenia
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 Logical framework matrix Outputs (tangible) and Outcomes (intangible): Learning materials Academic visits regarding preparation of training courses Teaching materials Preparation of training course agenda Training course on sampling Tender documentation Indicators of progress: Prepared learning material for courses Prepared training courses for laboratory staff Prepared teaching materials for training courses for laboratory staff Purchased NETREL equipment How indicators will be measured: Published learning materials on the web site Printed teaching material Installed equipment and trained personnel Assumptions & risks: Lack of experts from academia Lack of interest from qualified staff of public laboratories in Western Balkan countries Limited capacity of academia staff to provide trainings.
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 Wider Objective: What is the overall broader objective, to which the project will contribute? Indicators of progress: What are the key indicators related to the wider objective? HOW INDICATORS WILL BE MEASURED: What are the sources of information on these indicators? Specific Project Objective/s: What are the specific objectives, which the project shall achieve? Indicators of progress: What are the quantitative and qualitative indicators showing whether and to what extent the project’s specific objectives are achieved? How indicators will be measured: What are the sources of information that exist and can be collected? What are the methods required to get this information? Assumptions & risks: What are the factors and conditions not under the direct control of the project, which are necessary to achieve these objectives? What risks have to be considered? Outputs (tangible) and Outcomes (intangible): Please provide the list of concrete DELIVERABLES - outputs/outcomes (grouped in Workpackages), leading to the specific objective/s.: Indicators of progress: What are the indicators to measure whether and to what extent the project achieves the envisaged results and effects? How indicators will be measured: What are the sources of information on these indicators? Assumptions & risks: What external factors and conditions must be realised to obtain the expected outcomes and results on schedule? Activities: What are the key activities to be carried out (grouped in Workpackages) and in what sequence in order to produce the expected results? Inputs: What inputs are required to implement these activities, e.g. staff time, equipment, mobilities, publications etc.? Assumptions, risks and pre- conditions: What pre-conditions are required before the project starts? What conditions outside the project’s direct control have to be present for the implementation of the planned activities? Logical framework matrix Aktivity v dôležitých WP Čo je potrebné pripraviť na realizáciu aktivít Možné riziká Oneskorenia
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 Logical framework matrix Activities: Organised learning courses and seminars on sampling, sample treatment, analytical methods, Quality control, validation of analytical methods, data handling and evaluation Organised hands on training for experts from partner countries on GC- ECD/FID/MS, HPLC- UV/FLD/MS Training on the use purchased equipment Inputs: Prepared lecture materials and seminar tasks List of trainees from academia from partner countries Prepared lecture materials and laboratory tasks List of trainees from public laboratories Consumables for laboratory tasks Purchased instruments Assumptions, risks and pre- conditions: Considering experience of EU partners, we do not expect any risk from the point of view of professional erudition of training experts. Risks: Delays in project schedule Lack of experts from academia Limited involvement of PhD students in partner countries Legislative development that would eliminate the need for education in network activities. Lack of specialists from public laboratories in Western Balkan countries.
Inštruktážny seminár pre vysoké školy 13. Január 2015 NETREL - Network for Education and TRaining for public Environmental Laboratories Ďakujem za pozornosť
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