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Classifying Animals Chapter 1 Lesson 2. Table of Contents  Science Process Skills------------------1  Parts of a Cell------------------------------

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Presentation on theme: "Classifying Animals Chapter 1 Lesson 2. Table of Contents  Science Process Skills------------------1  Parts of a Cell------------------------------"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classifying Animals Chapter 1 Lesson 2

2 Table of Contents  Science Process Skills------------------1  Parts of a Cell------------------------------  Classifying Animals----------------------#  Use your Classifying Animals lab as the starting page for this lesson!  Turn to the next clean page (it can be the back of a page) and title it “CLASSIFYING ANIMALS”

3 Vocabulary  Cut out all vocabulary terms on page 8 and paste them into your journal underneath the heading “classifying animals”  Cut out pictures and definitions of radial and bilateral symmetry on page 8 and paste below vocabulary definitions

4 Characteristics of Animals 1.Multi-cellular 2.Require oxygen 3.Consume other organisms for food 4.Able to move at some point 5.Reproduce 6.Divided into 2 categories  Invertebrates  vertebrates

5 Invertebrates  No backbone  Largest group  Very diverse

6 Invertebrates 1.Cnidarians-  Radial symmetry  Simple digestive systems  Examples: jellyfish and coral

7 Invertebrates 2.Echinoderms-  Spiny-skin  Sucker like parts to catch prey  Examples: starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers

8 Invertebrates 3.Sponges-  Simple organisms  No true body symmetry  Filter bits of food from water that passes through them

9 Invertebrates 4.Mollusks-  Soft bodies  Most have shells  Examples oysters, snails, squid, octopus

10 Invertebrates 5.Worms-  Simple organ systems  Bilateral symmetry  Many are parasitic  Examples: flatworms, roundworms, earthworms

11 Invertebrates 6.Arthropods-  Largest group of invertebrates  Jointed body parts  Exoskeletons  Bilateral symmetry  Examples: lobsters, spiders, insects

12 Invertebrates CharacteristicsTypes CharacteristicsTypes No backboneNo backbone Largest groupLargest group Very diverseVery diverse 1.Cnidarians- jellyfish 2.Echinoderms- starfish 3.Sponges 4.Arthropods- lobsters, spiders 5.Mollusks- snails, squids 6.worms

13 Vertebrates  Have a backbone  Two types  Cold blooded  Warm blooded

14 Vertebrates 1.Fish  Cold blooded  Use gills to obtain oxygen

15 Vertebrates 2.Amphibians  Cold blooded  Begin life in water but do not live life there  Need water to reproduce  Ex: frog, salamander, newt

16 Vertebrates 3.Reptiles  Cold-blooded  Most lay eggs  Dry, scaly skin  Examples: lizards, snakes, turtles

17 Vertebrates 4.Birds  Warm blooded  Lay eggs  Feathers (some fly, others don’t)  Examples: ostrich, penguin, robin

18 Vertebrates 5. Mammals  Warm blooded  Complex body systems  Large brain  Fur, live birth, feed milk to young  Example: bear, kangaroo, whale

19 Vertebrates CharacteristicsTypes CharacteristicsTypes Has backboneHas backbone 2 types2 types Cold bloodedCold blooded Warm bloodedWarm blooded 1.Fish 2.Amphibians 3.Reptiles 4.Birds 5.Mammals Cold blooded Warm blooded

20 Classification System  Used to identify and categorize organisms  Cut out ANIMAL CLASSIFICATION chart from page 20 of your workbook and paste in notes!

21 Homework!  How Are Animals Classified?  Worksheet

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