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1 Io

2 Distance Io is 780,000,000 km from the sun. Io is very close to Jupiters clouds.

3 Gravitational force The gravitational force on Io is .183 of Earths gravitational force. That means that someone who weighs 100 pounds on Earth would weigh about 18 pounds on Io.

4 Diameter Io is 1,942 miles in diameter. That is equal to 3,643 km. Io is about three times smaller than the Earth.

5 Length of day and year. Io takes 42.5 Earth hours for it to rotate once around its axis. Io’s year is equal to 11.9 earth years.

6 Temperature Io’s mean temperature is -143˚ C.
Lava holes on Io’s surface can heat up to 15,000˚ C.

7 Surface of Io Io is mostly just huge lava lakes and volcanoes because it is the most volcanic body in the solar system. Io also has huge mountain about 16 km high. That is bigger than any mountain on earth.

8 Mythology Io was a princess who was a lover of Zeus. She was the princess of Hera.

9 Bonus info Io is the most volcanic moon in the whole solar system.
Io almost touches Jupiter's clouds. Io is just a little bigger than earths moon.

10 Bibliography Sparrow,Giles.Jupiter.Chicago:Heinemannlibrary,print.

11 Project by Tim Giovino and Eric Hajderllari.

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