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Marketing for Utah AFP and TeleWork Loan Programs Heather Butikofer Utah Assistive Technology Foundation.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing for Utah AFP and TeleWork Loan Programs Heather Butikofer Utah Assistive Technology Foundation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing for Utah AFP and TeleWork Loan Programs Heather Butikofer Utah Assistive Technology Foundation

2 Utah AFP & TeleWork Marketing: Resources Developed AFP – Tag Line: Independence is priceless. We make it affordable. – Brochure TeleWork – Tag Line: TeleWork: communication to anyone, anywhere, anytime. – Brochure Toll Free Number – rural areas Website – AFP & TeleWork Poster combined

3 Utah AFP & TeleWork Marketing: Mass Media Radio Interviews – Local & Statewide stations – Interviewee: Recipient of AFP Loan or AFP Director Example of a statewide station: – KUFR – Played 4 times throughout the day – Listener Base: 65,000 TV Interviews – Local & Statewide stations Continued…

4 Utah AFP & TeleWork Marketing: Mass Media…continued Radio Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) – Formats: Mail CD or script E-mail script or MP3 Fax script – PSA’s 30 or 60 seconds long – Scripts mailed or e-mailed need to include: Word count Length (seconds) Statewide Classified Ad – 48 newspapers throughout the state – Combined circulation: 493,733

5 Utah AFP & TeleWork Marketing: Brochure & Poster Distribution Brochures & Posters Distributed to: – Disability related agencies throughout the state Easter Seals Brain Injury Association – University Extension Agents – Adult Care Centers – Independent Living Centers – Local Agency Organizations Inter-Agency meeting for local area agencies Community Shares (Fund Raising Association)

6 Utah AFP & TeleWork Marketing: Utah 2-1-1 Services that are offered through 2-1-1 vary from community to community. 2-1-1 provides callers with information and referrals to human services for every day needs and in times of crisis. – Support for Older Americans and Persons with Disabilities – Basic Human Needs Resource – Physical & Mental Health Resources – Employment Supports – Support for Children, Youth and Families – Volunteer Opportunities and Donations To find out if 2-1-1 exits in your state: – visit – click “State by State Update”

7 Utah AFP & TeleWork Marketing: Disability Related Conferences Examples: – Speech Language & Hearing – Autism – Caregivers’ Consortium – Family Links – Discovery, Career & Lifestyle Expo (TeleWork)

8 Utah AFP & TeleWork Marketing: Publications Press Releases – Governor endorse program and send press release from the Governor’s office Articles in newsletters & magazines – Utah Spirit – The Utah Educator Project description in: – Disability, education, cultural and employment newsletters – Service agency newsletters

9 Utah AFP & TeleWork Marketing: Chambers of Commerce Join local Chambers of Commerce Benefits: – Provide mailing lists to local businesses – Provide networking opportunities with local businesses – Listed in resource publications for other businesses and organizations to access – Publications are available to highlight your program

10 Utah AFP & TeleWork Marketing: Local Utility Bills Contacted Questar (gas company) – Included a brief project description of the AFP and our toll-free number in their newsletter included in each bill. 730,000 Questar bills distributed in Utah

11 Utah AFP & TeleWork Marketing: Spanish All brochures and information on the website translated into Spanish. Magazine articles and advertisements in local & statewide newspapers – Advertisements: half, quarter or an eighth of page Included a picture and summary of the project Spanish radio interviews Community Talks for Hispanic People (meet once a month) Member of Coalitions – Hispanic Network (statewide) – Life Coalition (local) – Hispanic/Multi-Cultural Center – Northern Utah Hispanic Health Coalitions – Immigrant and Farm Workers Coalition (statewide) Continued…

12 Utah AFP & TeleWork Marketing: Spanish…continued Presentations & conferences (most effective because people ask more questions and can target a specific audience) Visited each school district, hospital, senior citizen center, independent living center throughout the state – Talked to employees – Distributed information

13 Utah TeleWork Marketing: Letters & Brochures Sent letters & brochures to: – Small Business Administration – HR Departments at major businesses state wide – Disability Resource Centers at universities and colleges state wide – Libraries state wide (Utah Library Association)

14 Utah TeleWork Marketing: Vocational Rehabilitation Presented at a Vocation Rehabilitation Meeting – 35 administrators and division directors present – Presentation information included in meeting minutes sent out to 165 vocational rehabilitation counselors

15 Utah AFP: Future Marketing Create a Vendor List to educate about AFP (Success with hearing aids) – Van Dealers – Medical Suppliers – Elevator Companies – Wheel Chair Vendors Mailings to health providers: – Social Workers – Hospitals – Health Departments – Physicians – Special Education Teachers – Rehabilitation Centers

16 Utah TeleWork: Future Marketing Marketing through a Small Business Loan Association Educate larger companies about teleworking – Example: Convergys Send information to Federal Agencies Place brochures in businesses

17 Low/No Cost Marketing Mail, e-mail, or fax PSA scripts to radio stations to read Press Releases Project description in local utility bills Radio or television interviews Articles – Newsletters – hard copy or online – Magazines

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