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1 The Foundations of Effective Team Management Tutor :

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Foundations of Effective Team Management Tutor :"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Foundations of Effective Team Management Tutor :

2 Introduction Welcome Emergency procedures Domestics Workshop overview Log Books 2

3 Workshop 1 The foundations of effective team management Workshop 1 The foundations of effective team management Workshop 2 managing teams during overnight stays & overseas Workshop 3 managing National teams at Major events Team Manager Development Pathway 3

4 This workshop focuses on what you need your roles and responsibilities..have resources required to support your the action required from you to be an effective team manager 4

5 During this module you will: Outline the key roles & responsibilities of the Team Manager Appreciate the knowledge and skills required of the Team Manager Recognise the relationships involved in the management process Use appropriate methods of communication Explore the importance of thorough planning and preparation Compare current methods with best practice and identify action to continue development 5

6 Some definitions - “Team Managers…...anticipate and respond to all team needs”..bring all the pieces of the jigsaw together”..are the 1 st to arrive and the last to leave”..need to be prepared for anything!”..make things easier for the coach and players” 6

7 “The Team Manager is responsible for everything around the field of play – not on it!” Craig Hunter - British Swimming Olympic Team Manager 1998-2006 7

8 Who’s your role model? On your own Think of a team manager you admire or who, in your opinion, is good at their role What makes them so good at their role? List the qualities and actions you think makes them great 8 Activity 1 - Individual

9 Roles, responsibilities & resources Planner Administrator Negotiator Communicator Coordinator Liaison officer Purchaser Accountant Guide Travel agent Carer Welfare officer Confidant /Friend Enforcer Safety coordinator Record keeper etc...... 9

10 Team Manager Resources With reference to the roles & responsibilities you will undertake, consider and list what you will need to do your job efficiently and effectively Personal skills & knowledge Facilities & equipment Support from others Never be afraid to ask for help! 10 Activity 2 - Groups

11 Visual 55% Vocal 38% Verbal 7% Communication & Relationships 11

12 Communication & Relationships What could you do to make your communication more effective to: a team of young performers a player with a hearing impairment a player with a visual impairment a complaining parent a performer who has difficulties with language a wheelchair user Consider the barriers and list their solutions 12 Activity 3 - Groups

13 Communication HOW WOULD YOU? 13 Activity 4 - Groups

14 It’s a 2 way process – giving & receiving Use your recipients preferred method of communication Keep a log of your sessions and discussions Back up important information in writing Be congruent – say what you mean, mean what you say and act accordingly! Be confident, clear and keep it simple Ask if you need help Be patient Be interested Communication Tips 14

15 Planning PlanDo Review Conclude 15

16 What could possibly go wrong? Think of a typical club night - What has gone wrong? - What was the trigger point? - Who was involved? - Was anyone hurt? How did you deal with this? What would you do differently next time? 16 Activity 5 - Groups

17 Preparation – are you safe? Step 1 Identify the hazards Step 2 Decide who might be harmed and how Step 3 Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions Step 4 Record your findings and implement them Step 5 Review your assessment and update if necessary 17

18 Your club is travelling by coach to a competition 1 hours drive away. A squad of 15 performers all under 18, 2 coaching staff and 3 volunteers will be travelling with you. You have never been to the venue. As Team Manager you have been tasked with organising transportation and entries for the team. Discuss what you need to consider pre, during and after the event Operational Management 18 Activity 6 - Groups

19 Operational Issues What would you do if: 1.Your usual training venue calls an hour before practice to tell you the facility isn’t available 2.You come down with the flu 2 days before a team competition 3.A child’s parents haven’t arrived to collect them after a home match 4.The bus you hired to take the team to a local competition hasn’t arrived 5.A team member has a seizure during practice 19 Activity 7 - Pairs

20 Planning & Preparation Tips You must be prepared – for anything! Talk with people that have done the job well Consider as many what if scenarios as possible Have contingencies if things don’t go to plan Ensure all the team know their roles and responsibilities and working boundaries Be calm, flexible and be able to adapt to change Have a ‘can do’ attitude Delegate, don’t abdicate Be performer focussed – that’s why you’re there! Check – never assume! 20

21 “A person can grow only as much as his horizon allows.” John Powell 21

22 SWOT Strengths Things you are good at Weaknesses Things you do not handle well or need to improve Opportunities Changes, circumstances or people that might affect you positively Threats Changes, circumstances or people that might hinder your progress 22 Activity 8 - Individual

23 Action From what you have discovered today, list the action you will take When? With Whom? How will you do that? 23

24 Where next? CPD First Aid Safeguarding & Protecting Children Risk Assessment Writing Reports and Completing Forms Disability Equality Training Vulnerable Adults 100% Me Make contact with key people Attend CPD Attend Workshop 2 Managing teams on overnight stays and at overseas events 24

25 Useful Contacts & information Effective Team Management online resource and appendices 25

26 Evaluation - Did we meet our objectives? Outline the key roles & responsibilities of the Team Manager Appreciate the knowledge and skills required of the Team Manager Recognise the relationships involved in the management process Use appropriate methods of communication Explore the importance of thorough planning and preparation Compare current methods with best practice and identify action to continue development 26

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