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2 Fourth Meeting of CARPHA Executive Board The Westin Resort Aruba 14 July 2012

3 Report on Implementation of CARPHA Work plan Introduction Developed at Transition Workshop Approved at 2 nd Board Meeting Implementation by Interim Implementation team Composition- Dr.Jerome Walcott, Dr Robert Lee, Dr Edward Greene & Ms Catherine Eastman(CAREC)

4 Research Agenda “Health Research Agenda for the Caribbean” has been prepared by the Caribbean Health Research Centre Research priorities guided by the CCHIII initiative This year’s Scientific Meeting was promoted as the CARPHA/CHRC Scientific Meeting; The Interim Executive Director participated in the Council Meeting and made a presentation on CARPHA at the beginning of the Scientific Meeting which was well received. Dr Robert Lee will make presentation

5 Laboratory Development Executive Board requested, Director, PAHO/WHO to provide assistance in acquiring the architectural design and costing for the CARPHA Laboratory Dr Jean Marc Gabastou, PAHO Regional Advisor in Public Health Laboratory Services is coordinating this process and has held meetings with T&T Officials Three stages for the construction of the laboratories have been identified: (i) Design brief (ii) Architectural designs (iii) Bidding process for construction of the buildings

6 Laboratory Development US-CDC requested to provide assistance, the availability of an engineer-architect to visit T&T in July It is expected that the draft Design Brief for CARPHA laboratory/NPHL will be completed by the end of July with support from PAHO and CDC. The draft of the Design Brief will be submitted to the Working Group of CARPHA Laboratory Special Advisory Group for review and comments, before submission to the architects.

7 Implementation of Human Resource matters Information collected from RHIs Review of job descriptions, classification/grades, salaries and staff benefits These activities have been done by the Human Resource Sub- committee which comprises representatives of CAREC, PAHO, CARICOM Secretariat, Permanent Secretary, Trinidad and Tobago and the Interim Executive Director of CARPHA. Several detailed policy documents, manuals and forms that will be used by CARPHA have been prepared in draft form

8 CARPHA HR Policy Documents These include the following:- (i) CARPHA Draft Proposed Staff Rules (ii) CARPHA Draft Code of Ethical Principles and Conduct (iii) Draft Policy on Benefits for persons recruited from outside of duty station (iv) Draft Flexitime Policy (v) Draft Dress code Policy (vi) Draft Performance Awards Policy (vii) Draft HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy (viii) Draft Policy for payment of warm clothing allowance

9 Recruitment of Implementation / Executive Management Team The process for advertising and short-listing of persons for the top posts in the CARPHA Management Team will commence shortly The process will now be overseen by the Board; the intention being to recruit these persons by January 2013. Process outlined in Working Document for Board’s approval

10 Staff retention during transition The staff of the RHIs who wish to so do, will be allowed to transition into appropriate posts within CARPHA; Initially on one year contracts so as to avoid any disruption of services To allow for a seamless transition. It has now been suggested that consideration be given to identifying some among senior level staff with exceptional records and expertise for two-year contracts.

11 Other HR Related Issues Contractual agreements during the period 2012- 2013 at CEHI and CHRC; Legal recommendations related to certain HR issues e.g. the Director of CRDTL; Host country agreements and standardized tax immunities with Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, which are currently in place for CAREC and its staff; and CAREC’s Group Health and Life Insurance Scheme and its Provident Fund

12 Information Technology The transition to CARPHA requires that the Information Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure be in place for the beginning of operation of the organization. This will be achieved in three phases as follows - The first phase entails the setting up of a parallel network at CAREC. This will allow CARPHA staff to start operations with its own IT infrastructure as early as July under its own CARPHA domain;

13 Information technology Phase 2 involves acquiring the business software required to run the day to day operations of the organization. This includes Financial and Human Resources, including Payroll and Procurement. The final phase involves the transition of the existing IT infrastructure to the CARPHA domain which involves reconfiguring the existing switches and routers to the new CARPHA domain. Proposal before EU seeking funding

14 Financial Issues CARPHA Finance Sub-committee established To provide strategic policy guidance To recommend appropriate guidelines and procedures for fiscal management of CARPHA Composition Advice Board on other matters referred to it Has made recommendations for Board’s consideration

15 Recommendations of Finance sub- committee Draft CARPHA Programme Budget: - presented as a separate document for discussion and approval by the Board. The Executive Board is asked to agree that the CARPHA quota contributions should be a simple summation of amounts currently being paid by Member countries to the RHIs; they would remain at present levels for the years 2013 & 2014. The Executive Board should request the CARICOM Secretariat to issue the necessary Savingram, to Member States regarding quota contributions for CARPHA. In addition, the CARICOM Heads of Government should be informed of this decision by the Secretariat when they meet in July.

16 Recommendations of Finance sub- committee A new formula for the assessment of quota contributions should be prepared before the end of 2013, For presentation to the Health Ministers and CARICOM Heads of Government in 2014. Proposed that a “small task force” should be constituted to carry out the necessary research and prepare an appropriate report with recommendations. “Task force” would be comprised of a representative of the CARICOM Secretariat, a representative of the CARPHA implementation team and a representative of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago

17 Recommendations of Finance sub- committee The Executive Board is asked to agree that attempts should be made to recover arrears currently due to the RHIs. The Executive Board is asked to agree to the establishment of a CARPHA Bank account and to determine the signatories to that account. Agree to the need for a CARPHA Working Capital Fund It was felt that this would be very important especially at the beginning of 2013;

18 Recommendations of Finance sub- committee The Executive Board is asked to agree to the establishment of a Provident fund or pension fund for CARPHA. The Executive Board is asked to request from the CARICOM Secretariat support to the implementation team, by the provision of a finance person.

19 Collaboration between CARPHA and PANCAP Proposal submitted by Director of PANCAP Circulated to members of TAC 1 response so far Board will have to give direction as to process to be followed Decision to be made at next Ministers’ Caucus

20 Thank You Stay in touch Name: Dr Jerome WALCOTT Title: CARPHA Interim Director Email: Follow us: @carpha1 Befriend us:

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