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ODYSSEY JEOPARDY!. SINGLE JEOPARDY! Customs HumansDivinitiesMore Humans Creatures, Monsters, & More 100 200 300 400 500.

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3 Customs HumansDivinitiesMore Humans Creatures, Monsters, & More 100 200 300 400 500

4 Customs- 100 This is the most important custom in the novel.

5 Customs- 100 What is hospitality?

6 Customs- 200 This custom relates to war prizes.

7 Customs- 200 What is slaves as spoils of war?

8 Customs- 300 This custom emphasizes humility.

9 Customs- 300 What is respect for the gods?

10 Customs- 400 This custom relates to Eurykleia and Elpenor.

11 Customs- 400 What is respect for the dead?

12 Customs- 500 This type of person provides a custom that Homer writes of as being the very sweetness of life.

13 Customs- 500 What is a storyteller?

14 Humans- 100 He is the son of Odysseus.

15 Humans- 100 Who is Telemakhos?

16 Humans- 200 She is the wife of Odysseus.

17 Humans- 200 Who is Penelope?

18 Humans- 300 He is the father of Odysseus.

19 Humans- 300 Who is Laertes?

20 Humans- 400 He is the king of the Phaiakians.

21 Humans- 400 Who is Alkinoos?

22 Humans- 500 He is the disobedient sailor on Odysseus’ ship.

23 Humans- 500 Who is Eurylokhos?

24 Divinities - 100 The protector of Odysseus

25 Divinities - 100 Who is Athena?

26 Divinities - 200 Goddess who loves Odysseus but releases him

27 Divinities - 200 Who is Kalypso (Calypso)?

28 Divinities - 300 Messenger god

29 Divinities - 300 Who is Hermes?

30 Divinities - 400 Hates Odysseus

31 Divinities - 400 Who is Poseidon?

32 Divinities - 500 Supremely powerful and arrogant god

33 Divinities - 500 Who is Zeus?

34 More humans- 100 Group who killed six benches worth of men on each of Odysseus’ ships

35 More humans - 100 Who are the Kikones (Ciccones)?

36 More humans- 200 Loyal swineherd who fights the suitors with Odysseus and Telemakhos

37 More humans- 200 Who is Eumaios (Eumaeus)?

38 More humans- 300 Suitor who feels shame and begs for his life

39 More humans- 300 Who is Eurymakhos?

40 More humans- 400 Lead suitor who is arrogant, insulting, and shameless

41 More humans- 400 Who is Antinoos?

42 More humans- 500 Nurse who rejoices to see the suitors’ deaths

43 More humans- 500 Who is Eurykleia?

44 Creatures, Monsters, & More - 100 Twin monsters: a hungry, six- headed beast and a ocean- sucking-spitting mouth

45 Creatures, Monsters, & More - 100 Who are Skylla and Charybdis?

46 Creatures, Monsters, & More - 200 Singing beasts who attract and eat sailors

47 Creatures, Monsters, & More - 200 What are Seirenes (Sirens)?

48 Creatures, Monsters, & More - 300 A Cyclops (Kykloppes) who eats a few of Odysseus’ men.

49 Creatures, Monsters, & More - 300 Who is Polyphemus?

50 Creatures, Monsters, & More - 400 A nereid who gives Odysseus a garment that protects him from drowning

51 Creatures, Monsters, & More - 400 Who is Ino?

52 Creatures, Monsters, & More - 500 A king who helps then refuses to help Odysseus and his men

53 Creatures, Monsters, & More - 500 Who is King Aiolos (Aeolus)?

54 Final Jeopardy Category: Human?

55 Final Jeopardy The name of the human whose form Athena most often takes.

56 Final Jeopardy Who is Mentor?

57 Final Jeopardy The first ghost to appear to Odysseus in the underworld.

58 Who is Elpenor?

59 Final Jeopardy The ghost from the underworld killed by his unfaithful wife.

60 Final Jeopardy Who is Menelaus?

61 Final Jeopardy The ghost in the underworld who would rather be a struggling thrall to a farmer than an admired hero in Elysian fields.

62 Final Jeopardy Who is Akhilleus?

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