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1 How to recruit and retain the best people by Inger Larsen Larsen Globalisation recruitment

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1 1 How to recruit and retain the best people by Inger Larsen Larsen Globalisation recruitment

2 2 Localisation people – what’s so special about us? Technical AND linguistic – both sides of the brain are used and stimulated International – culturally stimulating Introverts and extroverts Unlimited career opportunities

3 3 Typical career paths

4 4 Work permits and international careers today The localisation industry used to have more vacancies than qualified job seekers Now: a fair balance between the two International experience a huge advantage Vendor and client-side experience Technologies: software and documentation You need a valid work permit for the country you are applying for – unless you are a localiser with specific mother tongue skills

5 5 Why people look elsewhere and where they look Reached the ceiling in current company Want to experience another culture/new technologies Want to move geographically Where:  Friends in other companies  Research companies – approach directly through web site  Recruitment agencies

6 6 Retention schemes Sources of dissatisfaction to pre-empt:  Boredom  Lack of appreciation – a simple “thank you, well done” can do miracles  Lack of training and investments in people and technologies  Lack of career paths and promotion  Salary and incentives Employee satisfaction surveys – with actions…

7 7 Overview – for hiring managers the importance of a good job and person specification the selection process sources of candidates training and development retention schemes

8 8 The importance of a good job and person specification Spend time on it and review with colleagues and managers, make changes for individual requirements Synergy: think about what and who would add to the team, not just adding clones

9 9 A good job specification To identify the right candidate – skills, experience and personality traits To improve the candidates’ understanding of what the company and the job are really about Bonus: Performance measurement Typical components  Company positioning and culture  Job title  Who the job reports into and who reports to the person (organisational chart)  Salary range  Objective of position and measurements of success  Job tasks  Skills and experience specification – “must have” and “desirable”  Personality traits/competencies - e.g. hunter/farmer, starter/finisher, detail- oriented/strategic, team-player/renegade, people manager/task manager, inspire/inspired

10 10 The importance of a good cultural match Who are you and what kind of employees would suit you? Advice to job-seekers: study the psychology of the individual company:  Who runs it? Family and/or friends vs large corporate  What is your history? Growth, employee retention, investment in people and technologies  What are their objectives? Quality, money, reputation, growth  Watch out for company ethos – real or just wishful thinking?

11 11 The selection process and sources of candidates Internal candidates  Promoting people sends out positive messages – or do job swaps External candidates  New skills, fresh blood, new broom Sources: word of mouth, finder’s fees, direct applicants, advertising, recruitment agencies

12 12 The interview process Predefined, fair, involving colleagues on different levels Methods for success – from 0 to 10 (Pilbeam & Corbridge)  0: Graphology and astrology  1: References  3: Unstructured interviews  4: Personal assessments  5: Work sampling and ability tests (verbal and written)  6: Skilful and structured interviews  7: Assessment centres for development, including psychometric testing

13 13 Training and development Plan for people leaving or moving up Training is an excellent motivator as well as improving the skills sets of your team Ask people to share what they have learnt

14 14 In Summary Prevent loss of employees for the wrong reasons Plan for recruitment – people do leave or move on… Put a proper recruitment process in place – who, what, when

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