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Published byRuby Anne Goodwin Modified over 9 years ago
NTEA Compensation Package Contract Highlights 2007-2009
Compensation Overview Two year contract Four additional days in 07-08 for a total of 17/19 TRI days Four more additional days in 08-09 for a total of 21/23 TRI days
Breakdown of Workdays:
CONTRACT YEAR 06-0707-0808-09 CONTRACT DAYS 182 days FIRST DAY 1 pre-student day 1 pre-student day 1 pre-student day DISTRICT PROFESSIONAL CALENDARED DAYS May 18 th 1 Paid Pro. Day 3 days October 19 th,January 11th, and March 7 th 3 days (dates to be determined) DISTRICT DIRECTED OPTIONAL Verification Form Required 3 Professional Development Days (22.5 hours) 3 days4 days RESPONSIBILITY 8 days10 days13 days LONGEVITY (25 years or more) (2 days) TOTALS 182 + 13 (15)182 + 17 (19)182 + 21 (23)
Disclaimer: The following salary schedules are (precise) NTEA estimates as of May 1 st, 2007. The official printout is not currently available.
Years of Serv ice MA+90 or Ph. D. BABA+15BA+30BA+45BA+90BA+135 MAMA+45 032,74633,63034,54735,46538,41240,31039,26042,20744,107 133,18734,08335,01135,97038,94840,83639,69642,67444,560 233,60734,51235,45036,48339,45241,35940,13543,10445,012 334,03934,95335,90136,96739,93041,88440,55243,51345,468 434,46435,41836,37237,47440,45542,42340,98843,96945,938 534,90235,86136,82437,98840,95842,96541,43244,40346,410 635,35336,29137,28738,50841,46443,48241,88744,84346,860 736,14537,09738,10639,39442,39344,46742,73945,73747,812 837,30438,30839,34040,73543,77545,92544,07947,12049,269 9 39,56240,64642,09145,20247,42545,43448,54750,770 10 41,96743,51646,66948,96646,86150,01452,310 11 44,98448,20450,54748,32851,55053,891 12 46,40449,78152,19449,85353,12655,540 13 51,39753,88251,43154,74157,226 14 53,02055,63253,05656,47158,977 15 54,40057,08054,43557,93960,511 16 or more 55,48758,22055,52359,09761,720 State Salary Schedule 2007-2008
Years of Service MA+90 or Ph. D. BABA+15BA+30BA+45BA+90BA+135 MAMA+45 035,80536,77137,77438,77842,00044,07542,92746,14948,227 136,28737,26738,28139,33042,58644,65043,40446,66048,722 236,74637,73638,76139,89143,13745,22243,88447,13049,216 337,21838,21839,25440,42043,66045,79644,34047,57749,715 437,68338,72639,76940,97444,23446,38644,81748,07650,229 538,16239,21140,26441,53644,78446,97845,30248,55150,745 638,65539,68140,77042,10545,33747,54445,80049,03251,237 739,52140,56241,66543,07446,35348,62146,73150,00952,278 840,78841,88743,01544,54047,86450,21548,19651,52153,871 9 43,25744,44346,02349,42451,85449,67853,08255,512 10 45,88747,58151,02853,54051,23854,68657,196 11 49,18652,70755,26852,84256,36558,925 12 50,73854,43157,06954,51058,08860,728 13 56,19858,91556,23559,85462,571 14 57,97260,82858,01261,74664,486 15 59,48162,41259,52063,35166,163 16 or more 60,67063,65860,70964,61767,485 North Thurston Public Schools Salary Schedule Less than 25 years experience 2007-2008
Years of Service MA+90 or Ph. D. BABA+15BA+30BA+45BA+90BA+135 MAMA+45 036,16537,14138,15439,16742,42244,51843,35946,61348,712 136,65237,64138,66639,72543,01445,09943,84047,12949,212 237,11538,11539,15140,29243,57145,67744,32547,60449,711 337,59338,60239,64940,82644,09946,25744,78548,05650,215 438,06239,10940,16941,38644,67846,85245,26748,55950,734 538,54639,60540,66841,95445,23447,45045,75749,03851,255 639,04440,08041,18042,52845,79348,02146,26049,52451,752 739,91840,97042,08443,50746,81949,10947,20150,51252,803 841,19842,30743,44744,98848,34550,71948,68152,03954,412 9 43,69244,88946,48549,92152,37650,17753,61556,070 10 46,34848,05951,54154,07851,75355,23557,771 11 49,68053,23655,82453,37356,93259,517 12 51,24854,97857,64355,05758,67261,338 13 56,763 56,80060,45663,200 14 58,55561,44058,59562,36665,134 15 60,07963,03960,11863,98866,828 16 or more 61,28064,29861,31965,26668,163 North Thurston Public Schools Salary Schedule 25 years or more experience 2007-2008
Years of Service MA+90 or Ph. D. BABA+15BA+30BA+45BA+90BA+135 MAMA+45 0 33,89834,81435,76236,71339,76341,72840,64143,69145,658 1 34,35435,28236,24337,23640,31842,27241,09344,17546,128 2 34,78935,72636,69737,76640,84042,81441,54744,62146,596 3 35,23736,18337,16438,26741,33543,35741,97945,04447,067 4 35,67636,66437,65138,79341,87843,91542,43045,51647,554 5 36,13037,12338,12039,32442,39944,47642,89045,96548,043 6 36,59737,56738,59839,86342,92345,01143,36146,42148,508 7 37,41638,40239,44640,78043,88546,03144,24347,34649,494 8 38,61639,65540,72442,16845,31547,54145,63048,77851,002 9 40,95442,07643,57246,79249,09347,03250,25552,556 10 43,44345,04748,31050,68848,50951,77354,150 11 46,56649,90052,32650,02853,36355,787 12 48,03651,53354,03051,60654,99557,493 13 53,20555,77753,24056,66759,239 14 54,88557,58954,92258,45761,052 15 56,31359,08856,35059,97762,639 16 or more 57,43960,26957,47661,17663,892 State Salary Schedule 2008-2009
Years of Service MA+90 or Ph. D. BABA+15BA+30BA+45BA+90BA+135 MAMA+45 037,80938,83139,88840,94944,35146,54345,33048,73250,926 138,31839,35340,42541,53244,97047,15045,83549,27251,450 238,80339,84840,93142,13545,55247,75446,34149,77051,972 339,30340,35841,45242,68246,10448,36046,82350,24152,498 439,79240,89441,99543,26946,71048,98247,32650,76853,041 540,29941,40642,51843,86147,29149,60847,83951,26953,586 640,82041,90243,05244,46347,87650,20548,36451,77754,105 741,73342,83343,99745,48548,94951,34249,34852,80955,205 843,07244,23145,42347,03450,54453,02750,89554,40656,887 9 45,67946,93148,60052,19154,75852,45956,05458,620 10 48,45650,24553,88456,53754,10657,74760,398 11 51,93955,65858,36455,80059,52062,224 12 53,57957,47960,26457,56161,34164,127 13 59,34462,21359,38363,20666,074 14 61,21864,23261,25965,20268,096 15 62,81165,90662,85266,92069,867 16 or more 64,06767,22364,10868,23571,264 North Thurston Public Schools Salary Schedule Less than 25 years experience 2008-2009
Years of Service MA+90 or Ph. D. BABA+15BA+30BA+45BA+90BA+135 MAMA+45 0 38,18239,21440,28141,35344,78847,00145,77749,21251,428 1 38,69539,74140,82341,94245,41347,61446,28649,75851,957 2 39,18540,24141,33542,53946,00148,22546,79750,26052,485 3 39,69040,75641,86143,10346,55948,83647,28450,73653,015 4 40,18541,29742,40943,69547,17049,46547,79251,26853,564 5 40,69641,81442,93744,29447,75750,09748,31051,77454,114 6 41,22242,31443,47644,90148,34750,69948,84152,28754,638 7 42,14443,25544,43145,93449,43151,84849,83453,32955,749 8 43,49644,66645,87047,49751,04253,54951,39654,94257,447 9 46,13047,39349,07852,70555,29752,97656,60659,198 10 48,93350,74054,41557,09454,63958,31660,993 11 52,45156,20658,93956,35060,10762,837 12 54,10658,04560,85858,12861,94564,759 13 59,92962,82659,96863,82866,725 14 61,82164,86761,86365,84468,767 15 63,42966,55563,47167,57970,555 16 or more 64,69867,88564,73968,90771,966 North Thurston Public Schools Salary Schedule 25 years or more experience 2008-2009
Responsibility Contract Sign off at the beginning of the year. This contract covers much of the extra work you already do outside of the regular work day. You do not need to keep track of this time. This contract will be in the back of your bargained agreement and be available at CONTRACT YEAR 06-0707-0808-09 RESPONSIBILITY 8 days10 days13 days
District Professional Development Time All supplemental pay will be paid for these days over the course of 12 paychecks, and 22.5 hours will need to be self-tracked. Administration doesn’t need to sign off on professional development. You do not need to sign a payroll roster. Keep track of these days on your Professional Development verification form and turn in this form at the end of the contract year (August 31 st ). This form will be available on the NTEA website at just in case you lose yours. Activities not included on the Professional Development Time Matrix should be pre-approved by your building principal. This is optional time. Teachers who choose to opt out can have the money deducted after their last paycheck of the school year.
Calendared District Professional Development Days October 19 th January 11 th March 7 th These are included as a supplemental part of your paycheck, paid over 12 months. They are not included in the 182 days of your base contract. You may use sick or personal leave during these days as you would during a regular working day.
Bottom Line With the state and district salary changes, you will receive more than a 6.5% salary increase next year and an additional 5.7% increase the following year. Salary Range 07-08: $35,805 - $68,163 Salary Range 08-09: $37,809 - $71,966 In two contracts, we have gone from 30 hours of supplemental pay to 172.5 hours of supplemental pay.
Personal Leave You may accumulate up to six personal leave days and use FIVE in a row. The district thinks your lesson plans should include more than “push play.” You will not be allowed to take “deduct days” without the prior approval from Brian Wharton.
Addition of Special Education Safety Language 31.12 Staff Safety - Staff safety is a priority. When working to develop and implement the IEP, staff and administration will work collaboratively and proactively to provide a safe educational environment. 31.12.1 Staff will be fully informed of the educational history of the students as soon as possible. When needed, training and consultation will be made available to ensure safe implementation of the student’s educational program. 31.12.2 Staffs are to report any injuries of potentially dangerous situations to administration at the first opportunity. 31.12.3 Should a student develop a history of actions that result in injury to staff, the teacher, building and district administration are to convene to determine appropriate actions on behalf of the staff and student. Options or points of discussion can include: Convene IEP team Work with administration to determine if communication devices such as cell phones, radio, or other might be appropriate classroom equipment Outside of classroom observer/consult Training provided as needed Appropriate student discipline CPI training for staff (provided upon request of principal) Develop safety plan/behavioral plan Alter physical environment Add staff as appropriate Provide safety clothing Assist teacher in documentation and reporting of injury, accidents Videotaping of students in classroom (subject to teacher approval – refer to Section 17.5)
Special Education IEP Days 31.13 Fifteen (15) hours per Special Education staff member will be provided in 2007-2008 for the purposes of writing IEPs. 7.5 hours per Special Education staff member will be provided in 2008-2009 for the purposes of writing IEPs. These hours will be paid at the individual’s per diem rate. Payments will be spread over the 12 month school year. Additional substitute time will be available through collaboration and approval of the Special Education staff member and the Special Education Director. 31.13.1 For the 2007-2008 school year the amount of $20,000 will be allocated for the purpose of registration and travel to approved professional development events, or substitute days for IEP /portfolio development as approved by the Director of Special Education. For the 2008-2009 school year, the amount of $25,000 will be allocated for the same purpose
Special Education IEP Days (cont.) In addition, Special Education staff can use the district directed 22.5 hours to develop IEPs and WAAS portfolios (IEP meetings are covered under the responsibility contract, not the 22.5 district directed hours).
OT Caseloads The caseload limits for Occupational Therapists will be forty (40) students per 1.0 FTE. Caseload review language is being written to offset the increase in caseload. Training on accessing the caseload review process will be given to all Occupational Therapists.
Speech/Language Pathologists Weighing of students has been removed. The caseload limit for S/LPs will be forty-four (44) students per 1.0 FTE. Caseload review language is being written to offset the potential increase in workload. Training on accessing the caseload review process will be given to all Speech/Language Pathologists The number of buildings served and the overload pay language stay the same.
Article 23 - Leaves For purposes of this article, immediate family is defined as spouse, domestic partner, children, parents, sister, brother, grandparents, grandchildren, mother-in- law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in- law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, aunt and uncle. The aforementioned immediate family terms include step relationships.
Jury Duty You are no longer required to reimburse the district with the stipend you receive for jury duty.
Contract Ratification Zone meetings will be held June 5 th at 4:30 p.m. at the three high schools. Contract ratification vote will held between June 11 th to June 14 th. Voting will be done in your buildings.
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