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1. 2 Professional Development at Mott Community College An AQIP Project Higher Learning Commission Recommendation to the MCC Executive Cabinet by MCC.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 Professional Development at Mott Community College An AQIP Project Higher Learning Commission Recommendation to the MCC Executive Cabinet by MCC."— Presentation transcript:

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2 2 Professional Development at Mott Community College An AQIP Project Higher Learning Commission Recommendation to the MCC Executive Cabinet by MCC AQIP PD Project Committee January 2008

3 3 AQIP Project Timeline November 2005Conversation Day –Prioritization Process –Community Input September 2006P.D. Action Team formed –Monthly Meetings –Site Visitations –Research –Retreats with Facilitators January 2007Recommendation to EC

4 4 AQIP Action Project Process 7-step Problem Solving Model 1.Describe the problem 2.Describe the current process 3.Identify and verify the problem’s root cause 4.Develop a solution and action plan – we are here, today! 5.Implement the solution 6.Review and evaluate 7.Reflect and act on learnings

5 5 P.D. Committee Sherry Bradish – Co-chair William Reich – Co-chair Larry Koehler – Co-chair Amy Fugate - Sponsor Mark Kennedy - Sponsor Helen Burnstad – Consultant Carol Tyler - Trainer Bernard Cunningham Crystal Croffe Jennifer McDonald Jennifer Fillion Kate Schamanek / Brenda Phillips - Recorder Melissa Rueterbusch Randy Schapel Dolores Sharpe Terry Travis Steve Robinson - Resource Gail Ives – Resource Martha Goldstein - Resource

6 6 Committee Goal The goal of this project is to implement a system that supports and encourages professional development and provides opportunities to improve the knowledge, skills, and abilities of all employees. As an organization, we will foster a culture in which all employees are continuously learning and improving their professional and technical skill and experience and develop a means for measuring the impact of professional development. This will add value to the organization and to our stakeholder community.

7 7 Research Summary Research done at several institutions similar to MCC –Site visitations –Web searches Several models - every school does it differently – but all have a funded, supported Center ASTD suggests 2% of payroll for P.D. – MCC close to this Budgets and programs for P.D. should stay where they are – but be coordinated Start small and let the center grow as needed P.D. center should assess institutional and individual P.D. needs

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9 9 Committee Recommendation MCC commit resources to develop and promote culture of P.D. for all employees MCC commit resources to staff and support a “professional development center” to promote the concept of a Learning College This center to coordinate with existing P.D. activities and collaborate with all MCC departments to develop new initiatives to benefit all employees MCC activate an advisory council to reinforce the center’s mission

10 10 Specific Action by EC Create professional development center Hire director for the center and provide administrative support Assign appropriate budget Assign appropriate space and provide appropriate furnishings for center Assemble P.D. advisory council

11 11 Create Center Combine with proposed Center for Teaching and Learning Use TAP position already identified in Academic Affairs for director position Identify resources for administrative support for the center

12 12 Hire Director Create job description and process through JEC Post position and hire director by summer 2008 Assign existing or hire new administrative assistant to support director

13 13 Provide Budget Add necessary salary and benefit budget for director and admin. assistant Add necessary operational and administrative budget for center Maintain current P.D. budgets at divisional, departmental, bargaining unit levels

14 14 Assign Space Identify space to house center – combine with Center for Teaching and Learning, Service Learning, seminar rooms, etc.? –Third floor of Library?? Space can house director and admin. assistant Provide appropriate furnishings

15 15 Create Advisory Council Cross-functional, cross-campus council Assignment to provide support and input to director of center Membership may be rotating, service time TBD

16 16 Organizational Chart Director V.P. A.A. Admin. Asst. E. C. Union Leaders Academic Deans Admin. Directors FacultyMembers Staff professional development center Advisory Council

17 17 Links to MCC Strategic Plan 2007-2012 1.1Use research / development to enhance curriculum 2.2Maintain technology to support employee productivity 3.1Develop cross-functional improvement processes 3.2Use AQIP principles for student success 3.3Become more efficient in using resources efficiently 4.1Align MCC programs to local labor market needs 4.2Expand capacity to enhance viability of our community 5.1Maintain performance standards for employees 5.2Develop leadership excellence; strengthen employee skills, productivity and accountability

18 18 Links to MCC Strategic Objectives 2007-2012 1.2Courses, programs, services designed and delivered to increase student success 1.4Resources to deliver instruction and support improvements 2.1Pursuit of growth, development 3.3Make communication a priority 4.1Provide employees with P.D. opportunities 4.3Establish culture that demonstrates value of education 7.1Use methods to measure quality teaching and learning 7.2Evaluate employees to ensure relevant employment goals, including quality 8.1Establish systematic approach to process improvement

19 19 Roll-out MCC Strategic Plan linkage Definitions Communication plan to college community Web presence Guarantee of confidentiality Supervisors trained in “how to use” the center Introduction of Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP)

20 20 Director: “To Do” Focus on all employees Collect and communicate current P.D. available Gathering / catalyst role Develop and support new P.D. activity Help employees navigate P.D. system Provide means to recognize employees Record keeper for IPDPs, including analysis for P.D. development (P.D. database?) Coordinate budgets and P.D. resources across MCC Establish assessment tools to examine effectiveness of P.D. at MCC (e.g. Kirkpatrick or others)

21 21 IPDP May include every kind of professional and individual development to get to whatever goal(s) are necessary / desired Every employee encouraged to develop and keep updated Provides data for P.D. program development May require gradual implementation for a variety of reasons

22 22 P.D. Program Suggestions Leadership, supervisory Technical, skill-set (software, equipment, etc.) Interpersonal (customer service, dealing with difficult people, conflict resolution, etc.) Legal and compliance (sexual harassment prevention, required certifications, etc.) Orientation (processes, systems, navigation, job types, etc.) Personal enrichment (health, wellness, financial management, social sharing, etc.) AQIP (tools, improvement processes, collaborative problem solving, etc.)

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