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Published byAlexia Little Modified over 9 years ago
Academic Services Develop a college mission statement, upkeep of the statement for currency, & keep the current statement as approved by the Board in all relevant planning documents Develop & oversee articulation agreements with other colleges & universities, primarily the CSU & the UC but including other providers of higher education both public & private. Monitoring courses numbering protocols to ensure consistency within the District & with articulation agreements to the extent possible Evaluate faculty, academic staff & administration Evaluation of college executives how? Establish a program review process that complies with all legal, ed. code (51022) & accreditation provisions, summary reports from which are provided to the Board at least one time annually Oversee & manage all categorically funded programs, including mandated planning & reporting for these programs (I.e. Partnership for Excellence). Each categorical program should be clearly delineated with a clearly understood planning & reporting process. Summary reports on the operation of all categorical programs should be provided to the Board at least annually. Develop & utilize curriculum advisory groups composed of faculty & external experts for technical or vocational programs Coordination for selected District-wide grants or categorical programs Provide research support services Oversee programs when disputes arise between colleges District Approve courses, programs, & degrees. Establish a communications process on campus that keeps those with a need to know informed about budget & planning processes, & operating matters pertaining to academic programs throughout the year Counseling Services (academic & personal), Financial Aid Counseling & needs assessment/ packaging/ monitoring Plan & budget for adequate support for academic programs & for the professional needs of the faculty including library support Coordination of financial aid rules & policies. Financial aid accounting & disbursement Representation for the District to external parties for academic policy matters College D.A.S. Board Reviews curriculum through the District Curriculum Committee & forwards to the Chancellor for recommendation to the Board Approve new programs (BR 6101) Recognize colleges’ mission statement by adopting them. Develop & publish academic program plans. Define & set standards for courses, programs, & degrees. = input or influence
Determining the number and nature of faculty positions at the college Advising the college President & other college officials about the proper interpretation & application of relevant laws, Title 5 regulations, Board rules & regulations, collective bargaining agreements, or similar provisions that govern or otherwise affect personnel administration or related human resource issues Specific qualifications each faculty member should possess beyond the minimum qualifications required by the State Faculty Hiring CollegeDistrict Board rules Assisting the Board in defining the broad context within which the colleges must operate Board Assisting the colleges with recruitment activities, and providing college search committees & other college officials with useful resources to help identify well-qualified candidates for faculty and academic administrative positions. Providing the colleges with basic administrative services, as well as authoritative advice and effective technical assistance in connection with personnel matters. Developing & implementing procedures governing the search & selection process for faculty & administrators at the college. The procedures must comply with the minimum requirements set forth in Board rules and relevant Personnel Guides adopted by the Chancellor Review qualifications for affirmative action considerations Establishing fundamental standards of performance the colleges must meet & Assessing college adherence to them = input or influence
Identify Position & submit request to Aca. Senate to prioritize positions. Endorsement by academic senate, VP of Aca. Aff. and forward Intent to Fill to District Accept or reject & notify college Create committee to search and interview Prepare and publish job description(job des. reviewed by campus Compliance Officer) Faculty Hiring Flowchart Reviews job des. Provide applicant Pool review credentials interview at least 3 candidates committee selects and recommends Applicant is interviewed by president submit finalist name to district HR and Aff. Act. review qualifications and AA considerations notifies college After district approval the college will offer position to candidate College District = input or influence
The college President, in consultation with other groups, is responsible for the number and nature of administrative & classified positions at the college College Assessing college adherence to good practice & fundamental standards District Advising the college President & other college officials about the proper interpretation & application of relevant Personnel Commission rules Personnel Com. Board Rules Board Providing the colleges with basic administrative services, as well as authoritative advice & effective technical assistance in connection with personnel matters Classified Hiring Establishing & maintaining a comprehensive classification system that allocates positions to appropriate classes, arranges classes into occupational hierarchies, and specifies reasonable salary relationships within occupational hierarchies Defining minimum qualifications for classified positions, & preparing written class specifications Recruiting qualified candidates for classified positions, & placing them on employment eligibility lists in the order of their relative fitness and merit as determined by competitive examination Advising the college President & other college officials about the proper interpretation & application of relevant laws, Title 5 regulations, Board rules and regulations, collective bargaining agreements, or similar provisions that govern or otherwise affect personnel administration or related human resource issues Setup interviews if candidate list is sufficient = input or influence
Ensuring that all employees are regularly evaluated in accordance with applicable provisions of the various collective bargaining agreements and Board policies College Assessing college adherence to good practice and fundamental standards District Recommending whether probationary faculty members should be reemployed or not, or granted tenure Board Rules Board Providing the colleges with basic administrative services, as well as authoritative advice and effective technical assistance in connection with personnel matters Faculty Evaluations District Office staff assume primary responsibility for preparing formal disciplinary actions & managing it through completion, consulting with the President when necessary, particularly with regard to the proposed sanction & any potential settlement. When an employee files a grievance in connection with an evaluation, District staff assume primary responsibility for responding to the grievance and, in consultation with the President, managing it through arbitration or settlement AFT Agreement, Art. 19 Unions = input or influence
Ensuring that all employees are regularly evaluated in accordance with applicable provisions of the various collective bargaining agreements and Board policies College Assessing college adherence to good practice and fundamental standards District Advising the college President and other college officials about the proper interpretation and application of relevant Personnel Commission rules. (702) Personnel Com. Ensuring that timely and good judgment is exercised about whether probationary classified employees working at the College should be retained Board Rules (11203) Board Providing the colleges with basic administrative services, as well as authoritative advice and effective technical assistance in connection with personnel matters Classified Evaluations District Office staff assume primary responsibility for preparing formal disciplinary actions & managing it through completion, consulting with the President when necessary, particularly with regard to the proposed sanction & any potential settlement. When an employee files a grievance in connection with an evaluation, District Office staff assume primary responsibility for responding to the grievance and, in consultation with the President, managing it through arbitration or settlement Evaluation process in bargaining agreement Unions = input or influence
Advise faculty, staff, students, applicants, & the public of their rights & procedures for filing complaints, grievance, & appeal Develop, implement, and update a District Faculty and Staff Diversity Plan, (Title 5, Section 53003) District’s Affirmative Action Program Director College’s Compliance Officer Receive, coordinate, review complaint filed district-wide. Acting as a liaison and responding to complaints filed with County, state and federal agencies, (Title 5, Section 50020, 50024, 50026, 53000, 59300) Oversee and coordinate ADA accommodations district-wide, (Title 5, Section 53025) Monitor selection process and implement plans to remedy any underrepresentation identified in the diversity plan, (Title 5, Section 53023-24, and 53006) Provide staff development and training, (Title 5, Section 53005, Government Code, Section 12900-12996) Oversee the district-wide Staff Diversity Funds and report to the state on the use of the Fund, (Education Code, Section 87107, Title 5, Section 53034) Investigate complaints of alleged violations of discrimination, civil rights, & employment policies Prepare reports detailing findings, conclusions, & recommendations based on investigations of complaints Assist in identifying target populations & in recruiting faculty, staff, & students to meet diversity goals & objectives Act a liaison with administrators & supervisors at the college to ensure diversity, civil rights, & fair & equal employment practices Develop and implement training & development activities for faculty, staff, & students to increase awareness & sensitivity to diversity policy & related matters Advise administration on matters related to diversity, civil rights enforcement & grievance processing & resolution Affirmative Action = input or influence
Promote all on-campus events & community presentations through public relations & advertising campaigns Produce & distribute a district- wide quarterly newsletter District College Set up presentations to community & business groups Coordinate & establish collateral for meetings with key legislators Create & maintain a dynamic District web site with appropriate links Create a dynamic presentation video to show future supporters Secure media opportunities- radio, television, cable, newspapers Produce timely information pieces to the community- including class schedules, partnerships Create & maintain a dynamic web-site Create college-specific collateral for presentations Maintain regular communications with the District Public Relations Office & the Board of Trustees Maintain regular communications with college staff, faculty & students Support District-wide marketing programs Marketing, Public Relations, Community Relations Arrange for & establish collateral for meetings with editorial boards Develop & implement a facilities marketing program to the entertainment & commercial industries Support colleges' marketing & public relations campaigns Distribute timely e-mail messages and/or flyers, as appropriate, to all District employees Maintain close contact with college Presidents & college marketing staff & the Board to circulate information about upcoming events/ projects/ new educational initiatives & general news A coordinated marketing campaign between the district & the colleges that highlights the colleges’ individuality Communications Marketing Public Relations Future = input or influence
Create an ongoing campus technology planning process that obtains input from all campus constituencies Procuring/supporting district-wide systems such as: Stud. & Curric. Info. Sys. Financial Info. Sys. Personnel-Payroll Sys. Automated Library Sys. Ongoing Operate the District Computer Center & the District's wide area data communications network Maintain the necessary liaison with the District Information Technology Implement, operate, & support campus networks, computers, & servers, following standards & procedures agreed upon by the College LAN administrators & the District Ensure that students, faculty, & staff have access to e-mail, office automation, & Internet services, as well as the necessary training & support Support all phases of academic computing Initiate/coordinate district- wide “core technology” projects. (I.e. the administrative sys. modernization project & the replacement of WAN firewalls & routers) In conjunction with the College LAN administrators, develop standards & procedures to select software, hardware, & LAN administration, in order to ensure systems integrity & compatibility Sponsor/provide training classes & learning events for technical & non- technical personnel Invest in periodic upgrades of hardware & software & associated training for both the College community as a whole & for the technical staff who support College systems Expand & strengthen the campus computing infrastructure as processing is shifted to the College & away from the District. Colleges will deal with systems integrity issues, such as backup & security, that until now have been the concern of the District The District will be less involved in the development & maintenance of systems & more involved in helping people to use new powerful & flexible software packaged systems Nimble flexible personnel classification mechanism to cope with the increase in demand of “knowledge workers” as systems become more powerful and provide access to more information Determine which “core technologies” are responsibility of the District & which are responsibility of the Colleges Provide specialized technology expertise that is not cost effective to maintain at each individual college Establish a responsive staffing configuration Colleges will cooperatively support each other in coping with technology issues & the resulting personnel support issues Future College District = input or influence
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