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ISAC’s Military Programs and Other Student Veteran Topics October 2011 Illinois Student Assistance Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "ISAC’s Military Programs and Other Student Veteran Topics October 2011 Illinois Student Assistance Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISAC’s Military Programs and Other Student Veteran Topics October 2011 Illinois Student Assistance Commission

2 ISAC’s Military Programs  Illinois Veteran Grant (IVG) Program  Illinois National Guard (ING) Grant Program 2

3 IVG and ING  Entitlement programs Awarded to all eligible applicants regardless of funding level  Specified by Illinois statute Chapter 110, Higher Education Student Assistance Act Assistance to be granted as long as federal government provides educational benefits to veterans  Available at all four-year public universities and public community colleges 3

4 IVG and ING  Students receive 120 units of eligibility Equivalent to four academic years of full-time enrollment Units are based on the enrolled hours for a term: 4 # of HoursSemester SchoolQuarter School 12 or more12 units8 units 9 – 11.999 units6 units 6 – 8.996 units4 units 3 – 5.993 units2 units 0 – 2.991 unit

5 IVG Eligibility Requirements  Served at least one year federal active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States Includes the Illinois National Guard and Reserve component of the Armed Forces If less than one year, veteran may qualify if:  Service was in a foreign country in a time of hostilities in that country  Separation was for medical reasons directly connected to such service  Service was prior to August 11, 1967  Separation characterized as honorable If still in the Armed Forces, veteran must verify continued eligibility upon discharge 5

6 IVG Eligibility Requirements  Student must meet one of these: was a resident of Illinois at the time of entering federal active duty or within six months prior was a student at an Illinois public university or community college at the time of entering federal active duty service  AND one of these: established or plans to establish Illinois residency within six months after separation from the Armed Forces established Illinois residency within six months after spouse was separated from military service 6

7 Applying for IVG  ISAC application available on and to download/print Can be submitted anytime during academic year Only need to submit one time Applicants must also submit a copy of their Department of Defense Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD214 Member 4 copy) or its equivalent for all periods of active service 7

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9 Applying for IVG  An applicant who is a member of the Armed Forces at the time of application must submit a letter from the commanding officer indicating: that the applicant is a member of the Armed Forces character of service applicant’s home of record at the time of enlistment length of time in each period of federal active duty expiration date of current enlistment  The student will be subject to verification of continued eligibility after each period of federal active duty service. 9

10 IVG Notification  Student receives Notice of Eligibility from ISAC Applicant must notify school of his/her eligibility no later than the last day of classes for the term for which the grant is requested  Schools can access eligibility data and IVG benefit history in My Zone at Eligibility information is refreshed every night Can view eligibility status, number of units available and payment history for each eligible applicant 10

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13 IVG Benefits  Pays tuition and mandatory fees Grandfather clause for tuition and certain allowable fees for students continuously enrolled since Spring 2005 Students attending out-of-district community colleges receive in-district rates and are not responsible for the difference  No minimum enrollment requirement  Available to undergraduate and graduate students  Academic year begins with summer term 13

14 IVG Payment Process  Schools initiate the payment claim process online via My Zone  Available 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.  Deadline dates for submission of claims are: September 15 – summer term January 15 – first term May 25 – second semester/second and third quarter July 31 – all claims, including supplemental claims 14

15 FTP (Batch) Processing  Payment requests can also be submitted using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) process  ISAC creates a directory for schools to submit requests through FTP server  Schools must password-encrypt the file with WinZip before sending to ISAC  File specifications are on College Zone  Contact School Services to set your school up for FTP processing and obtain an ID and password 15

16 ING Grant Eligibility  Must have served at least one year with the Illinois National Guard  Must be in active status  Available to any enlisted member or officer  Must maintain an acceptable grade point average As determined by the institution 16

17 Applying for ING Grant  Interactive online application is accessible at  Students must reapply each year  Deadlines dates: October 1 — full year consideration March 1 — only second semester, second and/or third quarter consideration June 15 — only summer term consideration  Students will receive a confirmation page upon completing the application

18 Applying for ING Grant  Involves certification from the Illinois Department of Military Affairs, which verifies whether or not each applicant: Is enlisted in the Illinois National Guard Is on active duty status in the Illinois Army or Air National Guard Has served for at least one year  Date on which service or eligibility will end is also provided 18

19 ING Grant Award Notification  Qualified student applicants receive a Notice of Eligibility from ISAC Ineligible applicants also receive written notification  Schools receive eligibility information via My Zone in College Zone Announcement rosters include eligibility dates, number of units used, restrictions, etc. Only the school listed on the student application receives the information Can be used to verify eligibility rather than requiring the student’s Notice of Eligibility 19

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21 Denotes the date from which payment can start. 21 Denotes the last date that the applicant is qualified to be paid.

22 ING Grant Benefits  No minimum enrollment requirement  Academic year begins with fall term  Pays “tuition and certain fees” Fees specifically included in statute:  Registration  Graduation  General Activity  Matriculation  Typically charged only to new students when they have been both admitted and enrolled  Term  Students are not responsible for out-of-district or out-of-state tuition charges 22

23 ING Grant Benefits  Cannot be used for sectarian or denominational instruction  Fees specifically not covered: Book rental Laboratory and supply Air flight Hospital and health insurance Room and board Parking Student union Athletic Proficiency or placement exam Service 23

24 ING Grant Benefits  A student who withdraws after a school’s refund date can receive the grant for costs incurred up to the term award. Eligibility units will be assessed in proportion to the total dollars that are paid. If any portion of tuition and fees were paid, at least one eligibility unit will be charged to the recipient. 24

25 ING Grant Benefits  If a recipient ceases to be an active member of the Guard during a term, benefits cease and the student is responsible for costs attributed to the remainder of the term.  If a recipient becomes eligible during a term, benefits will be prorated for the remainder of the term  Proration calculation Total tuition cost divided by total instructional days = cost per day x days of eligibility = total proration 25

26 ING Grant Benefits  A student must repay any ING benefits received if he/she does not fulfill his/her National Guard enlistment Benefits are repaid to the Illinois Department of Military Affairs 26

27 ING Grant & Other Programs  Illinois National Guard members who have been called to federal active duty may also qualify for the Illinois Veteran Grant (IVG) ING and IVG may be used at the same time  Keep in mind that eligibility units will be charged to both programs regardless of the dollar amount of benefits paid ING or IVG must always be used before MAP 27

28 ING Grant Payment Process  Payment process is completed online via My Zone. Available 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Mon. – Sat. Two profiles for school users  View Only  View and Update

29 Payment Roster  Prepopulated Fields: School name and code Student name SSN Restrictions Due date -- will be 30 calendar days following the generation date of the roster by ISAC  Information will be grouped by term and academic year  Student information will be displayed in ascending SSN order

30 Payment Roster  Mandatory Fields In-district tuition Total hours  Optional/Non-Mandatory Fields Out-of-district tuition Activity fee Eligible fees Comments  System will calculate value for Total Dollars Field

31 Sample Screen

32 Supplemental Rosters  Used to submit payment for eligible students not appearing on payment roster.  Could also be used for expenses not submitted on initial payment roster.

33 Supplemental Rosters  Access from the Payment Roster screen A new supplemental request may not be created if one already exists that has not been submitted.

34 Supplemental Rosters  Once created, the Supplemental roster will be date stamped and assigned a sequence number  The Due Date will be prepopulated, based on the date that the payment roster was generated 45 days after roster date for Fall and Spring term 30 days after roster date for Summer term

35 Sample Screen

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37 Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs (IDVA) 37

38 IDVA  Helping Our Hometown Heroes  Illinois Military Family Relief Fund  Illinois Warrior Assistance Program  MIA/POW Scholarship Program  Children of Veterans Scholarship  Illinois Troops to Teachers  Illinois Advisory on Military Education (ACME)  Illinois Warrior Assistance Program  Veterans Cash (Lottery Ticket) Veterans Cash Grant 38

39 Helping Our Hometown Heroes



42 Federal Programs

43 Post-9/11 GI Bill Changes  Post-9/11 Veterans Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2010 Signed into law on January 4, 2011 Gradual implementation 43

44 Post-9/11 GI Bill Changes  Effective August 1, 2009, but not payable until October 1, 2011 Expands the Post-9/11 GI Bill to include Active Service performed by National Guard members under title 32 U.S.C. for the purpose of organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, or training the National Guard; or under section 502(f) for the purpose of responding to a national emergency 44

45 Post-9/11 GI Bill Changes  Effective August 1, 2011 For Veterans and their transferees - simplifies the tuition and fee rates for those attending a public school and creates a national maximum for those enrolled in a private or foreign school  Pays all public school in-state tuition and fees  Private and foreign school costs are capped at $17,500 annually  The Yellow Ribbon Program still exists for out-of-state fees and costs above the cap 45

46 Post-9/11 GI Bill Changes  Effective August 1, 2011 For Active Duty Members and their transferees - creates a national rate for those active duty members enrolled in a private or foreign school pursuing a degree  Pays all public school in-state tuition and fees  Private and foreign school costs are capped at $17,500 annually 46

47 Post-9/11 GI Bill Changes  Effective August 1, 2011 Allows VA to pay MGIB (Chapter 30) and MGIB-SR (Chapter 1606) “kickers,” or college fund payments, on a monthly basis instead of a lump sum at the beginning of the term Prorates housing allowance by the student’s rate of pursuit (rounded to the nearest tenth)  A student training at a rate of pursuit of 75% would receive 80% of the BAH rate 47

48 Post-9/11 GI Bill Changes  Effective August 1, 2011 Allows reimbursement for more than one “license or certification” test (previously only one test was allowed).  However, entitlement is now charged Allows reimbursement of fees paid to take national exams used for admission to an institution of higher learning (e.g., SAT, ACT, GMAT, LSAT) 48

49 Post-9/11 GI Bill Changes  Effective August 1, 2011 Allows those who are eligible for both Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Chapter 31) benefits and Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) benefits to choose the Post-9/11 GI Bill’s monthly housing allowance instead of the chapter 31 subsistence allowance. NOAA and PHS personnel are now eligible to transfer their entitlement to eligible dependents 49

50 Post-9/11 GI Bill Changes  Effective October 1, 2011 Allows students to use the Post-9/11 GI Bill for  Non-college degree (NCD) programs: Pays actual net cost for in-State tuition and fees at public NCD institutions. At private and foreign institutions, pays the actual net costs for in-state tuition and fees or $17,500, whichever is less. Also pays up to $83 per month for books and supplies.  On-the-job and apprenticeship training: Pays a monthly benefit amount prorated based on time in program and up to $83 per month for books and supplies. 50

51 Post-9/11 GI Bill Changes  Effective October 1, 2011 Allows students to use the Post-9/11 GI Bill for  Flight programs: Per academic year, pays the actual net costs for in-state tuition and fees assessed by the school or $10,000, whichever is less.  Correspondence training: Per academic year, pays the actual net costs for in-state tuition and fees assessed by the school or $8,500, whichever is less. 51

52 Post-9/11 GI Bill Changes  Effective October 1, 2011 Housing allowance is payable to students (other than those on active duty) enrolled solely in distance learning. The housing allowance payable is equal to ½ the national average BAH for an E-5 with dependents.  The full-time rate for an individual eligible at the 100% eligibility tier would be $673.50 for 2011. Allows students on active duty to receive a books and supplies stipend. 52

53 Post-9/11 GI Bill Changes  Changes of particular interest to schools Reporting fees paid to schools increases from $7 to $12 and $11 to $15 per student per year Requires that reporting fees only be used for the purpose of certification Standard college degree programs offered at accredited public and private-not-for-profit schools are deemed already approved for VA Education Benefits 53

54 Post-9/11 GI Bill Changes  Changes of particular interest to schools Non-college degree programs, on-the-job training, and flight training programs are now covered (effective October 1, 2011) Allows the VA to use State Approving Agencies (SAAs) for compliance and oversight duties Allows VA to disapprove courses 54

55 Other GI Bill Changes  Effective August 1, 2011 Break or interval pay is no longer payable under any VA education benefit program unless under an Executive Order of the President or due to an emergency, such as a natural disaster or strike  This means that when the semester ends (e.g. December 15th), the housing allowance is paid for the first 15 days of December only and begins again when the next semester begins (e.g. January 10th) and is paid for the remaining days of January.  Students using other VA education programs are included in this change. Monthly benefits will be pro-rated in the same manner.  Entitlement that previously would have been used for break pay will be available for use during a future enrollment. 55

56 Other News  The U.S. Marine Corps has cut tuition assistance for its service members by 80 percent, reducing the maximum benefit from $4,500 a year to $875 The new rules took effect October 1, 2011  Keith Wilson is leaving his post as the Department of Veterans Affairs’ education service director to head a regional office. A replacement has not yet been named, but the VA has said that he will not leave until a replacement has been found.

57 Using State and Federal Benefits Together  Students eligible for IVG may also use the Montgomery or Post-9/11 GI Bills during the same academic year for eligible educational expenses.  Students eligible for MAP and IVG must use IVG benefits instead of MAP  Students eligible for IVG and ING Grant can choose which program they’d like to use. 57





62 Discussion Items  Current student veteran issues  Post-9/11 GI Bill changes Impact on veterans Impact on schools  Recommendations for improvement  Other suggestions

63 Contact Information  School Services, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CST Phone: 866-247-2172 E-mail:  Kim Eck, Training Services Phone: 217-785-7139 E-mail:

64 Questions/Comments? Thank you for participating today! 64

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