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DIAGNOSING VULNERABILITY, EMERGENT PHENOMENA, and VOLATILITY in MANMADE NETWORKS Synthesis of D1.3: Network analysis of interaction between consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "DIAGNOSING VULNERABILITY, EMERGENT PHENOMENA, and VOLATILITY in MANMADE NETWORKS Synthesis of D1.3: Network analysis of interaction between consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIAGNOSING VULNERABILITY, EMERGENT PHENOMENA, and VOLATILITY in MANMADE NETWORKS Synthesis of D1.3: Network analysis of interaction between consortium members and MANMADE forum MANMADE COLB, Budapest 21-22 of January 2008 F. Bono, E. Gutierrez

2 2 The ManMade network The ManMade network The ManMade project is a network of researchers from different institutions participating in the project. Network Analysis The ManMade project’s network is analyzed on the basis of the information retrieved from the project’s web forum.

3 Data sources for the analysis 3 Forum Startup category Manmade Startup Forum Original Manmade forum during project startup. All discussion in this forum is now locked. Manmade Forum MANMADE General Topics WP1 - Project Management WP2 - Network Collation WP3 - Mathematical Methods WP4 - Electricity Networks WP5 - Dynamics of supply-chain and market volatility of networks WP6- Vulnerability of interconnected networks Possible social network data sources The web Forum data source (topics ordered according to the project’s work package plan)

4 Forum activity 4 The period considered starts from M1 to M11 (Jan-Nov 2007) Rate of postings/messages is almost stable (~ 30 per month) 15 active users on the forum (10 inactive users)

5 5 Network Analysis K-cores Cohesiveness Cliques

6 Forum Users dataset 6 (Private messages and topic posts) 77 Edges (Registered users) 26 Nodes Note: size of vertex indicative of traffic to/from a user. Starting from the first posted message on a given topic, edges are created from the concatenated list of user postings

7 Combined graph of Users and Topics 7 Private messages (user- to-user link). Posts on topics (user-to- topic link). Edges Registered users and Topics (Project’s items: tasks, milestones, deliverables). 114 Nodes Topics activated by DM with no further messages (inactive) Isolated users

8 8 Forum Users k-cores In a social network, groups of individuals bonded with strong links, are indicative of cohesive subgroups that hypothetically interact in a more active way. k-cores are indicators of cohesiveness within a social network. Note: the k-core analysis does not consider the number of interactions between users……

9 Institutional exchanges (posts and messages) 9 Two nodes (QMUL and JRC) have a more intense information flow. The other institutions privilege exchanges with the two main nodes, with minor exchanges between them. …however the weighted k- core interactions between institutions indicate that:

10 Users and Topics k-cores 10 The main k-core is composed of individuals only. The highest ranked topic is T1.4 (meetings). Most topics are on the periphery indicating that interaction of these topics amongst users has yet to start.

11 Users and Topics cliques 11 Node size is proportional to the number of exchanged messages Cliques are found by extracting overlapping triads. Cliques reveal the overall cohesive structure.

12 Network evolution The Forum’s network evolves as people post messages M1-M11 users exchanged posts

13 Future steps Add emails messages to the analysis Add datasets download information Deliver updates on the ongoing project’s network 13

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