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COMP3615/5615 Capstone Projects

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1 COMP3615/5615 Capstone Projects
Week 3 2015

2 This lab and week Group work terminology based on Big-5
Cf. XP roles and methods First user stories Grading for Week 5 and 6 assessments

3 About working in groups
And learning how to do it more effectively

4 Why is this here? Provides vocabulary which aids communication and thinking Enables you to report challenges faced and strategies used to overcome them Use these terms in reports Connect them to XP terms, roles and processes

5 Why group learning? Group Work Success Factors Learning Individual
Motivation Cognition Learn to Work in teams Collaborative Learning Values Social Capital

6 Learning group work skills is very important
Reflected in accreditation requirements Reflected in University’s generic attributes Project and Team Skills (Level 3) Level 3: Small project proficiency. Proficiently applies standard project management tools & methods for assigned project activities on a small team scale.

7 Problems for groups Establishing common ground
Social loafing (free-riding) Increased rudeness/aggression Tend to focus on task/production at the cost of catering to psychological needs Tend to focus on action at the cost of reflection Frustration with quality of interaction Feel collaboration overhead too high Groups producing solutions very quickly are often the least stable

8 Big Five Theory Team Effectiveness
Salas, Eduardo, Dana E. Sims, and C. Shawn Burke. "Is there a “Big Five” in teamwork?." Small group research 36.5 (2005):

9 S1. Shared Mental Models 1. Team Leadership 2. Mutual Performance Monitoring 5. Team Orientation 3. Back-up Behavior S2. Mutual Trust S3. Closed Loop Communication 4. Adaptibility Goal: Team Effectiveness Support

10 Team leadership Ability to direct and coordinate the activities of other team members, assess team performance, assign tasks, develop team knowledge, skills, and abilities, motivate team members, plan and organize, and establish a positive atmosphere.

11 Mutual performance monitoring
The ability to develop common understandings of the team environment and apply appropriate task strategies to accurately monitor team mate performance.

12 Backup behaviour Ability to anticipate other team members’ needs through accurate knowledge about their responsibilities. This includes the ability to shift workload among members to achieve balance during high periods of workload or pressure.

13 Adaptability Ability to adjust strategies based on information gathered from the environment through the use of backup behaviour and reallocation of intra-team resources. Altering a course of action or team repertoire in response to changing conditions (internal or external).

14 Team orientation Propensity to take other’s behaviour into account during group interaction and the belief in the importance of team goal’s over individual members’ goals.

15 Three Support Elements

16 Shared mental models An organizing knowledge structure of the relationships among the task the team is engaged in and how the team members will interact.

17 Mutual trust The shared belief that team members will perform their roles and protect the interests of their teammates.

18 Closed-loop communication
The exchange of information between a sender and a receiver irrespective of the medium. Easy case: 3-step communication

19 How does this relate to XP?
Leadership Performance monitoring Backup behaviour Adaptability Team orientation Shared mental models Mutual trust Closed Loop Communication (3 steps on wiki)

20 Priority tasks for this week
Based on tutor feedback, refine, improve, complete targets for this week. Select first target stories, with client agreement that they are the top priority, with allocation of work to each team member Research foundations ready to share with the client and to seek advice on what they would like you to research

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