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If history is a play or drama, then geography is the __________

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1 If history is a play or drama, then geography is the __________
Unit 1: Geography & Prehistory geography = the study of the earth and how man adapts to his/her environment. Essential Questions: What effect does geography have on the lives of human society (people)? How do the different land masses and bodies of water help to shape our world? How did different land masses and bodies of water shape the civilizations we will study? How are history & geography similar/different? – time vs. space If history is a play or drama, then geography is the __________

2 The Unit’s Essential Question
What is an essential question? What you are expected to answer at the end of each Unit. They guide my teaching, your learning and uncover the important ideas at the heart of each subject This unit’s essential questions are …

3 Location = absolute location (latitude & longitude)
Unit 1: Geography & Prehistory Basic Themes of Geography EQ: What effect does geography have on the lives of human society (people)? Location = absolute location (latitude & longitude) Place = physical & human characteristics Relationship w/in Places = people adapt their way of life to accommodate their environment (ex. ___________) Movement = interaction of people through trade, etc. Regions = climate & vegetation or economics & religion/language of a place

4 Continents Islands = Peninsulas = Isthmus =
Unit 1: Geography & Prehistory EQ: How do the different land masses and bodies of water help to shape our world? Land Forms (30%) Continents The largest of the landforms = mainlands Identify seven or five? Continent v. Country What is the difference? Islands = A land form surrounded by water. Peninsulas = A land form surrounded on three sides by water. Isthmus = A narrow strip of land which connects two larger bodies of land.

5 Mountains = Hills = Plateaus = Plains =
Unit 1: Geography & Prehistory EQ: How do the different land masses and bodies of water help to shape our world? Land Features Mountains = Land with an altitude 2000 ft. & greater. Identify two great ranges and their location = Hills = Land with an altitude 500 – 2000 ft. Plateaus = Land with an altitude of 2000 ft. & greater with at least one side ending in a steep drop. Plains = Rolling hills with an altitude of 0 – 500 ft. 90% of the world’s population live on plains.

6 Rivers (identify 2) = begins = / ends =
Unit 1: Geography & Prehistory EQ: How do the different land masses and bodies of water help to shape our world? Water Forms (70%) Oceans (identify 4) = Largest of the water forms. Gulfs, Seas, Bays = Water forms which extend into land. Lakes Water form surrounded by land. Rivers (identify 2) = begins = / ends = Water form which flows within a land form Delta = fertile area sometimes created when a river deposits mineral rich soil near its mouth. Tributary = a smaller river/stream which flows into (contributes to) another river. Straits v. Canal A narrow strip of water which connects to larger bodies of water.

7 Latitude & Longitude (45°N, 20°E)
Unit 1: Geography & Prehistory EQ: What effect does latitude have on climate (define)? Latitude & Longitude (Absolute Location) Latitude & Longitude (45°N, 20°E) human made grid system allows one to find the absolute location Latitude – A flat line on the surface of the earth measuring distance north & south of the Equator. Lines of latitude are also known as parallels Equator = Zero degrees latitude – divides … Tropic of Cancer = Tropic of Capricorn = The Arctic Circle = The Antarctic Circle =

8 Polar Temperate Tropic
Unit 1: Geography & Prehistory Climate Regions Five lines of latitude divide the Earth’s surface into four climate regions. Identify the five lines & four climate zones = Sub-Tropic Polar Temperate Tropic Arctic Circle 66.5 degrees N. Latitude Tropic of Cancer 23.5 degrees N. Latitude Equator – 0 degrees Latitude Tropic of Capricorn 23.5 degrees S. Latitude Antarctic Circle 66.5 degrees S. Latitude

9 Unit 1: Geography & Prehistory EG: What effect does longitude have on time? Longitude
Longitude – A long line on the surface of the earth measuring distance east & west of the Prime Meridian. Prime Meridian = Zero degrees longitude. It is a line which runs from pole to pole through the city of Greenwich, England. Scientist at the Greenwich Observatory developed longitude and made themselves the center of the earth. Lines of longitude are also known as Meridians. The International Date Line = 180 degrees longitude. It is the line opposite of the Prime Meridian. The Prime Meridian and International Date Line combine to form a Great Circle which divides the earth into the eastern & western hemisphere.

10 Unit 1: Geography & Prehistory Seasons
Axis = day An imaginary line upon which the earth rotates. The axis wobbles at approximately 23.5 degrees off of perpendicular from the plain created by the earth’s revolution around it’s orbit. Rotation = Day The earth completes one counter-clockwise rotation on its’ axis in approximately 24 hrs. Orbit = year The path which the earth takes as it revolves around the sun. The positions of the earth’s axis in relation to the sun as it revolves on its’ orbit causes the change in the seasons. Revolution = year The earth completes one counter-clockwise revolution on its’ orbit in approximately 365 & ¼ days. In order to account for the extra ¼ each year every 4th year an extra day (February 29th) is added to the calendar. This is called leap year.

11 Unit 1: Geography & Prehistory Seasons (Cont.)
Equinox (Autumnal 9/23/Vernal 3/21) “Equal night” = when the Earth reaches the point on its orbit where its’ axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the Sun, but exactly across. both hemispheres have 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. Solstice (Winter 12/22/Summer 6/21) The solstice is the day when the direct rays of the Sun hits the surface of the Earth directly on the Tropic line. “When the sun stops” = the tilt of the Earth’s axis moves to a point where in the northern hemisphere it is either leaning toward or away from the sun at 23.5 degrees.

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