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WELCOME TO Grade 5 ROOM 216. What have we been doing to get to know each other? Exploring our Character Traits of the month Voting for the Good Citizen.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO Grade 5 ROOM 216. What have we been doing to get to know each other? Exploring our Character Traits of the month Voting for the Good Citizen."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO Grade 5 ROOM 216

2 What have we been doing to get to know each other? Exploring our Character Traits of the month Voting for the Good Citizen of the week Group stories and drama activities

3 Supporting and Fostering Independence in Grade 5 Reinforcing independent work habits Structured lessons with breaks for movement Good copies written in class Support and communication-Agendas Re-tests are only assigned due to illness or family situations Website: http://www.johnwanless.ca Work in backpacks before bedtime

4 Class Trips Locke Library and Toronto Reference Library National Film Board – tentative Black Creek Pioneer Village McMichael Art Gallery John Polanyi Institute – gardening in the spring BATA Shoe Museum

5 Homework Routines Spelling- due Friday Problem of the Week- due Friday Reading Championship -due end of the month- starting in Second Term Blog Posts Work to finish is homework Students given at least 5 days for tests, 3 days for quizzes

6 Language First Term Oral Group discussions Using listening strategies to give insightful feedback on peer and teacher presentations Reading of Non-Fiction and Fiction Reader’s Theatre Reading Reading persuasive articles Identifying implied and stated information from a text Evaluate text features and how they organize a text Writing Persuasive Writing in Reports and Biographies Who is the Greatest Canadian? Opinion piece of a book and it’s movie adaption Using descriptive words to add detail Media Websites Photography/art Public service announcements –Remembrance Day Second Term Oral Reciting and explaining a favourite piece of poetry – identify how elements (tone, pace) contribute to end effect Identifying Point of View in an oral text Present current events Reading Novel studies – support their understanding by citing information Elements of fiction – E.g., character development Point of view Writing Fictional character development Instructions for a game Poetry – word play Media Book jackets Stop animation Bias in an advertisement Variety of computer software

7 SCIENCE AND SOCIAL STUDIES SCIENCE Term 1 Human Organ Systems Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms Term 2 Conservation of Energy and Resources Properties and Changes in Matter SOCIAL STUDIES Term 1 Aspects of Citizenship and Government in Canada Term 2 Ancient Civilizations

8 The following strands of math are covered once in each term Number Sense Measurement Geometry and Spatial Sense Patterning and Algebra Data Management and Probability

9 MATH - SEPTEMBER Strand: NUMBER SENSE AND NUMERATION Read, represent, compare and order whole numbers to 100,000. Solve problems involving addition and subtraction using a variety of strategies. Strand: PATTERNING AND ALGEBRA Create, identify and extend numeric and geometric patterns. Make a table of values for a pattern that is generated by +, - to get to the next term.

10 MATH - OCTOBER Strand: Data Management Collect and organize data and display the data in charts, tables and graphs. Strand: Spatial Sense Identify, perform and describe translations using a variety of tools.

11 MATH - NOVEMBER Strand: Number Sense Add and subtract decimals to hundredths. Round numbers to the nearest tenth. Estimate when solving problems.

12 MATH - DECEMBER Strand: Number Sense Multiply two-digit whole numbers by two-digit numbers. Divide three-digit whole numbers by one digit numbers. Multiply by 10, 100, 1000, 10000 and 10000. Divide by 10 and 100.

13 MATH- JANUARY Strand: Measurement Estimate and determine elapsed time. Select and justify the most appropriate standard unit. Solve problems requiring conversions of linear units.

14 MATH – FEBRUARY TERM-2 Strand: Measurement Estimate and measure the perimeter and area of regular and Irregular polygons. Use a formula to calculate the perimeter and area of a rectangle.

15 MATH - MARCH Strand: Geometry and Spatial Sense Identify and classify acute, right and straight angles. Identify triangles (i.e., scalene, isosceles, equilateral). Measure and construct angles up to 90 degrees.

16 MARCH - APRIL Strand: Number Sense Represent, compare and order fractions including proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers. Demonstrate and explain equivalent fractions. Demonstrate and explain equivalent representations of decimal numbers.

17 MATH - MAY Strand: Measurement Determine the volume of a rectangular prism. Determine the relationship between capacity and volume of an object.

18 MATH - JUNE Strand: Data Management Calculate the mean, median and mode. Determine and represent all the possible outcomes in a simple probability experiment.

19 The Visual Arts Term 1 Self portraits 3 dimensional structures Symmetry in nature Analysis of an artist Comparing art from different cultures Term 2 3 dimensional structures Optical illusions Drawing perspective Print making

20 Drama Drama is integrated with the Core Subjects, especially Oral Reading. Students are expected to analyze, explain, use and make relevant observations about the techniques used in the Dramatic Arts Also expected to problem solve collaboratively Describe the role of props and use them correctly and effectively

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