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Learning with Technology for the SER Margaret Derrington King’s College London 13 February 2012.

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1 Learning with Technology for the SER Margaret Derrington King’s College London 13 February 2012

2 ANY QUESTIONS… margaret.derrington

3 PGCE HANDBOOK Discuss your SER with the PCM at your SE2 school Make sure your proposed subject and focus are suitable for the school and that your PCM approves and will help. You will need to access any relevant policy documents (if they exist), interview people and collect data at the school so you need their cooperation and help. And remember all documents etc MUST BE ANONYMISED The topic and question also need to be discussed and agreed with your PPS tutor Students who do badly in their SERs are overwhelmingly students who have NOT done this.

4 AIM of the SER (i) to demonstrate an understanding about an educational issue and how it relates to the educational progress of pupils. (ii) to undertake a small scale research project on the effectiveness of a school policy on an educational issue (iii) to relate and compare government and school policies and the actual practices carried out in school.

5 Different layers 1. the Literature 2. Government Policy (LEA policy) 3. School Policy 4. Actual practice in school Demonstrate understanding and how this relates to the educational progress Is government policy in line with the research and designed to improve educational progress…. Or to effect some other quite different social or political policy? Is the school policy in line with government policy? Does it also implement other religious or social policies perhaps from the school mission statement And what about what actually happens in the school; this needs to be discussed in conjunction both with the research AND the government and school policies.

6 Literature Review Start with the literature suggested in the PPS handbook I have put some suggested sources at the end of this slideshow… If you find something good why not share it? On ELK. You are not in competition! Use the lit review to bring out the main issues; remember they must have a bearing on educational achievement…

7 QUESTION Decide on your research question And how you are going to investigate it in the different layers required  Literature  Government policy  School policy  Grass roots The topic and question need to be discussed and agreed with your PPS tutor

8 SOURCES and RESEARCH METHODS The Literature relevant journals etc Govt Policies, Strategies, Politicians’ pronouncements, The NC…. School Policy Documents Interviews with school managers responsible for the policy and its implementation School data, questionnaires, focus group discussions, interviews, classroom observations, classwork, homework …..

9 Research Methods 1. the Literature 2. Government Policy (LEA policy) 3. School Policy 4. Actual practice in school Compare documents …if these are documented Literature review Interviews Lesson Observation Examining exercise books, text books, Websites. Focus groups Questionnaires Stats and existing data… ETHICS PRIVACY ANNONYMISE YOU MUST INCLUDE A CHAPTER ON RESEARCH METHODS

10 Don’t go OTT DON’T combine two SERs… FOCUS on a research question USE EXISTING DATA …if you can SHARE DATA …if you can It’s a SMALL research project and you have 12 lessons a week to plan and deliver…

11 PRACTICALITIES ANONYMISE RAW DATA in APPENDICES DISCUSSION and ANALYSIS in essay One chapter on Research Methods  Guidelines on Ethics (p27 PGCE HB) Make sure you finish in time to do proof reading AND the Q standards claim DON’T Exceed the word limit.

12 Technology in Education Many possibilities….. School VLE Interactive Whiteboards Use of the Internet Use of mobile devices (mobile phones etc) Use of networking sites Anything else????? Remember it is a WHOLE SCHOOL project NOT your subject area.

13 Relevant Journals… JRTE Journal of Research in Technology and Education ISTE International Society for Technology in Education USDLA Journal US Distance Learning Association Loads of others….

14 School VLE 1. the Literature 2. Government Policy 3. School Policy 4. Actual practice in school arningplatforms_report.pdf arningplatforms_report.pdf Look at different departments, their use. Teacher training is probably an issue. Parents use, home use…best practice.. “how it relates to the educational progress…” Learning platform technologies are set to form an integral part of schools’ ICT provision in the next decade. Most recently, government policy has moved to encourage use of learning platform technologies throughout the English school system with an encouragement for all learners to have access to a personalised online learning space by 2008, all secondary schools to be providing parents with access to online information about children’s attainment, attendance, behaviour and special needs by 2010, and all primary schools to be doing the same by 2012.

15 Interactive Whiteboards 1. the Literature 2. Government Policy 3. School Policy 4. Actual practice in school Various Initiatives from BETT 2005 Tony Blair Debates about projectors vs IWBs  ubs.htm (Teaching ICT issue 2) ubs.htm BECTA Death by PP, INTERACTIVITY….. The IWB itself and the COMPUTER and INTERNET that came with it….. “how it relates to educational progress..”

16 Use of the Internet 1. the Literature 2. Government Policy 3. School Policy 4. Actual practice in school Various targets about broadband for schools and for the UK… actual Curriculum Quotes School use, home use, plagiarism etc etc resources, searches, firewalls….different subjects Kids’ Use of the Internet  Livingstone (2003) 

17 Use of mobile devices (mobile phones etc) 1. the Literature 2. Government Policy 3. School Policy 4. Actual practice in school m-learning   planet/impact/social/education/ planet/impact/social/education/  110.556/2004/Materiaali/brown03.pdf 110.556/2004/Materiaali/brown03.pdf   He said that through i-Tunes children were able to listen to lectures from Harvard, for instance, and there was greater potential for creative use of the technology in our schools. " Stopping the smuggling of Blackberries into classrooms safeguards children's rights – the crucial rights of the majority to learn in peace, free of the fear of violence and intimidation."

18 Use of social networking sites 1. the Literature 2. Government Policy 3. School Policy 4. Actual practice in school Grossbeck & Holotescu (2008) Can we use twitter for Educational Activities Grosseck/Papers/503568/Can_we_use_Twitter_f or_educational_activities Grosseck/Papers/503568/Can_we_use_Twitter_f or_educational_activities Group work feedback PEER assessment and feedback

19 Warnings… Don’t forget to anonymise Make sure it is a WHOLE SCHOOL project NOT just your subject area Maybe compare two subjects which are similar but do things differently and a different type of subject… justify the subjects chosen Don’t lose sight of the aims… understanding about an educational issue and how it relates to the educational progress of pupils. And the 4 layers….

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