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 How Does Age Affect Media Usage? Hypothesis, Survey, and Data Analysis-EDTC 5103.

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Presentation on theme: " How Does Age Affect Media Usage? Hypothesis, Survey, and Data Analysis-EDTC 5103."— Presentation transcript:

1  How Does Age Affect Media Usage? Hypothesis, Survey, and Data Analysis-EDTC 5103

2 Topics & Hypotheses  Topic: Cell Phones  Hypothesis: Younger people use cell phones for more things than older people (i.e. to access the Internet, listen to music, keep track of appointments, etc.)  Topic: Social Networking  Hypothesis: Older people use social networking websites for different purposes than younger people.

3 Survey  I asked five questions for each topic (ten questions total).  I used a Likert scale with these choices:  1-strongly agree 2-agree 3-neutral 4-disagree 5-strongly disagree  Demographics included:  Birth year  Gender  Birth place

4 Cell Phone Questions  I use my cell phone to access the Internet.  I text people more often than I call them.  I use my phone to watch videos, such as those found on YouTube.  I listen to music with my phone.  I use a calendar or reminder function on my phone to keep track of assignments or appointments.

5 Social Networking Questions  I visit a social networking site between once and three times a day. (Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, MySpace, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.)  I use social networking sites to connect with people.  I post updates on social networking sites at least once a day.  I use social networking sites to follow celebrities or well- known organizations.  Social networking sites are a major part of my life.

6 Location & Respondents  The survey was distributed at Oakwood Bowl in Enid, OK. (I know many people there, and I knew I would find a wide age range.)  Thirty participants (I was only able to use 29 surveys because one person put 2013 as her birth year.)  Ages ranged from 11-76.  Fifteen females and 14 males  All respondents were from the U.S.

7 Data Analysis: Cell Phones  Respondents in their teens, twenties, and thirties access the Internet more often than older respondents.  Those in their teens and twenties text more often than call people.  All but 4 respondents do not usually watch videos on their phones.  Teens listen to music with their phones more than any other age group.  Respondents across generations reported that they use a calendar function on their phones.

8 Social Networking Data Analysis  Most respondents in their teens and twenties, along with a few older ones, visit social networks at least one-three times a day.  About half of the respondents use social networks to connect with people.  Very few respondents post updates on a social network at least once a day.  Very few respondents use social networks to follow celebrities or well-known organizations.  Only three respondents (a 15-year old, a 23-year old, and a 61-year old) said that social networks are a major part of their lives.

9 Reading the Graphs  Each graph reads from oldest to youngest.  The questions are color coded.  The lower points on the graph are the strongly agree- agree responses because 1=strongly agree and 5=strongly disagree.  There are individual graphs for age groups as well as one overall graph for each topic.  There is one overall graph showing the results from the entire survey.

10 Column Graph Ages 61-76: Cell Phones Column Graph Ages 47-57: Cell Phones Column Graph Ages 11-17: Cell Phones

11 Column Graph Ages 20-34: Cell Phones

12 Line Graph Including All Responses: Cell Phones

13 Column Graph Ages 61-76: Social NetworksColumn Graph Ages 47-57: Social Networks Column Graph Ages 11-17: Social Networks

14 Column Graph Ages 20-34: Social Networks

15 Line Graph Including All Responses: Social Networks

16 Line Graph Including All Responses From Both Topics

17 Conclusion  My hypothesis about younger people using cell phones for more activities was reflected in the survey data.  However, the responses I received about social networks did not align with my predictions.  Many older people use social networks for the same things younger people do.  Younger people do not use social networks as much or as often as I anticipated.

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