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“Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more labor it sucks.” – Karl Marx.

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Presentation on theme: "“Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more labor it sucks.” – Karl Marx."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more labor it sucks.” – Karl Marx

2  How are Communism & Capitalism different? Which would you prefer to live under?

3  The Industrial Revolution created some issues ◦ Poor Working Conditions ◦ Low Wages ◦ Large division in social classes  Many things needed to change in order for Great Britain to remain peaceful

4  Middle class was disturbed by misery of working class & injustices of capitalism  Feared working class violence  Result: Parliament improved working conditions ◦ Banned women & children from working in mines ◦ Limited work hours to 10 a day ◦ Brought about safer working conditions

5  Queen Victoria ◦ Popular monarch ◦ Favored social reform to help her subjects ◦ Favored private efforts to help the poor

6  Made cities cleaner & healthier places to live  Improved public drinking water  Created sewer system to prevent spread of disease  Street lamps & police forces made city safer  Free public elementary school created to prepare citizens for adulthood

7  Union – Group of workers that collectively use their strength to have a voice in their workplace  Strike – Refusal to work as a form of protest  Some unions threatened strikes if they did not receive better pay & working conditions  Social security insurance introduced so leaders could win favor with working class

8  Rising middle class demanded political power  Older towns in Great Britain were represented in House of Commons  Newer towns had no representation  Reform Bill of 1832 – Provided representation for new towns & increased voting rights  Late 19 th Century – All men could vote, women could not

9  Capitalism – Economic & political system where trade & industry are controlled by private citizens, & are motivated by profit  Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels criticized capitalism  Together published The Communist Manifesto  Marx’s ideas became basis for communism

10  Communism – System of social organization where all economic & social activity is controlled by the government  Marx’s Criticism ◦ Workers only paid minimum needed to survive ◦ Owners kept as much money as possible ◦ Owners got richer, proletariat (Workers) got poorer ◦ Predicted workers would violently revolt due to working conditions ◦ Predicted workers would create a society of equality

11  Communism ◦ Marx’s name for equal & harmonious society ◦ No private property, everything owned in common ◦ No social classes ◦ Cooperation would replace competition, allowing everyone’s needs to be met

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