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Organization of Webinars Series

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0 Smarter Balanced in Washington
4/21/2017 Smarter Balanced in Washington Preparing for the Transition Webinar #4 March 20, 2014

1 Organization of Webinars Series
4/21/2017 Organization of Webinars Series Future webinars are scheduled for 3:30-4:30 PM on: April May June 10 July August 13 PowerPoints and answers to questions raised during the webinars are posted on OSPI’s Smarter Balanced web- page audio recording of webinars are included. We will minimize repeating previously provided information, so please check the webpage.

2 4/21/2017 Summative Field Tests Getting Ready for the Tests 03/20/2014

3 Field Testing Countdown to Test Administration!
4/21/2017 Field Testing Countdown to Test Administration! Whoa!!! The delay of one week caught everyone by surprise. OSPI had no input on the issue, but is deeply sorry for the disruption and the late notice. Thanks to everyone who recognized the delay was no one’s preference and would have been avoided if it were not necessary. The first field test window opens Tuesday, March 25.

4 Scheduled Downtimes Remain the Same
Administration Downtime Practice Test/Training Test Saturday – Sunday, May 17 and 18 Field Test Thursday, April 10 – Sunday, April 13, 2014 Thursday, May 8 – Sunday, May 11, 2014

5 Field Testing Windows and Scheduled Downtimes
4/21/2017 Field Testing Windows and Scheduled Downtimes There are four test administration blocks: March 25 – April 4 April 7 – April 25 April 28 – May 16 May 19 – June 6 (not for grades 9-10) Those who got bumped from week one can test any time before June 6 EdWeek and Seattle Times mentioned an additional week of June 9 – that was a mistake on the part of the Smarter Balanced spokesperson

6 Field Testing Updates and the Countdown to Test Administration!
4/21/2017 Field Testing Updates and the Countdown to Test Administration! Students are permitted and encouraged to use their own ear buds or headsets, but districts and schools should also plan on having some available. USB headphones are recommended as they are typically plug-and-play devices. Districts and schools are responsible for ensuring that each participating student has a headset.   

7 Field Testing Updates Continue accessing resources and materials for the Field Test scheduling, administration, and communication. Ensure your district and school coordinators and teacher administrators are carefully reviewing the training modules posted on the Field Test Portal.

8 Training and Resources
4/21/2017 Training and Resources Field Test Portal Recent Additions Classroom Activity and Performance Task Administration Guidelines: How to identify the performance task topic for each school and grade, download the classroom activity, and administer the classroom activity and performance task. Keyboard Command Chart for Students: This document explains the keyboard commands that students can use to navigate between test features and tools. Test Security Incident Log: This document provides instructions and a template of the incident log that Test Administrators, School Test Coordinators, and District Test Coordinators will use to report any Test Security Incidents that occur during testing.

9 Training and Resources
Field Test Portal Recent Additions, continued Scribing Protocol for Smarter Balanced Assessments: This document is designed to assist staff, test administrators, educators, and scribes in ensuring scribing is standardized and contributes to valid measures of students' college and career readiness. Embedded Designated Support Glossaries: Further information on the glossary supports that are available. Communications Toolkit: The communications toolkit for the Field Test includes 12 documents that support communications efforts surrounding the launch of the Field Test. Materials include Field Test FAQs, talking points, parent/guardian notification letter template, and other helpful resources.

10 Training and Resources
Field Test Portal Recent Additions, continued ORS User Guide: The Online Reporting System (ORS) enables authorized users to view test progress information for students participating in the Spring 2014 Smarter Balanced Field Test. Field Test Portal Recent Updates Test Administrator User Guide: (Updated March 16) Guidelines: Frequently Asked Questions for the Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines (Updated March 16) Technical Specifications Manual for Online Testing (Updated March 17)

11 Pre-ID’ing and Data Topic Updates
TEST TICKETS!!! Test tickets are available in WAMS Profile Downloads under ‘8. Smarter Balanced Field Test’ 2 tickets per student: ELA and MATH For HS testing single subjects – discard extra tickets Sorted by school name, grade, group name (if applied), student last/first/middle Additional Test Ticket Resources: MS Access DB/Form posted to: Excel Student list posted in WAMS Profile Downloads currently TIDE stands for “Testing Information Distribution Engine”

12 Pre-ID’ing and Data Topic Updates
Student Data TIDE tasks prior to testing: 1) Block 1 test sites must identify remaining students (“stragglers”) and enter them into TIDE prior to testing 2) Correcting Demographics in TIDE Demographic data in TIDE is used in item analysis Make corresponding updates in Local SIS’s and CEDARS 3) Uploading supports/accommodations TIDE User Guide, pages 30–35 and Test Administration Manual, section 7.0

13 Pre-ID’ing and Data Topic Updates
New and Moved Student Files Schedule: Will reflect students from most recent CEDARS submission Students enrolled between most recent CEDARS submission and the start of testing must be added by a District Administrator Test Window Window Dates New and Moved File Extracted New and Moved uploaded to TIDE Window 1 March 25 to April 4 3/10/2014 3/11/2014 Window 2 April 7 to April 25 3/27/2014 3/28/2014 Window 3 April 28 to May 16 4/17/2014 4/18/2014 Window 4 May 19 to June 6 5/15/2014 5/16/2014 TIDE stands for “Testing Information Distribution Engine”

14 Pre-ID’ing and Data Topic Updates
New and Moved Student Files (continued) EXAMPLES School is testing both ELA and Math during window 2 and most recent CEDARS submission before window 2 new and moved extract was on March 21: Window 2 extract will include all students enrolled between February 10 (initial statewide student upload) and March 21 School is testing ELA in window 2 (same CEDARS date as above) and Math in window 3; most recent CEDARS prior to window 3 extract was April 7: Window 2 new and moved includes same students as above. Window 3 new and moved includes students enrolled between February 10 and April 7 with duplicates of window 2 new and moved records removed. TIDE stands for “Testing Information Distribution Engine”

15 Why Field Test? Although this is a field test, we must have valid responses to shape our future tests. Accurate item data will determine difficulty, bias and sensitivity, whether items are kept, and ultimately the cut scores (or what score is needed to meet standard). Dry Run Field Tests Operational Tests Item Data

16 Security Test Administrators must ensure that all conditions of test security are maintained. Report all security incidents witnessed or suspected. Only students who are testing can observe assessment items. Students who are not being tested or unauthorized staff must not be in the room where a test is being administered. Based on the item type (i.e., performance tasks), trained TAs may also have limited exposure to assessment items in the course of properly administering the assessment; however, even TAs may not actively review or analyze any assessment items.

17 Security TAs and SCs or other individuals who have witnessed, been informed of, or suspect the possibility of a test security incident that could potentially affect the integrity of the tests or the data should follow the steps outlined in Appendix B of the Test Administration Manual and the TIDE User Guide located at: content/uploads/2014/01/Smarter_TIDE_UserGuide_Spri ng2014.pdf

18 Security The Test Security Incident Log (on the Smarter Balanced Portal is the document of record for all test security incidents. TAs must download the template and log incidents immediately and submit via (or alternate agreed- upon process) to their SCs and DCs. Instructions on how to complete the Log, including a listing of the column headers and descriptions, are located within the EXLS file, under tab ‘Instructions’.

19 Security At the close of the testing window, ensure that all test security incidents were reported in accordance with the guidelines in Appendix B in the TAM and the TIDE User Guide.

20 Operational Summative Assessments
4/21/2017 Operational Summative Assessments 03/20/2014

21 Administration Window
The 2015 summative operational assessment windows/dates are still being discussed… The complexities include: Per Smarter Balanced Consortium: High schools need to test on Smarter Balanced w/in final 7 weeks of school Grades 3-8 test in final 12 weeks of school In Washington: Grade 3 results must be returned in time for principals to meet with parents before the end of the year High school exit exams need to be scheduled as well (ELA for 10th and EOC in math and biology) - these will be paper/pencil

22 Interim Assessments We are all life long learners… patiently learning
4/21/2017 Interim Assessments We are all life long learners… patiently learning a little each month about interim assessments 03/20/2014

23 Interim Assessments No updates have been provided to states on interim assessments. A letter will soon be sent to districts with schools who are in Priority, Focus or Emerging status: Smarter Balanced interims will replace Reading Benchmark and Math Benchmark assessments (RBAs and MBAs) OSPI is still discussing appropriate interims for grades 1-2 (WaKIDS can be used in kindergarten)

24 Digital Library Educator resources for formative assessment practices
4/21/2017 Digital Library Educator resources for formative assessment practices to improve instruction 03/20/2014

25 A Balanced Assessment System
Summative assessments Benchmarked to college and career readiness Teachers and schools have information and tools they need to improve teaching and learning Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness All students leave high school college and career ready Educator resources for formative assessment practices to improve instruction Interim assessments Flexible, open, used for actionable feedback

26 Balanced Assessment Summative Assessments for Accountability
Balanced Assessment Summative Assessments for Accountability Coverage of full breadth/depth of Common Core Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) Precise assessment of all students More engaging assessment experience Performance Tasks – real world problems Interim Assessments to Signal Improvement Optional for district, school or classroom use Fully aligned with Common Core – same item pool Focus on set of standards or mirror summative test Teachers can review and score responses Formative Tools and Resources for Improved Instruction Digital library gives access to high-quality resources Tools/materials for classroom-based assessments Professional social networking (Web-based PLCs) Useful for in-service and pre-service development

27 Smarter Balanced Digital Library: Formative Assessment Practices and Professional Learning – educator involvement National Advisory Panel (NAP) 11-20 experts Began December 2012 Provides policies and criteria for resources State Leadership Team (SLT) 10-14 WA members Provides support and training for State Network of Educators Promote statewide communications State Network of Educators (SNE) 85 WA Members (1,500+ nationally) Representation from LEAs, AEAs, content leaders, ELL, IHE Serve Summer 2013 – Late Fall 2014 Submit and review resources National Advisory Panel Dr. Lynne Anderson-Inman (University of Oregon) Dr. Robert Calfee (Stanford University, UC Riverside) Dr. Bridget Dalton (University of Colorado) Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond (Stanford University) Dr. Diane Heacox (St. Catherine University) Dr. Joan Herman (UCLA – CRESST) Dr. John Hill (Purdue University) Dr. Yvette Jackson (National Urban Alliance for Effective Education) Dr. Henry Kepner (University of Milwaukee) Dr. Katherine McKnight (National Louis University) Valerie L. Mills (National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics) Dr. James Popham (UCLA)

28 Digital Library Basics
One Stop: Accessed through a single sign-on with user permission levels Educators have access to all of the instructional and professional learning resources for each grade band (Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) There will be resources that educators can share or use with students and families, but students and families will not be able to access materials directly. It WILL NOT be a “bank” of formative assessment items alone. All resources will have the formative assessment process embedded within them. All submitted materials will be vetted through a Quality Criteria Review Process by SNEs across the nation. Each resource will be reviewed and rated by at least 3 SNEs If they do not meet the quality criteria, resources will not be included in the library Functionality The applications uses state-of-the art tagging and search features so that educators will be able to: Quickly find resources by CCSS, formative assessment process attributes, etc. View and download resources Rate resources Use social networking features to collaborate with other educators across the Consortium by posting questions and sharing their knowledge. ELA/Literacy – Proposed Modules Balance of Inf. and Literary Text Literary in the Content Areas Increased complexity of text Text-Based questions and answers Academic Vocabulary Writing using evidence Mathematics – Proposed Modules Focus Coherence Fluency Duel Intensity Deep Understanding Math Practices across various standards

29 Resources in the Digital Library
Assessment Literacy Modules Commissioned professional development modules Resources for students and families Frame formative assessment within a balanced assessment system Articulate the formative assessment process Highlight formative assessment practices and tools Exemplar Instructional Modules Commissioned professional development modules Instructional materials for educators Instructional materials for students Demonstrate/support effective implementation of the formative process Focus on key content and practice from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts Education Resources High-quality vetted instructional resources and tools for educators High-quality vetted resources and tools for students and families Reflect and support the formative process Reflect and support the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts Create Professional Learning Communities * Resources include the following file types: Video, HTML5, Audio, PPT, Excel, Word, and PDF.

30 Resources in the Digital Library
Assessment Literacy Modules Not an assessment bank Not an item bank Not a learning management system where educators can register for training or receive credit by completing specific online courses Not a library for general public (will require registration and login) Not a site where any resource can automatically be posted; all resources must be vetted through the Quality Criteria Exemplar Instructional Modules Education Resources * Resources include the following file types: Video, HTML5, Audio, PPT, Excel, Word, and PDF.

31 Grounded in this Definition of Formative Assessment Process
Formative Assessment is a deliberate process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides actionable feedback that is used to adjust ongoing teaching and learning strategies to improve students’ attainment of curricular learning targets/goals. ~ Compiled by the Digital Library National Advisory Panel

32 All Resources are Grounded in the Four Attributes of the Formative Assessment Process and Reviewed using Quality Criteria Clarify Intended Learning Elicit Evidence Act on Interpret

33 Quality Criteria for Professional Learning Resources
The resource… 1) Reflects research and/or the principles of effective professional learning 2) Incorporates formative assessment practices 3) Supports learner differences and personalized learning 4) Demonstrates utility, engagement, and user-friendliness 5) Integrates technology and media effectively Amber/Cathy

34 Quality Criteria for Instructional Resources
The resource… 1) Aligns with the intent of the Common Core State Standards 2) Incorporates formative assessment practices 3) Contains accurate, complete, high-quality curriculum and instruction 4) Supports learner differences and personalized learning 5) Demonstrates utility, engagement, and user-friendliness 6) Integrates technology and media effectively Amber/Cathy

35 SNE Resource Recommendation Options
Recommend with distinction Recommend Recommend with revisions Do not recommend Do not recommend Recommend with revisions Amber/Cathy This is found on page 5 or 9 on the Quality Criteria Template

36 Resource Posting Work Flow
Step 1: Resource Submitted Step 2: GatekeepingCriteria Applied Step 3: Quality Criteria Applied Step 4: Decision Posted SNE 1 SNE 1 Cover Profile SNE 2 Sent to SLT Step 5: Publishing  If not satisfied, the SLT rejects the resource and sends back to the contributor, providing actionable feedback and rationale. If necessary, the SLT may provide individual, actionable feedback for norming and review improvement to each reviewer. SNE 3 Returned to Submitter

37 Smarter Balanced – Who and When?
OSPI staff involved in workgroups WA teachers involved Item and stimulus writing and review Alignment Study Achievement Level Descriptors Pilot in spring 2013 Practice Tests widely available in May 2013 Comprehensive summative field test in Digital Library - State Networks of Educators began vetting resources to populate the library in Fall 2013 “Soft Launch” of the Digital Library in late Spring 2014 All components of Smarter Balanced operational in Full Digital Library in fall 2014 Interim assessments available late fall 2014 Summative assessments administered in spring 2015

38 4/21/2017 Resources For You! For the latest news and developments on Smarter Balanced in Washington: Materials for administration, as well as communication templates for parents and community: test/resources/ For questions about Smarter Balanced or the assessment system transitions, contact: We will post answers to questions you’ve submitted today within a week.

39 Happy Field Testing!!!!!

40 4/21/2017 Thank you!

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