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7 th Grade I enjoy learning about animals and how they think, cats especially!!

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2 7 th Grade


4 I enjoy learning about animals and how they think, cats especially!!

5 I found out that the most popular pet to have is a Dog, then a Cat

6 Found at: The Nineteenth Century in Print: Periodicals, Vol.5, Issue 1, January 1873 bin/query/D?ncpsbib:1:./temp/~ammem_BPWs::@@@mdb=mcc,gottscho,detr,nfor,wpa,aap,cwar,bbpix,cowellbib,calbkbib,consrvbib,bdsbib,dag,fsaall,gmd,pan,vv,presp,varstg,suffrg,nawbib,horyd,wtc,toddbib,mgw,ncr,ngp,musdibib,hlaw,papr,lhbumbib,rbpebib,lbcoll,alad,hh,aaodyssey,magbell,bbcards,dcm,rael bib,runyon,dukesm,lomaxbib,mtj,gottlieb,aep,qlt,coolbib,fpnas,aasm,scsm,denn,relpet,amss,aaeo,mffbib,afc911bib,mjm,mnwp,rbcmillerbib,molden,ww2map,mfdipbib,afcnyebib,hawp,omhbib,rbaapcbib,mal,ncpsbib,ncpm,lhbprbib,ftvbib,afcreed,aipn,cwband,flwpabib,wpapos,cmns,psbib,pin,coplandbib,cola,tccc,cu rt,mharendt,lhbcbbib,eaa,haybib,mesnbib,fine,cwnyhs,svybib,mmorse,afcwwgbib,mymhiwebib,uncall,afcwip,mtaft,manz,llstbib,fawbib,berl,fmuever,cdn,upbo verbib,mussm,cic,afcpearl,awh,awhbib,sgp,wright,lhbtnbib,afcesnbib,hurstonbib,mreynoldsbib,spaldingbib,sgproto bin/moa/pageviewer?coll=moa&root=/moa/manu/manu0005/&tif=00025.TIF&view=50&frames=1 In 1873 there was an article on “Animal Language” in the “Manufacturer and Builder,” a 19 th century periodical (1869-1894) that I found on This explains that animal behavior was not only studied and recorded in the 21 st century but far back into the early 1870’s. And that other people Actually CARED about animal psychology back then. Notice the strangeness of the old English language of the time (See next slide).

7 Copy of the Article Language of Animals. CERTAINLY all animals have a amode of expressing their feelings to others of the same species. Wolves arrange attacks, hunting togetimer in packs. They are nil animated by the same thought, and therefore travel with energy for hours to accomplish a design of which each member of the enterprise has a rational under- standina. Deer and buffaloes act in concert in regard to seeking food or water. Perhaps, the government of wild horses, through signs which any horse in a group of hundreds instantly recognizes as an imperative coam- mand of one individual, who prances up and down the line like one in authmority, is about as perfect and as mysterious as anythiniag in natural history. Birds and dogs are exceedimmgly sociable, enjoying the society of their kith and kin as much as country cousins when they visit city relatives. Rats and mice, too, and even insects, are supposed to have the faculty of communi- cating their wishes and opinions to each other. Language of Animals. CERTAINLY all animals have a amode of expressing their feelings to others of the same species. Wolves arrange attacks, hunting togetimer in packs. They are nil animated by the same thought, and therefore travel with energy for hours to accomplish a design of which each member of the enterprise has a rational under- standina. Deer and buffaloes act in concert in regard to seeking food or water. Perhaps, the government of wild horses, through signs which any horse in a group of hundreds instantly recognizes as an imperative coam- mand of one individual, who prances up and down the line like one in authmority, is about as perfect and as mysterious as anythiniag in natural history. Birds and dogs are exceedimmgly sociable, enjoying the society of their kith and kin as much as country cousins when they visit city relatives. Rats and mice, too, and even insects, are supposed to have the faculty of communi- cating their wishes and opinions to each other.

8 Inventions from the 2 centuries (19 th. 20 th ) Century: 19th (1895) Invention: Motion picture camera (video Camera) Why is it so significant? Because it was the first video camera ever made. How did this invention change or impact the world? It inspired thousands of people to improve it and make better movies. What would the world be like without this invention? There’d be no T.V! No Movies! No DVDs no anything that moves on screen Why did you select this particular invention? Because My invention includes motion pictures of what your thinking. 19 th Century

9 20 th century Invention Century: 20th (1944) Invention: C.A.T scan Why is it so significant? The C.A.T can can be used to scan the brain without damaging it. How did this invention change or impact the world? It let doctors help people with brain cancer What would the world be like without this invention? Many people with brain problems would’ve died because the doctors couldn’t see what’s going on in their brain. Why did you select this particular invention? Because my invention involves the properties of the brain and psychology

10 Animal Research Advances Animal and Human Welfare Psychologists do research to learn more about behavior and how knowledge of behavior can be used to advance the welfare of people and animals. Although much research in psychology uses people as subjects, research with animal subjects continues to be essential for answering some fundamental questions. Since Charles Darwin's work, which emphasized continuity in evolution from animals to people in their mental abilities and in physical characteristics, psychologists have worked to understand the basic principles and processes that underlie the behavior of all creatures, human and nonhuman. As knowledge has accumulated, identification of characteristics that are unique to different species has yielded information that contributes to understanding and advancing the welfare of animals and people. Research on Animal Psychology Found at: To sum it up: Scientists believe that animals have their own language to share with us

11 Invention Design #1 Of The Brain-O-graph

12 Project in Action

13 For all we know, a cats mind can be more spiritual than we think.

14 Some day we will learn how all minds work and someday we just may be able to hear what others think. Even an animals!


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