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ISO 9001:2000 CERT. N. 9105.CAEN March, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "ISO 9001:2000 CERT. N. 9105.CAEN March, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISO 9001:2000 CERT. N. 9105.CAEN March, 2012

2 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited CAEN Network’s Companies CAEN SpA Founded in 1979, CAEN SpA (Costruzioni Appearecchiature Elettroniche Nucleare) is an important industrial spin-off of the INFN Founded in 1979, CAEN SpA (Costruzioni Appearecchiature Elettroniche Nucleare) is an important industrial spin-off of the INFN 110 people (assembly not included) 110 people (assembly not included) Core business: Electronic Instrumentation for physics experiments (world leader) Core business: Electronic Instrumentation for physics experiments (world leader) Spin-off activities: Spin-off activities: RFID (2003), CAENels (2010)

3 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited Where are we? CAEN SpA Headquarters Viareggio, Italy CAEN Gmbh, Germany CAEN Technologies Inc., USA CAEN SpA Test Facility Elba Island, Italy

4 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited Global coverage Worldwide sales networkWorldwide sales network –CAEN offices in Italy, Germany, USA –Agents in more than 30 countries

5 Milestones 1979: established in Viareggio by a group of senior engineers from INFN 1986: first HV power supply system (mod. SY127) 1990: appointed Research Laboratory by ministerial decree 1991: CAEN introduces the VME standard to the market through CEA/Saclay 1994: CAEN Microelectronics spin-off 1996: CAEN Aerospace spin-off 1997: UNI EN ISO 9001 quality certification 2001: UNI EN ISO 9001: Vision 2000 2003: CAEN RFID spin-off 2005: CAEN Technologies Inc., a CAEN branch company in the US 2006: CAEN GmbH, A CAEN branch company in Germany 2009: CERN LHC: CMS Crystal Award of the year 2009 2010: CAEN ELS spin-off 2011: New Systems and Spectroscopy division

6 Industrial capability Scientific “Know-how” CAENels CAENels is a spin-off of CAEN, dedicated to particle accelerator facilities: - ELETTRA experience in the development for accelerators and beamlines; - CAEN industrial capability and production quality. March 27 th Product Lines - digital bipolar magnet power supplies - SY2604 low-cost system (±5A); - SY3634 heterogeneous system (±5A, ±10A, ±20A and ±30A); - SY3662 system (±60A); - PS120050 unit (120A). - picoammeters (charge-integration or transimpedance, down to fA resolution) E-mail:

7 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited For 30 years CAEN has been providing Scientists and Engineers with the most advanced electronic instrumentation for any particle or radiation detectors Strong of an extremely close collaboration with the world major research laboratories CAEN is proud to produce the best tools for: –High Energy Physics –Nuclear Physics –Neutrino Physics –Astrophysics –Dark Matter Investigation –Educational –Medical Applications –Homeland Security –Industrial Applications –and more … Electronic Instrumentation CAEN Tools for Discovery

8 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited SiPM Kits CAEN today introduces 2 kits dedicated to the SiPM:  The EVALUATION Kit  The EDUCATIONAL Kit

9 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited The EVALUATION Kit 2 Channels, 12 bit, 250 MS/s Digitizer (DT5720A) with DPP-CI (Charge Integration) firmware 2 Channels Power Supply and Amplication Unit with variable amplification gain up to 50 dB providing sensor bias with gain stabilization Ultra-fast LED Driver with Violet (405 nm) LED for SiPM Test 1 Mechanical adapter supporting a Hamamatsu SiPM 1x1 mm2 model 100C (100 pixel) 1 Mechanical adapter supporting a Hamamatsu SiPM 1x1 mm2 model 25C (1600 pixel) 1 Mechanical adapter without sensor for an easy SiPM mounting and test The EVALUATION kit is designed to test and characterize the sensors before starting to work on a specific application. This Kit Includes:

10 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited The EDUCATIONAL Kit 2 Channels, 12 bit, 250 MS/s Digitizer (DT5720A) with DPP-CI firmware 2 Channels Power Supply and Amplication Unit with variable amplification gain up to 50 dB providing sensor bias with gain stabilization 2 Mechanical adapter supporting a Hamamatsu SiPM 1x1 mm2 model 100C (100 pixel) Ultra-fast LED Driver with Violet (405 nm) LED for SiPM Test Mini Spectrometer with Hamamatsu SiPM 3x3 mm2 model 100C (100 pixel) with 3 different scintillating crystals (LYSO, BGO, CsI) Scintillating Tile for beta spectroscopy and cosmic rays detection The EDUCATIONAL kit has been studied for educational purposes and it allows the students to perform several laboratory experiences. This Kit Includes:

11 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited Customers and Market Customer Portfolio: more than 1000 (CAEN SpA) Includes world leading research centres : –Europe: CERN, INFN, GSI,DESY, ESO, ISIS, Ganil, Saclay, PSI, … –USA: FNAL, SLAC, Los Alamos, BNL, JLab, … –Asia: J-Park, KEK, Riken, IHEP, TIFR, … –Africa: iThemba Labs, … and private companies –GE, Siemens, SAIC, L3, Raytheon, Lockheed …

12 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited Key Strengths-1 R&D Division at the forefront of technology (26 designers) Ongoing collaborations with important institutes (Elettra, IN2P3(LAL,IRES..), PSI, INFN..)

13 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited Key Strengths-2 Excellent pre- and post-sales support Staff:10 specialized technicians

14 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited Key Strengths-3 Assembly Outsourced In-House Calibration and Test Staff:26 people taking care of all the production chain from purchasing of raw material to final test

15 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited Key Strengths-4 Flexibility and capability of facing new markets and new products (Spin-offs) CAENSSp CAENels

16 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited Key Strengths-5 Capable of providing custom solutions Hostile Area projects (LHC and ALMA)

17 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited Key Strengths-6 Last but not least..Quality Certification!

18 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited HV and LV Power Supplies for radiation and Low Light Sensors –Multichannel CAEN Systems –Multichannel NIM and VME Modules Signal Conditioning & Read-out Electronics –Preamplifiers –NIM, CAMAC, PCIe, USB2.0 and VME Front- End/Data Acquisition Modules Powered Crates and Chassis –Low Ripple Linear NIM powered Crates –New Hi-End VME64/VME64x Crates Custom Developments Educational Tools CAEN Portfolio

19 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited CAEN catalog includes more than 250 products 20% of CAEN SpA production is Custom designed CAEN Portfolio-2

20 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited CAEN & LHC Experiments 1998 – 2008 SYNERGY for SUCCESS 10 years of joint efforts to achieve top performances 6.500 electronic units delivered –190.000 sub-boards Designed for Hostile Environments –Magnetic Field resistant (up to 5000 Gauss) –Radiation tolerant

21 Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited CAEN & LHC Experiments 1998 – 2008 SYNERGY for SUCCESS CAEN has received the ”CMS Crystal Award of the year 2009” for the development and production of the power system for the CMS Tracker. –Detector subdivided into 1994 Power groups –HV (0  600V) for silicon strip detector –LV (1.25V - 2.5V) for FE electronics –Itot > 15 kA –139 crates / 29 racks / 1200 Power Supply Units

22 CAEN and its Partners/Customers: Winning Synergies CAEN is today open to cooperate and talk about new projects and partnerships!!! Reproduction, transfer, distribution of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without prior written permission of CAEN S.p.A. is prohibited

23 ISO 9001:2000 CERT. N. 9105.CAEN March, 2012

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