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Yum.... My favorite foods. Yum.... My favorite foods.

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Presentation on theme: "Yum.... My favorite foods. Yum.... My favorite foods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yum.... My favorite foods

2 Yum.... My favorite foods

3 Let's pick all of the vegetables

4 Let's pick all of the fruits

5 What are some of your favorite fruits? What are some of your favorite vegetables? Let's make a list of fruits and vegetables. Can we think of English words that go with all of the ABC's?

6 Verbs 1.afford 2.allow 5.sell 6.serve 7.share 8.spend

7 Buying food 1. Where can I find _______? 2. Do you have ______? 3. I’m looking for _______? 4. How much does _______ cost?

8 Talk to me.... A. Excuse me, where can I find the fruits and vegetables? B. Over there, that woman sells mangoes and bananas. A. Okay, I see her, thank you. B. You’re welcome.

9 A. Hello, I would like to buy a couple of mangoes and a bunch of bananas, please. B. Okay. That will be ______ gourdes. Would you like anything else? A. Yes, I’m looking for a small bag of rice. B. I don’t sell rice. Only fruit, but you can buy rice over there. See the man with the cart?

10 A. Okay, I see him, thanks. B. You’re welcome. A. Excuse me, sir. Do you have rice for sale? B. Yes, I have a large bag of rice for sale.

11 A. Oh, no! That bag is too big. I do not want to buy that much rice. B. But it is a very good deal! A. No, I cannot afford that much rice. B. Well, okay, tell me what you can afford then.

12 A. I can only afford to spend __________ gourdes. B. Okay, I will sell you a small bag for _________ gourdes. A. Okay, yes, It’s a deal. B. Will that be all? A. Yes, that’s it. Thank you, good bye. B. Goodbye. Come back next week!

13 Buying Food by Margaret Jameson It’s important for me to buy healthy foods at the market. I have five children, and they eat a lot! I go to the market every week. I buy as many fruits and vegetables as I can afford. The children always want a lot of chips and candy, but I tell them, “fruit is better for you.” I do not allow my children to eat candy every day. I like to eat mangoes but the children’s favorite treat is sweet fig and banana pudding. My youngest son is having a birthday next week, and I will allow him to have a treat. I will buy some figs and bananas. Then I will make a pudding to serve, so we will have a delicious treat for his party. Let's read together

14 Answer Yes or No 1. Margaret Jameson goes to the market every week. 2. She prefers to buy chips and candy. 3. The children always want fruits and vegetables. 4. She allows the children to eat candy every day. 5. She will not allow her children to eat their favorite treat. 6. She likes mangoes. 7. She will make a pudding for her son’s birthday party. Yes or No

15 My mother goes to the market every week and buys as many vegetables and fruits as she can afford. My brother and I would eat candy every day, but she won’t allow that. She makes healthy meals for our family every day. Listen and write

16 Homework: Write 10 sentences using the new vocabulary words. 1.afford 2.allow 5.sell 6.serve 7.share 8.spend

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